Did You Ever Know – Chapter 2

This entry is part 2 of 5 in the series Did You Ever Know

Title: Did You Ever Know
Author: violettapirateq
Era/season/setting: Season 4, post-Something Blue
Rating: PG

The torches on the walls continued as Buffy entered the first cavernous room. They only cast a dim glow, but they were bright enough for Buffy to see a door at the other end of the room with something that looked like a scoreboard above it. One of those really old school ones that baseball stadiums used to have in like the 50s… or whatever time period hadn’t had electricity yet.

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Did You Ever Know – Chapter 1

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Did You Ever Know

Title: Did You Ever Know
Author: violettapirateq
Era/season/setting: Season 4, post-Something Blue
Rating: PG

Does anyone know how and when Spike and the Scoobies actually find out that the Initiative gave Spike a chip? In “Something Blue” he’s still calling it a spell, and I don’t recall a scene where Riley sits down with him and explains everything. With that in mind, writing a story and NOT referring to it as chip was difficult, let me tell you.

Thanks to everyone who said they were excited to see this, that made me happy!! Like my other entry this is pretty fluffy, somewhat angsty, but also just a quick little Spuffy adventure that probably shouldn’t be taken all that seriously. Thanks for reading!

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We’ve Got To Stop Meeting Like This

Title: We’ve Got To Stop Meeting Like This
Author: slaymesoftly
Era: AU season four
Rating: Probably R
No warnings, beta by all4spike
Not complete yet – will probably have to link to my own journal for the remainder if I don’t get it up by tonight.
Summary: This story continues in the AU world created in P.S. You Suck, and continued in Friendly Enemies. Both were Seasonal Spuffy entries for the past few seasons, so this is a follow up for this spring season. It’s been a progression from enemies who’d had a truce and communicated through the US mail, to much friendlier enemies when one shows up to assist Buffy (if she needs it!) with her Cruciamentum, to even friendlier enemies who’ve become pen pals who exchange the occasional phone call. Spike is now someone Joyce trusts to have Buffy’s back if/when she needs it.

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Epilogue to And I Still Do (Love You)

Today’s post is the Epilogue to my last story in the I Would Still Have Loved You Series. The cereal scene is an Easter egg for a small group and a discussion on the EF FB page some time ago. They know who they are….

I hope to have a new fic finished in time to post on one of the Free-For-All days, but we’ll see…. Meanwhile, here’s a little wrap-up for And I Still Do (Love You).

Title: Epilogue to AISD(LY)
Author: Slaymesoftly
Form: Ficc
Rating: strong R

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The Vampire’s Gambit

I really like challanges and prompts, so if there’s a specific theme for something, I want to run all the way with it. Unfortunately the initial “Truth or Dare” story I came up with ended up being…several chapters long, and sorta on the very unfinished side, and so I went with this completely different (obnoxiously fluffy) one-shot instead. But I do still want to post my first thing, so, be ready for me to clog the feed around the free-for-all days!

Title: The Vampire’s Gambit
Author/creator: violettapirateq
Era/season/setting: Mid-Season 6 (Wrecked, specifically)
Rating: PGThe book Spike reads from is Harry Potter and the Sorcerer’s Stone. :P

Thanks for reading! Super excited to do this for the first time!

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The Book

Title:  The Book
Author: PricelessSpike
Era/season/setting: Post Season 12
Rating: PG-13
Summary:  Spike and Buffy have ended their relationship and are living separate lives. They bump into each other in London, where Spike is on a mission. Some knowledge of the DH comics would be helpful.

I originally wrote this scene from Buffy’s pov, and my lovely beta @Stoney helped knock it into some sort of shape. But then I realised that it should have been Spike’s pov. So I have written two versions.  Spike’s section hasn’t been beta’d so all mistakes are my own. Hope it’s not too dull reading the same scene twice.

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Living the Dream

Title: Living the Dream
Author: Holly
Era/season/setting: AU Season 5, set in the Paraverse
Rating: R
Warnings: language, Buffy/Other, emotional infidelity, sexual content
Summary: There were few things in this world she could count on, but somehow Spike had become one of them.

Story Notes: This takes place in the Paraverse, an AU in which Angel never turned back the clock in IWRY and he and Buffy got married. It is Spuffy, I promise. Other installments include Almost Paradise and Lost, both WIPs but updated on a weekly basis at Elysian FieldsNo previous knowledge of either fic is needed as this takes place before either of them.

Acknowledgments: Thank you so much to bewildered, Niamh, and Kimmie Winchester for betaing, and to kats_meow for the gorgeous banner.

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Still Inside (part 2 of 2)

Title: Still Inside
Author: MaggieLaFey
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Fetish, BDSM, violence, sexual situations
Word count: ~10k
Setting: Post-s10 established relationship (no comics knowledge needed)
Summary: Spike and Buffy have been happily together for a couple of years and have been magically locked into a sex store. What to do but have a very porny kinkfest?

