Don’t faint: After the Deluge

This entry is part 9 of 11 in the series After the Deluge

It’s my day and I’ve been working on my long-moribund fic, After the Deluge. I started it on seasonal_spuffy a mere twelve years ago, and I’m going to finish it here. You might like to refresh your memory of it here.

Quick summary – post NFA, Spike and Buffy have finally met to combat the resurgent First Evil in the Cotswolds – indeed, at the site of the Deeper Well. Rupert Giles has a brother, Oscar, who has not been behaving at all well.

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Polaroid — oneshot in the Camperverse

Title: Polaroid

Author: MrsAkers

Era: between seasons/S6, post “The Gift”, AU

Rating: R (just to be safe)

Genre: lighthearted, angst, hurt/comfort, fluffy

AN: Set in my Camperverse, which includes “What Remains” and “Monongahela,” both of which can be found on EF and A03. Takes place during WR. If you haven’t read these other one-shots, pertinent information is that everyone except Spike and Buffy die in the fight with Glory and Spuffy leaves Sunnydale in grief. 

Summary: Spike gets a Polaroid camera. 

Banner by me. Unbeta’ed, so all mistakes also by me.

Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.

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Dear Friend (3B/3B)

Title:Dear Friend (3B/3B)
Author: JustWriter2
Summary/Teaser: In a tale as old as inked parcels, Buffy writes to a normal penpal she falls for. Except, he’s not normal and she hates him; right?
Era/Season/Setting: late 1990s, early 2000s / ~ Seasons 2 -> 5 / Sunnydale, California
Warnings: some foul language
Rating: PG

AN: Hey! Here’s the second part of the 3rd installment, and the final installment of the tale. I am relieved and glad to have finished a multi-chaptered fic for the first time! This banner was made by the wonderful teragramm. I welcome all constructive criticism from you.
Fic: Dear Friend (1/3B)
Fic: Dear Friend (2/3B)
Fic: Dear Friend (3A/3B)
Disclaimer: I do not have, nor have I ever been in, contact with any of the creators or producers of the television show Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, nor the films, plays, and radio broadcasts which this work is based upon: ParfumerieThe Shop Around the CornerIn the Good Old SummertimeShe Loves Me, and You’ve Got Mail. Some of the lines from these and recognizable scenes and bits of shared dialogue will be played out and paraphrased, but only in tribute and not for anyone’s profit.

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Cuddling With the Darkness – Chapters 9 and 10

Chapters 1 – 3

Chapters 4 – 6

Chapters 7 – 8

Chapters 9 and 10 behind the cut.


After Buffy had eaten something more substantial than toasted waffles, and Spike had drunk another of his rapidly-disappearing packets of pig blood, they settled onto the couch comfortably. Buffy was tucked under his arm and snuggled into his side in a reversal of their normal positions when he was a bat.

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Cuddling With the Darkness – chapters 4, 5, 6

First 3 chapters are here.

Next three chapters behind the cut:


To avoid Joyce’s probing questions about Spike and his crypt, Buffy left soon to go to the Magic Box, where she found Spike and Giles in the training room. Spike was laughing at Giles who was peppering him with questions. He held a clipboard in his hand and was jotting down Spike’s answers as he sputtered them out.

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Cuddling With the Darkness

Title: Cuddling With the Darkness
Author: Slaymesoftly
Era/season/setting: early season five
Rating: Strong R
Special thanks to all4spike, who, in spite of being physically unable to do her usual detail-oriented beta job, was kind enough to read through it to keep me from digging plot holes or leaving out anything important.

Summary/notes: Sparked by the below meme and a subsequent short discussion on EF’s FB page. What if Dracula turned Spike into a bat?

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Dear Friend (3A/3B)

Title:Dear Friend (3A/3B)
Author: JustWriter2
Summary/Teaser: In a tale as old as inked parcels, Buffy writes to a normal penpal she falls for. Except, he’s not normal and she hates him; right?
Era/Season/Setting: late 1990s, early 2000s / ~ Seasons 2 -> 5 / Sunnydale, California
Warnings: some foul language and angst
Rating: PG

AN: Hi all! Here’s the 3rd installment, yet another year later, this time for Walk Through the Fire. This banner was made by the wonderful teragramm. Writing Spike’s angst at the beginning was what was holding me back from posting this Spring during Truth or Dare. I welcome all constructive criticism from you.
Fic: Dear Friend (1/3B)
Fic: Dear Friend (2/3B)
Fic: Dear Friend (3B/3B)
Disclaimer: I do not have, nor have I ever been in, contact with any of the creators or producers of the television show Buffy: the Vampire Slayer, nor the films, plays, and radio broadcasts which this work is based upon: ParfumerieThe Shop Around the CornerIn the Good Old SummertimeShe Loves Me, and You’ve Got Mail. Some of the lines from these and recognizable scenes and bits of shared dialogue will be played out and paraphrased, but only in tribute and not for anyone’s profit.

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Title: Unconditional
Author: violettapirateq
Era/season/setting: Late season 6, in place of Entropy
Rating: G

I can’t write concisley, is what I’ve discovered, and this ended up being longer than I intended. As such, I present it here in all its cumbersome, unpolished, typo-ridden glory, but it is FINISHED, which I am very happy about! It will be much prettier when I post it elsewhere, I promise. Thank you for reading!

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After (1 of 3)

Title: After
Author: Holly
Era/season/setting: Post-Chosen
Rating: NC-17
Summary: The battle’s done, and they kinda won. So where do they go from here?

Author’s Note: I’ve had two fic ideas that are owed to the Elysian Fields Facebook Group and our Meta Monday posts. This one is loosely based on a Spuffy essay written by the_royal_anna all the way back in 2004. In that, what would have happened had Spike not died in Chosen and had Sunnydale not turned into a crater. This fic is complete; just sharing the first part today. It was supposed to be a one-shot, but wouldn’t adhere to EF’s 15k word limit, so now we’re at three. The rest will be shared on EF and AO3.

Many, many thanks to bewildered (who helped smooth out the ending), Niamh (who helped me figure out where to split this up), and Kimmie Winchester (who was the first to reassure me it doesn’t suck) for betaing; to OffYourBird for posting the meta that got stuck in my head (so stuck; seriously, she posted it on October 19, 2020, so this has been percolating for a while); and to teragramm for the banner I snagged during the Spring 2021 round of seasonal_spuffy and then became an absolute pain about. This fic was originally this title, then a few weeks ago, I decided I’d retitle it to a Season 7 reference, then decided last week that the original title was better after all. teragramm made me variations of each, and I so appreciate it.

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Soldiers of the Light (4/?)

Title: Soldiers of the Light (part 4 of ?)
Rating: R for violence and fighting in this chapter
Summary: In a dystopian future, the Senior Partners sent a horde of demons to overrun Angel and his crew, and the Senior Partners won. Buffy and her friends are on the hunt for something to save the world, and on one mission, Buffy finds something belonging to someone she never thought she’d see again. After all, he lit up in the Sunnydale hellmouth, saving the world from a different source of evil.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss owns all.

Author’s Note: I ran out of time…I have no idea where May went. This is skating in under the wire and I missed my posting day. Thank you to slaymesoftly for giving me a poke. But here is chapter four to my WIP. Typos are all me. This is a good chapter for Seasonal Spuffy because Buffy is on the hunt for Spike and there is a big reveal and lots of action.

You can read the first three chapters here:

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