Fic: Tangerine Pieces (two of three)

Here’s part two. (I didn’t want to promise it, since I wasn’t sure it would be ready tonight.) Thank you to everyone who’s commented on part one. And thanks again to rabid1st for the beta, and to enigmaticblues for running this fantastic community.

Tangerine Pieces

By: caia
Rating: strong NC-17 for bondage, S&M, and generally smutty premise
Category: Humor/Angst/Porn
Standard disclaimer: The characters aren’t mine, just the story.
Distribution: Please do not repost.
Feedback: Hit me. (Not too hard.)

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Fic: Tangerine Pieces (one of three)

Hiya! My seasonal_spuffy  contribution this round will be an AU S7 BDSM comedy! … Wait, where are you going?

In all seriousness, I’m actually quite apprehensive about this one. It’s the first real pr0n I’ve posted, and because I’m apparently a masochist too, I had to bring in potentially touchy issues along with non-vanilla sex. Anyone who is totally horrified by the idea of a post-S6 Spike/Buffy bondage fic might want to skip it. (Those who are only slightly horrified should know I’m right there with you.)

A huge thank you to my wonderful beta rabid1st  for the kind reassurance and stern corrections.

In this alternate S7, Spike is back, souled, and has been helping out the Scoobies; there’s no First Evil making him crazy.

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Southern Comfort – 5/10

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series Southern Comfort

Title: Southern Comfort
Author: Holly (
Timeline: Following Graduation Part II. Summer before Season 4
Summary: A rampaging demon sends Buffy down south, where she finds help from a most unexpected source.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Explicit sex, language
Genres: Romance, Comedy, Drama, Action
Disclaimer: The characters herein are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. They are being used out of respect and admiration, and not for the sake of profit. No copyright infringement is intended.
Distribution: The usual suspects can go ahead and take it; you know who you are. To the unusual suspects: if you like what you see and want it on your archive, just let me know where it’s going.

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Southern Comfort – 1/10

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Southern Comfort

Title: Southern Comfort
Author: Holly (
Timeline: Following Graduation Part II. Summer before Season 4
Summary: A rampaging demon sends Buffy down south, where she finds help from a most unexpected source.
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Explicit sex, language
Genres: Romance, Comedy, Drama, Action
Disclaimer: The characters herein are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. They are being used out of respect and admiration, and not for the sake of profit. No copyright infringement is intended.
Distribution: The usual suspects can go ahead and take it; you know who you are. To the unusual suspects: if you like what you see and want it on your archive, just let me know where it’s going.

Author’s Note: I have had more fun writing this than anything in quite a long time, and I can’t wait to see what you guys think. It’s dedicated my best friend in the world, therealmccoy1, without whom the story would not exist. My thanks to her, megan_peta, elizabuffy, dusty273, and spikeslovebite for betaing this. I’ll post the first five parts throughout the day; the rest will be posted upon completion at archives I’ll list at the end of Part 5.

Thank you for reading! 

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Fic – Nocturnal Emissions – First of several chapters

This entry is part 1 of 11 in the series Nocturnal Emissions

Fic: Nocturnal Emissions

Author: Miss Murchison

Rating: NC-17

Summary: Buffy thinks Spike has a problem. Spike thinks Buffy is jealous and needs a nap. As you can tell from the title, I have not been guilty of good taste.

No familiarity with the previous stories is needed, but this is set in the same ‘verse as Cubed, What’s in a Name?, If it’s Tuesday, this must be Sunnydale, and Giftless.

This is an alternative Season 6 where there is no angst. Assume Buffy didn’t die at the end of Season 5, or, if she did, she was glad to get back. Don’t go looking for any huge problems among the canon characters. They’re not there, although all is not sweetness and light. Which is good, because we all know how bad light is for Spike.

Length of completed story: About 9,000 words

Thanks: To my wonderful betas, keswindhover and revdorothyl, to enigmaticblues for the comm, and to my family for leaving me alone long enough to finish this story. Maybe they’ll repeat the favor so I can finally enjoy the other entries from this round.

Disclaimer: All characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. Only the lame plots and dialogue herein are mine.  Continue Reading