“Something Blue” Spaiku, Part 1: Acrimony

This entry is part 1 of 33 in the series Spaiku

It’s my day, and I brought word truffles! (I hope no one’s allergic.) Shout-outs to missmurchison   for encouraging me to sign up and to enigmaticblues   for organizing the whole fabulous shebang. Also, a big thank you to Mister Beta for egging me on and to philips   for her unerring good judgment. And for coining the phrase “word truffles.” :D

Other parts will be posted shortly, and I’ll have a few from “Tabula Rasa” up a bit later in the day.


13 Spaiku from “Something Blue”
Author: mere_ubu
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Spike and Buffy are not mine. I’m just gonna borrow them for, like, five minutes, mmkay?
A/N: Here are thirteen Spuffycentric haiku snapshots from “Something Blue.” In four parts.
Feedback warms the cockles of my heart. (Heh. I said “cockles.”)

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Crushed Spaiku, Prologue: Dress (1/12)

This entry is part 6 of 33 in the series Spaiku

It’s my turn to cater the all-you-can eat Spuffy buffet (Spuffet?) that has been this wonderful round, and I brought word salad. Kudos to enigmaticblues for being such a gracious hostess and big thank yous as well to Mister Beta for haiku-wrangling and to philips for amoral support.

ETA: The last haiku in Part 8 must have fallen off when I first posted. It’s back now. Also, I now have a spiffy new banner courtesy of the awesome alwaysjbj. Thank you, ma’am!

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“Intervention” Spaiku, Part 1: Intervention (1/16)

This entry is part 18 of 33 in the series Spaiku

Here’s my dish for this Spring’s Spuffy potluck: a heapin’ helpin’ of haiku. (Oh, don’t worry about overeating — you’ll be hungry again in an hour!) I’ll be posting throughout the evening until you’re ready to strangle me midnight so as to space out the spammage a little. Many thanks to enigmaticblues for having us all over again and for being such a gracious hostess. You have a lovely home, dear. Also, gratitude of great magnitude to Mister Beta for his invaluable input and for giving me time to write when there seemed to be none. Thanks as well to rebcake for continued encouragement and the always awesome always_jbj for the beautiful banner.

A Spaiku Intervention
by mere_ubu
Genre: Haiku
Syllable count: 1275
Rating: PG-13 for robotic naughtitude
Disclaimer: Spike and Buffy belong to M.E. and never to me. (Um, except in dreams. Then, they’re, like, totally mine. I won’t lie.)
A/N: Here are some Spuffycentric Spaiku caps from BtVS, S5, “Intervention.” Sixteen parts.
Feedback is more refreshing than a margarita on Cinco de Mayo. ::hiccup::
Dedicated with love to mi amigas herself_nyc and philips, just because.

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