This is my last post for the day I wanted to thank itmustbetuesday for hosting this wonderful ficathon and I am enjoying all the marvellous entries and anticipating so many more ^_^.
I am incredibly frustrated in not completing this fic for today as I have loved writing it, but sadly due to ill health over the last few weeks I was scuppered slightly and unable to complete The Chaos Factor in time for posting today – I have nearly finished chapter seven of the fic and I will be posting it on my LJ as well as popping it into my memories section – so if you are interested in following the rest of this fic and Spike and Buffy’s travels across the world chasing Ethan then keep an eye out on my LJ for updates, I will pop all chapters including future ones into my memories to make is easier to access them ^_^. I will be focusing on this fic and I will finish in one hit over the next couple of weeks.
Thank you so much for all your lovely comments I do hope you have enjoyed the fic so far!