Fic: Buffy and the Bloodmobile (4 of 4) Complete!

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Buffy and the Bloodmobile

Title: Buffy and the Bloodmobile
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13
Word count: 3000
Setting: During an alternate* S5, after the altercation with Glory in “Blood Ties”.
Summary: Property damage has consequences. The continuing saga of Buffy’s adventures in community service.

AN: Unbeta’d, so please let me know if you see anything that’s wonky. Earlier parts of the story here:
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three

*Quickie overview of the Vamp-Next-Door-verse: Buffy did her first few slaying years in LA, with the full knowledge of her family, and moved to Sunnydale for college. Joyce and Dawn followed a year later. Riley left town at the end of S4. Spike’s been living on the Hellmouth for a few years, for Reasons. You can read all about it: On LJ / On AO3 / On BSV / On TSR / On EF

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Fic: The Personal Touch

The Personal Touch
By Barb C
Characters/Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Rating: Teen
Summary: It wasn’t the big dramatic confrontations that threw her for a loop, oh no. Buffy was prepared for those, and so was he. It was the little things that caught them both off-guard.
Notes: Barbverse. This story takes place in the same universe as A Raising In the Sun, Necessary Evils, and A Parliament of Monsters. It’s set during the summer between Necessary Evils and POM. Written for the Seasonal Spuffy Summer Solstice Free-For-All day. This story is not exactly fluff, but then, it’s not exactly not fluff, either.

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Free for all!

Ok, so, I had nothing for the last round and haven’t written a damn thing for almost 2 months. Then someone posted this amazing picture of Spike on the EF Discussion page…

It was taken from a tumblr post by JPratt. That’s all I know about it, other than it sparked an immediate need to write something about sexy Spike.

ETA: kazzy_cee has recognized the picture as one of her old manips, so someone seems to have added text to that to make a meme. Tumblr is a mystery to me, so I’ve no idea if that’s kosher or not.

So, for free for all day, I have this un-beta’d, thrown together in a hurry, probably likely to be tweaked out of all recognition at some point, little Spuffy ficlet. I’m hoping the awesome picture shows up. Otherwise, the title will make little sense….

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Fic: Buffy and the Bloodmobile (3 of 4)

This entry is part 3 of 4 in the series Buffy and the Bloodmobile

Title: Buffy and the Bloodmobile
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13
Word count: 2000
Setting: During an alternate* S5, after the altercation with Glory in “Blood Ties”.
Summary: Property damage has consequences.

AN: The continuing saga of Buffy’s adventures in community service. Follow this link to Chapter One or this one to Chapter Two. Unbeta’d, so please let me know if you see anything that’s not right.

*Quickie overview of the Vamp-Next-Door-verse: Buffy did her first few slaying years in LA, with the full knowledge of her family, and moved to Sunnydale for college. Joyce and Dawn followed a year later. Riley left town at the end of S4. Spike’s been living on the Hellmouth for a few years, for Reasons. You can read all about it: On LJ / On AO3 / On BSV / On TSR / On EF

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Fic : Love declaration to my toothbrush (Drabble)

1. Title : Love declaration to my toothbrush

2. Author : Miss Kitty

3. Era/season/setting : Post-Chosen, could take place in the context of the comics seasons.

4. Rating : General

5. No specific warning, this is only about Buffy & Spike :-)

Author’s note : I hesitated a lot, because this is a drabble I wrote in french years ago (here’s the link if you’re interested :, and I wanted to try to write it’s equivalent in english and share it here, but I feel kinda insecure :) Please keep in mind that english isn’t my mother tongue, I apologize in advance if there is any mistake (if you wanna let me know that there’s something I can improve, in terms of wording or anything else, please feel free!). This is the first time I try to post a fanfic in this language. Also, I feel like I have to mention that I have a strange humor, and I know that humor can be different depending on the language, so I sincerely hope this fanfic will work for you, I’m curious to know :-) Thank you to anyone who will give it a chance <3

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Fic: And Be One Traveller

And Be One Traveler
by Barb C.

Rating: PG
Pairing: B/S
Synopsis: Blossom reflects.
Author’s notes: A little something extra, since I wasn’t able to finish the other one. This story does NOT take place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters,” but in the infinitely stranger one of the BtVS comics, circa Season 10. However, it will make no sense whatsoever if you haven’t read “In A Yellow Wood,” which does take place in the aforementioned universe.

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Fic: In for a Penny [10b/?]

This entry is part 16 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [10b/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~11,200 words this chapter (79k in total so far)
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: Apologies for the delay in getting this second half posted. Moony was supposed to do it during her kiddo’s nap time, but then she fell asleep too, d’oh :)

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Fic: In for a Penny [10a/?]

This entry is part 15 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [10a/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~11,200 words this chapter (79k in total so far)
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: We’re back! Maybe? Well, we have a new chapter at least. Between Moony’s parenting woes and Bewildered’s 24/7 work schedule, things have been tough lately, but we’re trying very hard to regain some (slow) momentum. Yay! Some dialogue taken from Fear Itself, for which we cannot take credit. Many, many thanks to rahirah for a very thorough beta. And if anyone is left feeling a little lost and uncertain about our characterisation of The Tea, we would like to refer you to this important cultrual PSA regarding what British people really care about when having a brew (hint: it has nothing to do with that loose leaf bollocks). Enjoy!

You can read previous chapters here on LJ, or AO3, or EF.