Read part 1

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Fic: Still Inside (part 1 of 2)

Title: Still Inside
Author: MaggieLaFey
Rating: NC-17
Warnings: Fetish, BDSM, violence, sexual situations
Word count: ~10k
Setting: Post-s10 established relationship (no comics knowledge needed)
Summary: Spike and Buffy have been happily together for a couple of years and have been magically locked into a sex store. What to do but have a very porny kinkfest?
Author’s note: LJ hates me, so I’m trying to post this in 2 parts. Let’s hope for the best.
They’re not needed to enjoy this but, if you’re interested, here are ch. 1 of this story and the first story of this series.
A line here is a homage to the uber-sexy Aloof Rocker Kryptonite by JustTiff. It’s a WIP, but it ends in a good place!
Thanks go to TheDanishBird, Aspasia, and Eurydice for inspiring these stories with their prompts/ideas, to the brilliant Bookishy and Aspasia for beta-reading this, and to the fabulous Pixiecorn for the sexy banner! ♥ Also, I love any kind of feedback, criticism included. Go nuts, if you’re so inclined, and happy reading. >:)

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A Christmas Wish

Title: A Christmas Wish
Author: all_choseny
Era/season/setting: Post-Chosen
Rating: PG-13
Note: This fic was written for sandy_s for the Elysian Fields 2020 Secret Santa Challenge. It was just my luck that I decided to post it on the same day as Seasonal Spuffy’s Winter Soltice Free for All day! This story has been cross-posted to Elysian Fields, AO3, and my journal.
Note 2: This story was inspired by The Family Man, starring Nick Cage

A Christmas Wish

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Fic: Thanks to Spike

I enjoyed visualising our pair trapped in the deeply weird Britain of 2020. This week cultural clashes work both ways, and for the last Free-For-All posting day of this round of seasonal_spuffy I offer a Thanksgiving companion piece to Fireworks

Thanks are due to all the mods (including your humble servant for a while) and contributors who have kept this wonderful event going for fifteen years, and to the lurkers readers and viewers who have made it worthwhile. May you have lots to be actively thankful for in the year to come, and a year containing far fewer apocalypses than 2020 has offered so far.

Title: Thanks to Spike
Author/creator: gillo
Era/season/setting Present day.
Rating: As low as it could be. Positively down-home wholesome.

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Fic: Nothing Is Finished, Chapter 5

This is the last chapter! Please do read Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3 and Chapter 4 before starting this one. I’ll also put the whole thing up on AO3 on (probably) Monday.

Title: Nothing Is Finished, Chapter 5
Author: stuffnonsense / stuffandnonsense
Era/season/setting: Post-Series
Rating: Mature

In Ripples on a Hellmouth, Buffy went back in time seven times to fix her past and stop the world from ending. Each trip back showed her a different ‘present’, until by the end she barely recognised it. But she still ended up with almost everything she’d ever hoped for in a happily ever after.

At least part of that was because of Spike. Just … not the same Spike she found herself married to in 2023. It was a different version of Spike – one who Buffy met in passing in one of her intermediate futures – who made just the one time jump, back seven years in time-travelling-Buffy’s timeline to when Buffy’s husband died.

This is his story.

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Spike Wins the Soul in Kitten Poker: the fridge poem (and banner)

Title: Spike Wins the Soul in Kitten Poker
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Setting: “Life Serial”
Rating: G
Notes: Whoops, it’s late! I started posting this before midnight, I promise…
Major props to maryperk73703  for the irresistible prompt and to the_wiggins  for betaing this thing into the night and gifting me with a stack of thoughtful comments taller than the poem.

Well, I say poem. This feels only borderline poem-y to me, but the poetry magnets made writing simpler in some ways, and I wasn’t going to do sentences.

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Fic: Almost Paradise (1/?)

Title: Almost Paradise
Author: hollydb
Era/Season/Setting: Season 6, during Life Serial
Rating: PG-13 (this chapter; whole fic will be NC-17)
Warnings: Suicidal ideation. There will be some Buffy/other in future installments, but none in this chapter.
Summary: When presented with the opportunity to magically alter the world she lives in, Buffy knows there are a lot of very good reasons why she shouldn’t seize it, but figures things can’t get worse. She’s wrong.

I blame this fic entirely upon the seasonal_spuffy  fairytales-retold theme. It was certainly not my intention to write two Season 6 fics back-to-back, but when I was looking up fairytales that I thought I could work into a plausible Spuffy story, this one leaped out at me, and Season 6 seemed the perfect launch-point. When else would Buffy be this desperate? My goal was also to write something short and sweet, but this theme begged for a longer fic, so you’re stuck with a WIP. Only posting one chapter today, and I have no idea how many are ahead. Find future installments at Elysian Fields and AO3.

Many, many thanks to OffYourBird for helping me brainstorm awfulness. And thanks to bewildered, Kimmie Winchester, Niamh, and Behind Blue Eyes for betaing, as always. Final thanks to W.W. Jacobs.

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Fic: Buffy and Spike do Easy Living

Title: Buffy and Spike Do Easy Living
Author: Jesterlady
Era/season/setting: Probably best read as all human AU, set outside of canon. 1930s New York City.
Rating: PG
Summary: A Spuffy version of the 1937 screwball comedy, Easy Living, Buffy and Spike take the leading roles.
Author’s Note: This will obviously make more sense if you’ve seen the movie, but the point is to enjoy the two of them having some banter and indulging in some classic tropes. Most of the dialogue is from the actual movie, doctored up to sound more like them. Though there’s no specific mention of vampires or Slayers I have tried very hard to make it impossible to say they couldn’t be their normal selves ie Spike is never seen outside in daytime, etc.

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Fic: Queen Buffy & Chief Will, the Bloody

Title: Queen Buffy & Chief Will, the Bloody
Author: JustWriter2
Rated: G
Setting: Pre-England
Author’s Note: This short story just kind of happened after watching Season 4 of The Crown. This tale is set in more ancient times than The Crown‘s modern historical fiction drama. I hope you all enjoy my short story; it has been good practice for another event coming up.
Warnings: All Human AU, Spike/other, Buffy/other
Disclaimer: I don’t own, nor, to my knowledge, am I affiliated with anyone remotely connected with the productions of Buffy, the Vampire Slayer or Angel, the Series. This fic is for fun and not for sale.

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