It’s my day, and I brought word truffles! (I hope no one’s allergic.) Shout-outs to missmurchison for encouraging me to sign up and to enigmaticblues for organizing the whole fabulous shebang. Also, a big thank you to Mister Beta for egging me on and to philips for her unerring good judgment. And for coining the phrase “word truffles.” :D
Other parts will be posted shortly, and I’ll have a few from “Tabula Rasa” up a bit later in the day.
13 Spaiku from “Something Blue”
Author: mere_ubu
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Spike and Buffy are not mine. I’m just gonna borrow them for, like, five minutes, mmkay?
A/N: Here are thirteen Spuffycentric haiku snapshots from “Something Blue.” In four parts.
Feedback warms the cockles of my heart. (Heh. I said “cockles.”)