Title: Calliope Unsheathed
Author: eurydice72
Era/season/setting: Set between S4 and S5, canon divergent AU
Rating: Eventually NC17, but only R for language and violence for what gets posted here
Summary: When a carnival comes to town, Spike gets wind of a plot that doesn’t sound good for Sunnydale…or the Slayer.
Warnings: None
Author’s Note: This is my first Seasonal Spuffy in YEARS so to say I’m nervous is an understatement. I went for something comfortable for me which means adventure time for Spike and Buffy. I had originally hoped to have five chapters to post today, but it looks like it’s only going to be three at most. Those will come later today. My outline for this puts it at 12 chapters, though I reserve the right to have that change if the story decides to take its own path. :)
Fic: Carnival Dream
Title: Carnival Dream (Anywhere But Here)
Author: the_wiggins
Era/season/setting: Season 2, canon divergent AU
Rating: M
Warnings: swearing, some violence, reference to the fact that Spike and Dru are still technically together, and I guess there is one minor reference to cannibalism too
Author’s Note: This can be read on it’s own, but is a continuation of Anywhere But Here, a story I originally wrote for the Seasonal Spuffy Spring Equinox event. It was meant to be a one-shot but is now going to be a longer fic. The revised version of that first chapter can be found on AO3 and EF.
My day
So, it’s my day at Seasonal Spuffy and I have a short offering that isn’t really a chapter in my current wip, but it could easily slide into that world pretty much anywhere during the current year. Spike and Buffy visit an unusual carnival so that he can visit with someone he used to know.

Banner by Teragramm
“Tell me again why we’re going to this carnival tonight? When I’ve got annoying nerds to deal with and a class tomorrow?”
Fic: Those Were The Days Of Our Lives (1/?)
Title: Those Were The Days Of Our Lives
Author: flow
Era/season/setting: AtS5/BtVS4
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Spike is prepared to die in the battle behind the Hyperion Hotel. But someone else decides to send him back in time …
A/N: Thanks to everyone at buffyforums.net, Elysian Fields and Seasonal Spuffy who inspired and encouraged me to start writing this story. A very special and heartfelt thanks to my fantastic betas Stoney and GoSpuffy. I couldn`t have done it without you. If there is anything good at all about this story it is owed to you. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer: All belongs to JW and ME.
Dark Carnival – Shimmer
Sorry to make you wait so long – hopefully my (short) new fic is worth it!
Shimmer – Things that live on the edge of dark
Fic: Anywhere But Here
Title: Anywhere But Here
Author: the_wiggins
Season/Era: A Season 2 that veered sharply from canon around “Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered.” Set shortly after that episode.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Spike/Dru (at least nominally), referenced physical and psychological torture (none of which actually happens during the course of the story), vamp!Buffy, suicidal ideation, and canon typical ableism
Word Count: 8,163
Summary: Buffy’s the reason Spike’s miserable, the reason he’s in the chair, the reason Angelus is soulless and sleeping with Spike’s girlfriend. But at the moment, she’s also the only person he can really talk to. Shared unhappiness is bringing them closer, but is there anything more to it than that?
Author’s Note: This was originally started for the Night and Day round of Seasonal Spuffy, but I wasn’t able to finish it at the time. Thanks so much to thenewbuzwuzz for her exemplary service as beta! Any remaining errors are, of course, my own and conscrit is always enthusiastically welcomed.
Also, just a heads up if my summary and warnings don’t make it clear, this fic definitely deals with dark themes. But this is a fic about people bonding in difficult circumstances and is ultimately more or less hopeful in its outlook. I hope to eventually continue this story, but for now this is meant to work reasonably well as a stand alone.
Fic: Ostara Blessings
Title: Ostara Blessings
Author: fancyflautist
Era/season/setting: S6/S7
Rating: PG (minor language)
Summary: Willow enlists the help of the Scoobies for a big abundance ritual for Ostara. Meanwhile, Buffy is trying to push forward in her relationship with Spike. Featuring grass facts, a hell-bunny, and an original Wiccan ritual!
Whac-A-Mole Drabble
I’ve been working on a longer fic and haven’t had time to come up with anything for the Free Day, so this is a short little fun scene from the longer fic I’m working on that you might enjoy.
Title: Whac-a-Mole (I don’t have a definate title for the whole fic yet)
Author: Passion4Spike
Era/Season: Post NFA — Spike still a vampire, Buffy still a Slayer
Rating: PG (language)
Setup: Spike and Buffy are at the arcade on Santa Monica Pier on their first offical ‘date’ after reconnecting post NFA.
Narrative poem: Haikus Illegal in Several States
Title: Haikus Illegal in Several States
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Setting: Something Blue
Rating: rated R for language, smut-adjacent crack, and illegal activities
Word Count: around 500.
I’ve wanted to write this concept since 2016.
It’s a Hidden Gems Secret Santa gift for stuffnonsense, who asked for a series of interconnected haiku.
I set my string of Spuffy haiku in Something Blue, because it’s not like that has been done before, in this very community, excellently.
Many thanks to the_wiggins for awesome beta help!
