FIC: Wounded Hearts ~PG-15 (1/9)

This entry is part 1 of 9 in the series Wounded Hearts

As I suspected might happen, I very nearly forgot to post this today. Thanks to framefolly, however, I did not. It just goes to show that seasonal_spuffy is a team sport. This particular story is complete in 9 chapters, and I’ll be getting them up as quick as I can.

Wounded Hearts
Author: enigmaticblue
Rating: PG-15
Disclaimer: These characters aren’t mine. If they were, they really would have received a happy ending, and I wouldn’t be writing fanfiction.
Summary: In the time between sleeping and waking, Buffy dreams of what might have been. Dawn attempts to make the dream a reality.
A/N: Written for the Spring 2009 seasonal_spuffy round. Many thanks to my beta, ayinhara, and to szandara, without whom this wouldn’t have been written.

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Fic: Letter to Me

My day for seasonal_spuffy!

Unfortunately, I overloaded myself on commitments this month, and didn’t get done nearly the amount of writing I wanted to for this round. (Not to mention that I went and renewed my love affair with a different pairing.) Still, I did manage to finish this, though I completely fail at the poetry. Still, it was inspired by a song… ^^;;

Many thanks to enigmaticblues for hosting another round!

Title: Letter to Me
Author: randi (randi2204)

Rating: PG
Warnings: Angst, mostly. Mention of past character death; see notes below.
Notes: Set mostly post-Chosen, and completely discounting pretty much anything in the comic-verse.
Summary: The letter really was a time capsule, just like it said in the note… It just wasn’t really what Buffy expected.

Disclaimer: It all belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, not me.  *big sigh*

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Fic: This Town in the Rain

Title: This Town in the Rain
Author: Appomattoxco
Summary: A slice of time in happy AU where Spike/Buffy and Giles/Anya are established couples.
Rating: T Lots of innuendo but not much else.
Authors note: Giles’ opinion of US vs. UK weather comes from something an English tourist told me. When Stephen Fry said almost the same thing on a show, I thought I’d give the lines to Giles.

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The Shakespeare Code

Title: The Shakespeare Code
Pairing: Spuffy, obviously!
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: They belong to the all mighty Joss, not me. *is sad*
Author’s note: It’s my posting day! Looks like I’m getting this in just under the wire. This is my first ever Spuffy fic, so I’m prepared for the “It’s rubbish!” reviews. I’m not even sure how I feel about it. It might indeed be rubbish. :-) Thanks to enigmatic_blue for running this! This was fun. Enjoy! Oh, and bonus points if you can tell where the title comes from! :)

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Fic: Just the Once

Greetings, all! I have a little fic to share with you, and it looks like I’m getting it in just under the wire. This is a light-hearted and angst-free bit of silliness.

Title: Just the Once
Rating: R, for some naughtiness
Summary: Buffy and Spike play a drinking game, and secrets come out. Post-series.

Note: The main pairing is B/S, but it contains mention of past m/m and f/f relationships.

Thank you, enigmaticbluesContinue Reading


Title: Primal
Author: Pfeifferpack
Medium: fanfic
Rating: PG
Setting: Post NFA
Summary: Yup, it’s a reunion fic. All the Scoobies have an idea of how it’s going to go, but who really knows Buffy well enough to be certain?
Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not belong to me and are being used for amusement purposes only. All rights remain with Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the original writers of the episodes, books and other licensed products connected to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, particularly Twentieth Century Fox, WB, CW and UPN, all rights reserved.

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Fic: “Every Now and Then (1/3)” by Quinara.

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Every Now and Then

Me again! Thanks so much for everyone’s comments so far – as you might be able to tell by the time stamp it’s been a bit touch and go getting this other fic ready under the deadline, which is why I haven’t replied yet. Hopefully you’ll like this one too. :)

Title: Every Now and Then
Author: Quinara
Rating: PG-13/R
Word Count: 13,935
Summary: When Spike goes missing Buffy is forced to remember things she’d rather have left forgotten.
Author’s Notes: This takes place quite a way in the future, in the same universe as another fic I wrote,What a Way to Make a Living (there may be a title-theme of early 80s cheese…). But to understand this fic, all you should need to know is that Buffy works in a school by day while Spike and Illyria fight crime, buddy-cop style, by night. There’s again a bit of comics influence, but really not very much. Insane levels of thanks to bogwitch for doing me a beta – it should now be pretty unrecognisable from when she first saw it. :P Yet more thanks for enigmaticblues, because I swear seasonal_spuffy brings out the best in me.

Warnings: None (I would say)

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Fic: “I Thrice Presented Him a Kingly Crown (1/2)” by Quinara.


It’s just past 1AM at the beginning of my day, but I’ve got another fic (hopefully) coming after this one that I won’t be able to post until the afternoon/evening, so I’m getting this out there now! I’m a little annoyed it won’t all fit in one entry…

Title: I Thrice Presented Him a Kingly Crown
Author: Quinara
Rating: PG-13/R
Word Count: 11,314
Summary: Spike and Buffy get stuck in ancient history.
Author’s Notes: This takes place post-series, with a few comics-influenced touches. I’d be wary of saying it works with comics canon, simply because I haven’t read them that closely and this goes beyond their ending. Massive thanks go to gillo for beta-ing this for me, and for inspiring me to find a Shakespearean title for the whole thing. Thanks also to enigmaticblues for organising everything again!

Warnings: Graphic violence, consent/agency issues

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Fic: Lawful Impediment (2/2)

Author: spikesdeb
Rating: PG
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Season: Post-series. It’s four years after the Hellmouth imploded, and Buffy’s moving on, or so her friends think. But if you’re about to say your vows and the man at your side isn’t the man you’re thinking of, surely somebody should stand up and say something? Wonder who that will be…

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Fic: Lawful Impediment (1/2)

Author: spikesdeb
Rating: PG
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Season: Post-series. It’s four years after the Hellmouth imploded, and Buffy’s moving on, or so her friends think. But if you’re about to say your vows and the man at your side isn’t the man you’re thinking of, surely somebody should stand up and say something? Wonder who that will be…

Many thanks to seductivembrace for her prompt and efficient tidying up of this story so that it’s fit to read. Any errors are mine alone as I fiddle… Thanks also to enigmaticblues for running this community and giving me the opportunity to keep the Spuffy alive.

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