Title: Bound by Love
Author: okdeanna
Rating/Warning: PG-13, mild language/suggestiveness
Word Count: 3,804
Medium: Fic
For: Seasonal Spuffy
Theme: The Dance; Love transcends death.
Setting: Post Chosen; Set somewhere in Ats S5 (does not follow comics in the least)
Genre: Reunion Romance
Beta: dusty273 (Thank you SO much for always being there, my friend! You rock!)
Summary: A slayer dream leads Buffy and Spike to a moment eight years in the making…
A/N: Love transcends death. I’ve seen that theme stated before, many times, but I don’t think I fully understood its all-encompassing meaning until writing this story. Love is powerful, so powerful it can transcend death. It can also transcend pain, distance, doubt, fear and an innate sense of duty. It can last a lifetime and beyond it for some lucky enough to live that long. Like Spike. For him, love is the epitome of all things. It’s what he wants most in the world. It’s what he needs most, to find the person to love him as he has loved them. Buffy is that person… and she’s just now figuring it out.
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