Title: Something (4/4)
Rating: R
Summary: What if Spike hadn’t died in “Chosen”? How would their relationship have reached its natural conclusion/consummation? 4000 words.
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, I am making no money, etc.
Author’s Note: I started this fic a very long time ago during the last week of August, and I have been so happy to finally be able to share it today. Thank you so much everyone who’s read and commented. And thank you again to the mods and to all the contributors/readers who make this community so awesome!
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era: post-series
Fic: Something (3/4)
Title: Something (3/4)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What if Spike hadn’t died in “Chosen”? How would their relationship have reached its natural conclusion/consummation? 7000 words.
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, I am making no money, etc.
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Fic: Something (2/4)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What if Spike hadn’t died in “Chosen”? How would their relationship have reached its natural conclusion/consummation? 7500 words.
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, I am making no money, etc.
Author’s Note: Sorry for how long it took to post this part! I had a midday commitment that went a lot longer than I expected. Thank you everyone who’s read and commented so far!
Fic: Something (1/4)
Title: Something (1/4)
Rating: PG-13
Summary: What if Spike hadn’t died in “Chosen”? How would their relationship have reached its natural conclusion/consummation? 5300 words.
Disclaimer: Characters are not mine, I am making no money, etc.
Author’s Note: There are four chapters to this story, and all will be posted today. Thank you to ladyofthelog and snickfic for taking over the community and keeping it running smoothly!
Fic: Feels Like Heaven
Title: Feels Like Heaven
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13 for Spike’s language.
Word Count: 4,200
Summary: Buffy’s not in a good place. Dawn suspects Spike can help.
Warnings: Angsty angst.
A/N: This is a post-NFA fic in which the events of the S8 comics are obliquely mentioned, but they didn’t actually happen. Clear? Okay then! Beta’d by gillo, but since she took a few whacks at it, I’ve completely rearranged everything, so she can’t be held responsible for any errors. (If you see any, let me know, ‘k?) Also, MiAmor had a few suggestions, and our mods are wonderful. ETA: Banner by me.
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Fic: Grauidus
Title: Grauidus
Author: Lirazel (penny_lane_42)
Medium: Fiction
Rating: PG-13 for Spike’s potty mouth
Timeperiod: post-“Not Fade Away”
Warning: Very non-explicit mpreg
Thanks to: quinara (as usual) for the title, and my betas: snickfic for (subtly! always subtly!) dropping “hints” that I needed to write her mpreg, for getting me to reign back on the internal dialogue, and (as usual) saying, “This really needs an actual arc” (someday I’ll learn how to do that without you telling me I need to!); and angearia for help with Willow-speak and (as usual) writing better dialogue than I can–a good fourth of the dialogue is from her pen. Y’all are so good to me. Thank you!
A/N: This is set in the same universe as Basiare and Infinitas Infinitio Infinitus. It’s not necessary that you read those two, but I think you’d like them! Also, I got started on this too late to give the idea as much of a story as it deserves. But I hope to eventually continue it, though it may be a while. So you can consider this a one-shot if you don’t read WIPs, or if you aren’t bothered by the idea, you can think of it as a prologue to a fic that may be continued at a future date. Cheers!
Summary: “You’re saying this is happening ‘cause I’m too butch and Spike’s a girly girl?”
Fic: Can’t Help But (1/1), Spike/Buffy, R
Author Brutti ma buoni
Title Can’t Help But
Pairing Spike/Buffy
Rating PG, but a little angsty
Words 1600
Prompt for my posting day at Seasonal Spuffy, with a kind of nod to the theme of this season, though it’s not so much a case of ‘madness’ as ‘in need of some support and time to talk’.
A/N This is not an all-human AU. But only one of those in the dialogue knows that.
After the Deluge – Chapter 2
I was 20 minutes late in my time zone, but the kindly mods were kind and let me leave it up.
Chapter Two – Sunshine
After the Deluge – 1
Post-NFA Spuffy, rated possibly R for rude language. (Hey, this is Spike, remember?) More chapters to come later this evening, the rest on free-for-all day.
Comics? What comics? Nuffink to do with me, guvner.
After the Deluge
Chapter One – Storm Clouds
Dance Me to the End of Love
So my first offering is a short-ish fic, and there may be some cheesy fanart to come later, depending on how much Photoshop likes me. So excited to be posting! Thanks so much to the awesome organizers and to the banner-maker :)
Title: Dance Me to the End of Love
Author: ceridweyn_lin
Disclaimer: I own nothing, and none of this is intended for profit.
Length: 1,074 words
Rating: PG-13
Timeline: Post-Chosen. No comic spoilers
Genre: Fluffy angst/Angsty fluf
Summary: They never really tell you how to grieve.
Notes: title shamelessly stolen from Leonard Cohen ^^
Ladies Prefer Blondes
It’s a great honor to open a new round of seasonal_spuffy and I’m happy to be here again! Thank you, ladyofthelog and snickfic, for organizing the event, and thanks to amyxaphania for a wonderful banner! Can’t wait to read everyone else’s stuff.
I’ve got a fic for today. Possibly I’ll post some fanart on free-for-all day.

Banner by fabulously talented sentine (click on the pic for bigger version)
AUTHOR: Moscow Watcher
DISCLAIMER: Characters belong to Joss Whedon. Idea belongs to James Marsters. I own absolutely nothing.
LENGTH: 3,000 words (30 drabbles)
TIMELINE: Post-Chosen. Vague comics spoilers.
GENRE: Comedy, fluff.
SYNOPSIS: A Spuffy reunion without embarassing circumstances? Impossible!
NOTES: Thanks to my wonderful, patient, supportive beta extraordinaire deird1!
