Evidence of a Liaison, A lost (Elf) Memory
Chapter 2
Beta work by Niamh
creator: redwulf50
Evidence of a Liaison, A lost (Elf) Memory
This is a spuffy fic no matter how it may seem at first, though Buffy wonder of wonders has this strange idea of normal and Riley Finn in the beginning.
Betaed by Niamah
And Written By Red Wulfe I own nothing and am making no profits. If I were it would be bad, because this fic is of the suck
Evidence of a Liaison, A lost (Elf) Memory
Fic Valhalla chapter one
Chapter One
March 30, 2004 Los Angelus
Fic: Valhalla Prologue
Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.
Beta by Kargriff who swears she is no beta. So all mistakes are my fault
WHO: Sir William the Bloody and Boudecia the Lionhearted, aka Spike and Buffy
WHAT: Banded Warriors fated to guard Earth and the Heavenly dimensions along with their brethren for all time.
WHEN: 800 years from now, 5 years ago, a week ago last Tuesday
Where: Valhalla
WHY: Because we like you. :P Continue Reading