Fic: Closer to Heaven Chapter 1 of 3
Title: Closer to Heaven
Author: Passion4Spike
Season/Setting: Season 6, The day after ‘Once More with Feeling’
Rating: NC17 (NSFW applies to later chapters which are not done yet — check on EF later for them)
Inspired by: The wonderful banner done by pfeifferpack during the Road Trip SS round 25
Summary: Buffy had kissed him. All ‘Gone With The Wind’, with the rising music, and the rising … everything. And then she’d pulled away, the singing demon’s spell apparently broken. Spike had released her, not willingly, but he knew he couldn’t hold her. What had that meant? That kiss? He had to find out, but he had to be smart about this. Not just run in in a billow of smoke and demand answers. That wouldn’t do at all. He needed a plan. A good plan. This was too important to bugger up.
Fic: Secret Santa (part two)
Title: Secret Santa
Author: SpindleKitten
Era/season/setting: Season 6
Rating: G
Summary: Sequel to my November SS entry Miracle Bug. Spike tries to bring some Christmas cheer to the Summers household.
This is an entry for the Hidden Gems Holiday Event, for the prompt by Ellie Rose McKee:
“I would like a Spuffy one shot that’s just some nice seasonal fluff.”
A/N Thank you to my beta, Badwolfjedi.
Fic: Secret Santa (part one)
Title: Secret Santa
Author: SpindleKitten
Era/season/setting: Season 6
Rating: G
Summary: Sequel to my November SS entry Miracle Bug. Spike tries to bring some Christmas cheer to the Summers household.
This is an entry for the Hidden Gems Holiday Event, for the prompt by Ellie Rose McKee:
“I would like a Spuffy one shot that’s just some nice seasonal fluff.”
A/N Thank you to my beta, Badwolfjedi.
Fic: We Will Drive Through the Fire
Title: We Will Drive Through the Fire
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13
Word count: 3450
Genre: Domestic holiday doings
Summary: It’s Thanksgiving, so Buffy and Spike pack up the kids and head to Grandpa’s.
A/N: Although it’s not necessary to read the previous stories, this is the next installment in the Ring On It ‘Verse series. It began with a small wardrobe change on the morning of the final battle of the Hellmouth, and led to an un-sought-for transformation, namely that Spike has a heartbeat. AU from Chosen. The whole series can be found here on AO3. Previous seasonal_spuffy posts are With This Ring, Under My Skin Prologue, Under My Skin, and Anniversaries Aren’t For Quitters.
More A/N: This is more unbeta’d than usual, so let me know if you notice anything weird. Might meander a bit. Also: based on this year’s California Fire Trauma.
Poem – She Rides With Him
Title: She Rides With Him
Author: the_wiggins
Era/season/setting: In between seasons 5 and 6. Shortly after The Gift.
Rating: T
Warnings: Suicidal ideation/sorta attempt, car crash. (No depictions of character death.)
Author’s Note: My first fanfic poem. Would never have thought to do it if it weren’t for thenewbuzwuzz‘s influence and all of her wonderful work promoting BTVS poetry. And thank you so much Buzwuzz for agreeing to beta on such short notice! You are a treasure. <3
This was initially intended to be one of those “X number of times this thing didn’t actually happen and one time it did” kinda things. Except that one of the sections just kinda took over and next thing I knew it was the whole poem and way longer than I’d entended the combined 5 sections to be in the first place. Of course it was also the most angsty by far. But despite the angst, I don’t think it’s entirely grim. I hope you all like it!
Conscrit is always welcome.
Fic: Route 666 (3 of ??? PARTIAL)
Title: Route 666
Author: bewildered
Era/season/setting: Post-series (immediately post-NFA)
Rating: R for language, sexual situations
Summary: Lorne needs to get out of LA. Spike has a car and no reason to stay. Can this Odd Couple survive the road trip from hell? And will Buffy ever catch up?
Takes place after Not Fade Away, comics do not exist. Rated R for foul language and sexual situations.
Fic: Driving Till Dawn (1/1)
Title: Driving Till Dawn
Author: PrettyPoppy
Era/season/setting: Season 6, between “All the Way” and “Once More, With Feeling”
Rating: G
Summary: When Dawn goes missing, Spike and Buffy take a road trip to find her.
Author’s Notes: This is not the spuffiest of Spuffy fics I’ve ever written, but I think there’s enough spuffiness in there to count. Dawn kind of got in the way a little, but then, doesn’t she always?
The Couple that RoadTrips Together (7/7)
Part 7
At the first empty rest stop Buffy and Spike across outside of Baton Rouge, they’d parked and made love in the car this time. He’d pushed his seat all the way back, the air conditioning cradling them in a cool breeze, and she’d eagerly climbed atop to ride him, starting with slow, tender intensity and building speed until the car was moving with them and they were both satisfied.
The Couple that RoadTrips Together (6/7)
Part 6
With her face a mask of concentration, Buffy rummaged around in her suitcase, hunting for her gift for Spike. She should have put it somewhere easier to retrieve. Damn it.
The Couple that RoadTrips Together (5/7)
Part 5
Buffy happily hummed along with Mariah Carey’s, “All I Want for Christmas.” She had managed to finagle control of the radio again and also managed to find another Christmas station in Louisiana. It was her way of stopping herself from dwelling on the fact that Spike was driving almost ninety miles an hour. His excuse was that he was staying with the traffic and making up for time lost on her breaks.
The Couple that RoadTrips Together (4/7)
Part 4
Somewhere just past Houston the next night, they stopped at a Waffle House. Buffy had been seeing the signs at random rest stops, and with each one they passed, her stomach became a little more adamant. She’d had a burger from Whataburger when they got back on the road that evening, but now, it was lunchtime. (Was it really called lunch if it was the middle of the night and they were having breakfast-type food?)