Author: moscow_watcher
Genre: comedy
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Joss is the boss.
Timeline: Season 9.
Summary: We know that Buffy and her friends were brainwashed in season 5: monks changed their memories. Maybe it wasn’t the first time?
A/N: Many thanks to Reddygirl, my wonderful beta who helped me with grammar and style. All mistakes are mine. And many thanks to the mods for organizing this round and running this awesome community.
Continue Reading
creator: moscow_watcher
Genre: comedy
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Joss is the boss.
Timeline: Alternate season 6, the story takes place in Cordelia’s Birthday-verse.
Summary: Success is the best revenge – isn’t it? Anya gets a brilliant idea, Spike becomes a beauty expert, Buffy is livid with jealosy, Lydia Chalmers updates her thesis, Giles gets useful tips from Ethan Rayne, while Angel, Cordelia and Wesley investigate a couple of cases in Sunnydale.
Written for Seasonal Spuffy.
A/N: Many thanks to deird1, my wonderful beta who helped me with grammar, style and characters voices. All mistakes are mine. And many thanks to abelina, angearia, gillo, ladyofthelog, rebcake and snickfic for organizing this round and running seasonal_spuffy.
In Their Shoes
In Their Shoes
Author: moscow_watcher
Genre: comedy
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Joss is the boss.
Timeline: Season 6. “Once More With Feeling” has ended differently.
Summary: Role-playing games are more effective than a shrink’s couch – at least, in Buffy and Spike’s case.
A/N: Many thanks to deird1, my wonderful beta who helped me with grammar, style and characters voices. All mistakes are mine. And many thanks to abelina, angearia, gillo, ladyofthelog, rebcake and snickfic for organizing this round and running this community.
James Marsters
(found here)
Spuffy fanart
Ladies Prefer Blondes
It’s a great honor to open a new round of seasonal_spuffy and I’m happy to be here again! Thank you, ladyofthelog and snickfic, for organizing the event, and thanks to amyxaphania for a wonderful banner! Can’t wait to read everyone else’s stuff.
I’ve got a fic for today. Possibly I’ll post some fanart on free-for-all day.

Banner by fabulously talented sentine (click on the pic for bigger version)
AUTHOR: Moscow Watcher
DISCLAIMER: Characters belong to Joss Whedon. Idea belongs to James Marsters. I own absolutely nothing.
LENGTH: 3,000 words (30 drabbles)
TIMELINE: Post-Chosen. Vague comics spoilers.
GENRE: Comedy, fluff.
SYNOPSIS: A Spuffy reunion without embarassing circumstances? Impossible!
NOTES: Thanks to my wonderful, patient, supportive beta extraordinaire deird1!
Spuffy manips
Fic: “Shortcut” (3/3) by Moscow_Watcher [R]
Author: moscow_watcher
Part 3. In which our intrepid hero saves the world, dies, resuscitates and finds his destiny.
Genre: comedy
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Joss – everybody but brothers Gorch whom he gakked from Sam Peckinpah’s “The Wild Bunch”.
Timeline: “The Wish”, Cordelia’s alternate reality.
Summary: What if Spike was there too?
Fic: “Shortcut” (2/3) by Moscow_Watcher [R]
Author: moscow_watcher
Part 2. In which our intrepid hero outsmarts the Master, gets a taste of Buffy and acquires a soul.
Genre: comedy
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Joss – everybody but brothers Gorch whom he gakked from Sam Peckinpah’s “The Wild Bunch”.
Timeline: “The Wish”, Cordelia’s alternate reality.
Summary: What if Spike was there too?
Fic: “Shortcut” (1/3) by Moscow_Watcher [R]
Author: moscow_watcher
Part 1. In which our intrepid hero frees Angel, meets Buffy and saves Angel’s soul.
Genre: comedy
Rating: R
Disclaimer: The characters belong to Joss – everybody but brothers Gorch whom he gakked from Sam Peckinpah’s “The Wild Bunch”.
Warning: **A short Buffy/Angel scene in the first chapter.**
Timeline: “The Wish”, Cordelia’s alternate reality.
Summary: What if Spike was there too?
A/N: Many thanks to deird1, my wonderful beta who helped me with grammar and style. All mistakes are mine. Big thanks to a2zmom who helped me with character’ voices, especially Cordelia. And many thanks to enigmaticblues for organizing this event.
Tabula Not Rasa
Title: Tabula Not Rasa
Author: moscow_watcher
Genre: comedy, crack!fic
Rating: R (Characters talk about sex. A lot)
Summary: Post-Tabula Rasa. Xander hasn’t stepped on the memory-wiping crystal, so Willow had to find another way to restore their memories. All their memories.
Disclaimer: They belong to Joss – but he said I could play with them.
Author’s notes: Much thanks to my amazing beta deird1 and to community host enigmaticblues for organizing the event. Continue Reading
She Will Rememer Him?
She Will Rememer Him?
Author: moscow_watcher
Genre: comedy
Rating: R
Disclaimer: Joss is the boss.
Timeline: Alternate season 2.
Summary: As we know, in summer of 2000 monks had rewritten everybody’s memories. What do characters remember about the events of season 2 now?
A/N: Many thanks to deird1, my wonderful beta who helped me with grammar, style and characters voices. All mistakes are mine. And many thanks to enigmaticblues for organizing this event.
Tuesday Bloody Tuesday
Author: moscow_watcher
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Joss is the boss.
Timeline: Post-Intervention.
Summary: To protect Dawn Willow transfers her keyness into Spike. Hijinks ensue.
A/N: Many thanks to reddygirl and
deborahw37 for beta reading and to
enigmaticblues for maintaining this project.
The Side-Effects Of Living On The Hellmouth
Author: moscow_watcher
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Alternate season 2. To control the Hellmouth Mayor gives Spike The Gem of Amarah and sends him to work undercover in Sunnydale High as an English teacher. Hijinks ensue.
Author’s notes: thanks to my wonderful beta reddygirl. You rock, Reddy!
Avis: Paley; naughty smilies; miscellaneous
Happy birthday to enigmaticblues, who maintains this wonderful community!
Today is my posting day at . I made icons and wrote a fic. Here are my icons
Happy Valentine!
It’s already 14-th of February in my time zone – Happy Spuffy Valentine!
Originally posted at
As Time Goes By
Title: As Time Goes By
Author: moscow_watcher
Rating: PG
Summary: New York 1942 becomes a crossroad in time and space where many people meet and find out many interesting things about their future.
Author’s notes: thanks to my wonderful beta reddygirl. You rock, Reddy!
Today is my posting day. I want to thank our wonderful enigmaticblues for organizing the event!
I made avis and wrote a fic for this round. Let’s start wiith avis.
The Day After
Animated Icons
It’s already past midnight in my time zone, so – today is my posting day. I have some avis and a fic. Avis first.
Curtain Call
Curtain Call
by moscow_watcher
Enormous thanks for my beta reddygirl for her help and encouragement.
Timeline: During “Chosen”
Disclamer: Not mine. Helas.