Here is the Heart…
This was supposed to be a collaboration between myself and Nmcil. I was supplying the story and text, and she was going to supply images to create a picture story. Because of my intense writer’s block, I didn’t get the complete, final version to Nmcil until the day before our original deadline. So we aimed for the free-day. Until her computer got fried and all the images and other visuals she’d been working on for other stories got eaten. Last night, I got into a minor car accident and wasn’t able to post until now. I am Fail. I apologize, since the root of this lateness was pretty much all my fault.
So, here is my very late contribution to this round of Seasonal Spuffy. My thanks to enigmaticblue, for keeping the community going and inadvertently getting my muse to wake up and not be so dead anymore.
Author: Niamh
Title: Here is the Heart…
Word Count: 2,538 (according to Word Perfect)
This is unbetaed, so all the mistakes are completely, totally 100% mine. I hope you enjoy.
Setting: Post Chosen, Mid Angel Season 5
Title: Superlative
Author: gryfndor_godess
Summary: Who’s the Sexiest Couple in the Scoobies? Buffy and Anya get into an unconventional battle of wills at dinner. Takes place approximately one year after “Not Fade Away,” shortly after Buffy and Spike have officially started dating. One-shot, 1400 words.
Rating: PG-13
Author’s Note: This is insanely silly (but hopefully funny) fluff. And for background information purposes, in my post-NFA verse, Angel and Spike were each given one life as a reward for defeating Wolfram and Hart. Angel chose to bring Cordelia back to life and Spike chose Anya; Willow and Oz are also back together.
Disclaimer: BtVS and all its characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc.
Can We Rest Now?
Title: Can We Rest Now?
Author: gryfndor_godess
Summary: When the gravity of Spike’s death hits Buffy a few hours after “Chosen,” she goes to Willow for comfort and ponders exactly what she meant when she said those three little words. One-shot, 5300 words.
Rated: R for a bit of bad language.
Warnings: Mentions of canon W/K, W/T, and X/A.
Author’s Note: I’ve written a heck of a lot of Buffy fanfic, but I’ve never posted anything online before. When I found this community a few months ago, I fell in love with the concept and knew I had to be a part of it, and I was inspired to write a new one-shot (in going with the theme, I prefer to think of it as Buffy finally uses her head to explain what’s in her heart). Thank you enigmaticblues for creating such a great venue for Spuffy shippers!
Disclaimer: BtVS and all its characters belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc.
Fic: From the Heart (1/1)
Title: From the Heart
Pairing/Characters: Spike/Buffy
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Summary: Just once, could Buffy listen to her heart for a change?
A/N: Thanks to spikesdeb for pretty-ing things up for me. Excuse my post-readthru fiddle, it’s a habit. *sigh* Mistakes are all mine… see anything amiss, whisper in my ear, would ya? Written for seasonal_spuffy.
A/N2: Huge thanks to enigmaticblues for putting this together once again.
The Invitation: Chapter Two
I have two new stories on the go at the moment and couldn’t decide which to share with you, so I decided to post two chapters of each. Subsequent chapters will be posted on my lj so I don’t interfere with posting days here. I hope I hook you in. :-)
Title: The Invitation
Author: mabel_marsters
Rating: PG13 (may progress to NC17)
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Warnings: Mention of Buffy/other – not graphic, foul language.
Betas: seapealsh and dawnofme
Banner: dawnofme
Summary: Years after Sunnydale’s demise, Spike is surprised when an envelope is pushed under his door. He didn’t think any one knew he’d survived the fight in the alley, but the invitation to Buffy’s upcoming wedding tells him otherwise. He knows he should stay away…
Days before her wedding, Buffy spots a familiar face on the street outside her home, but when she starts to go after him, she’s halted by her fiancé. She can’t get Spike out of her mind, and together with Willow, she vows to track him down and find out why he stayed away so long. She knows she should stay away…
The Invitation: Chapter One
I have two new stories on the go at the moment and couldn’t decide which to share with you, so I decided to post two chapters of each. Subsequent chapters will be posted on my lj so I don’t interfere with posting days here. I hope I hook you in. :-)
Title: The Invitation
Author: mabel_marsters
Rating: PG13 (may progress to NC17)
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Warnings: Mention of Buffy/other – not graphic, foul language.
Betas: seapealsh and dawnofme
Banner: dawnofme
Summary: Years after Sunnydale’s demise, Spike is surprised when an envelope is pushed under his door. He didn’t think any one knew he’d survived the fight in the alley, but the invitation to Buffy’s upcoming wedding tells him otherwise. He knows he should stay away…
Days before her wedding, Buffy spots a familiar face on the street outside her home, but when she starts to go after him, she’s halted by her fiancé. She can’t get Spike out of her mind, and together with Willow, she vows to track him down and find out why he stayed away so long. She knows she should stay away…
Disclaimer: I own no part of BTVS. I write for pleasure and not financial gain. No infringement of copyright intended.
Drabble: Play Nice
Third of three morsels, and my day is done!
Title: Play Nice
Author: readerjane
Rating: R
Timeline: This would never happen.
Word count: 100
Disclaimer: Still not mine, alas.
Pairing/Warning: Angel / Buffy / Spike, but mostly Spuffy
The first of my contributions to Seasonal Spuffy…
Fic – “The Heat Death of the Universe”
Title: The Heat Death of the Universe
Author: Maia
Rating: PG for this chapter, later chapters R
Status: Work-in-Progress
Word count for this chapter: 1,838
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Warnings: Bleak and dark, though not completely hopeless…
Summary: 13-year-old Eleanor decides to try to fix her parents’ marriage by doing a spell to turn her father temporarily back into the vampire he was.