title: everything in its right place
mixer/artist: verity
era: season 7

Lovely Head (Goldfrapp)
“Lessons” finds Spike lost in his own lovely head and surrounded by ghosts of Buffy’s.
Starts in my belly
Then up to my heart
Into my mouth
I can’t keep it shut
I fool myself
To sleep and dream
Nobody is here
No-one but me
So cool
You’re hardly there
Why cant this
Be killing you
Hearts on Fire (Cut Copy)
Searching the sidewalks of Sunnydale in “Beneath You.”
We’re searching for a love alive
We’re drowning in the silence as we walk the night
Your hand is out and brushes mine
A moment that is frozen as we hang in time
With heart on fire I reach out to you tonight
No Fit Shape (Hot Chip)
Spike doesn’t feel like he’s together enough for… anything.
I’m in no fit state, I’m in no fit shape…
To fall in love with you
To make a record of my life
To lose any more than I need
To watch my fingers bleed
To bust my body up
To drink out of your cup
To act a fool in love
Acting hurt’s been tough
Flicking Your Switch (Ladytron)
In “Sleeper,” Buffy chooses to stand by Spike even though she’s caught him killing in cold blood.
9-2-3, 8-1-6
Is the sound of that flicking your switch
8-1-5, 9-1-4
Does this mean you don’t trust me anymore?
Does this mean you don’t trust me anymore?
Believing is Art (Spoon)
Spike in captivity.
This is a call yeah it might be a call
And the world is alright and alright
Taking your time and I’m standing on line
It depends and it comes back again
They’ve got my number they’ve got me alright
They know my number they’ve got me alright
Think about it a while
The end ain’t that bad
Take out the trash with one hand
It falls apart like a band
Just hold on to it tight
Everything in Its Right Place (Radiohead)
Buffy brings Spike home at the end of “Showtime.”
Everything in its right place
In its right place
In its right place
Right place
There are two colours in my head
There are two colours in my head
What, what is that you tried to say?
What, what was that you tried to say?
Tried to say
Tried to say
Tried to say
Tried to say
Everything in its right place…
Do You Realize?? (The Flaming Lips)
Do you realize
That you have the most beautiful face?
Do you realize
We’re floating in space?
Do you realize
That happiness makes you cry?
Do you realize
That everyone you know someday will die?
And instead of saying all of your goodbyes
Let them know you realize that life goes fast
It’s hard to make the good things last
You realize the sun doesn’t go down
It’s just an illusion caused by the world spinning round
Phoenix Song (Harry and the Potters)
There’s basically no more sweeping, epic, powerful, emotionally stirring going-into-battle song that exists.
If only Buffy’s motivational speeches were this good, right?
These are times
When we will fight
Together side by side
To stop the rise of evil in our times
And it won’t be over ’til it’s over
No it’s we who will decide
When to stop the fight and get on with our lives
No it won’t be over ’til it’s over
Yes it’s we who will decide
That it won’t be over
Unless we have all died
I Hate Seagulls (Kate Nash)
What happens after “Chosen.” :)
It’s been a while and now your smile is almost like a memory
But then you’re back and I am fine ’cause you’re with me
And I’m in love with you
And I can’t find the words to make it sound unique
But honestly you make me strong
I can’t believe I’ve found someone this kind
I hope we carry on
’cause you’re so nice and I’m in love with you
I Am Not a Robot (Marina and the Diamonds)
Because, yeah. This.
You’ve been acting awful tough lately
Smoking a lot of cigarettes lately
But inside, you’re just a little baby
It’s okay to say you’ve got a weak spot
You don’t always have to be on top
Better to be hated than love, love, loved for what you’re not
You’re vulnerable, you’re vulnerable
You are not a robot
You’re lovable, so lovable
But you’re just troubled
Guess what?
I’m not a robot, a robot
Guess what?
I’m not a robot, a robot
Originally posted at https://seasonal-spuffy.dreamwidth.org/316663.html