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Fic: Buffy and the Bloodmobile (2 of 4)

This entry is part 2 of 4 in the series Buffy and the Bloodmobile

Title: Buffy and the Bloodmobile
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13
Word count: 2060
Setting: During an alternate* S5, after the altercation with Glory in “Blood Ties”.
Summary: Property damage has consequences.

AN: The continuing saga of Buffy’s adventures in community service. Follow this link to Chapter One. This chapter is a bit more angsty and less innuendo-y (sigh) than the last one. Unbeta’d, so please point me at any typos or other weirdness.

*Quickie overview of the Vamp-Next-Door-verse: Buffy did her first few slaying years in LA, with the full knowledge of her family, and moved to Sunnydale for college. Joyce and Dawn followed a year later. Riley left town at the end of S4. Spike’s been living on the Hellmouth for a few years, for Reasons. You can read all about it: On LJ / On AO3 / On BSV / On TSR / On EF

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Spreading the Light

Rating: R
Author: Sandy S.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss owns all.
Summary: Buffy journeys to LA to help in the final battle at the end of “Not Fade Away.” Spike saves her life at a cost, and humans can’t be in denial about the existence of demons and vampires anymore. The world is turned upside down and scientific advancements skyrocket…literally. Far in the future, Buffy and Spike are facing another apocalypse.

(As an aside, this is sort of the story of how Spike and Buffy ended up where they did in Exquisite Consequences, a round robin of sorts on Elysian Fields, but you don’t have to read that to get this.)

Huge thank you to yellowb for betaing part one.

Written for the Sunnydale Fanfic Club July 2018 challenge, which involves stars and a football (say what?)!

A/N: Several parts for this fic are written but I have until the end of July to publish for the contest. I’ll be posting the rest then on Elysian Fields. And yeah, yeah, the title is from my own fic. I really agonized over it. (I have the hardest time with titles!)

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By day, she was Anne.
Anne had seen it all; no skeezy guys with groping hands could surprise her.
Anne had done it all; no writing bodies on packed dance floors could interest her.
Anne had heard it all; no gentle words of love could reach her.
Anne was impenetrable; her flimsy uniform armoured her against a world filled with pain.
Anne was alone.

By night, she was Buffy.
Buffy really had seen it all; seen the monsters that most believed were mere  fantasy.
Buffy really had done it all; done terrible things in the name of saving the world.
Buffy really had heard it all; heard the lies that love made you believe.
Buffy was shattered, the certainty of youth and love falling in tatters around her, leaving her defenseless.
Buffy was alone.


By night, she was Slayer.
Slayer had seen it all; nothing hiding in the shadows could frighten her.
Slayer had done it all; nothing was beyond her ability to kill.
Slayer had heard it all; nothing was real or true or worth listening to.
Slayer was strong; her body honed to a razor’s edge that inflicted only pain.
Slayer was alone.

By day, she was Buffy.
Buffy really had seen it all; seen the pain that only life can cause.
Buffy really had done it all; done impossible things at unfathomable cost.
Buffy really had heard it all; heard honesty in lies and deceit in promises.
Buffy was weak, her heart torn apart by those who claimed to be defenders.
Buffy was alone.

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11 cinquain poems

Title: 11 cinquain poems
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Season: 2 and 5-7, but mostly 6
Rating: G, I think
Spike/Other warning: temporary Spike/Drusilla.
A/N: This post brought to you by the BtVS cinquains of dawnofme, though I tried (vaguely) for a different variation of the form.
OffYourBird kindly helped me make a couple of these less cryptic. <3
Shoutout also to the_wiggins, whose useful comment on a different work made me stop and look at one of these and think, ‘Hey, this could be less convoluted’. You can thank thewiggins for not having to sprain your brain as you read, I hope.
I always appreciate feedback, including about things that don’t work so well.

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Fic: DeLuxe Instant GenderBender

Title: DeLuxe Instant GenderBender
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Setting: s5 between The Replacement and Out of My Mind
Rating: T
Words: 1257
Summary: So maybe that bottle Spike had won in a poker game wasn’t liquor. So maybe he should have made sure before drinking the whole thing. Nobody’s perfect.

What a quiet weekend so far. :) To those who are still writing/making art/editing, good luck! You can do it!
halincandenza kindly beta-read this once, but I rewrote half the thing afterwards, so who knows what may be wrong with it now! Read if you dare.
The other Femme!Spike ficlets turned out not to be Spuffy, so I’m not going to post them here. The whole set, including the final version of this one, will eventually be here: AO3, LJ, DW.
I’m here to learn (that and make weird things happen to Spike), and I’m a big fan of feedback. If nothing about this was off, I’d be most surprised. Feel free to disagree – let’s talk about Spike and gender and stuff. :)

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Chapter Three of All About the Mission

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series All About the Mission

Last post to the community for now. All future chapters (as well as the two already posted here) will be available on my own DW or LJ, or on any of the archives at which I post: AO3,, Elysian Fields, and the Bloodshedverse. And, of course, when it’s completed, it will have its own page on my website: Spuffy

But, for now, here is Chapter Three of All About the Mission (sequel/part 2 of IWSHLY)  Continue Reading

Fic: And Fear Finds Nothing Left to Mend, Part I (Buffy/Spike, T)

And Fear Finds Nothing Left to Mend, Part I
By Barb C.

Rating: T
Setting: Post-Gift AU (Barbverse)
Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Synopsis: Knowing that the Slayer has hard decisions to make is one thing. Being the subject of one is quite another.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It immediately precedes “To Lie Down With Wolves” and “Every Silver Lining Has A Touch of Gray,” and it’s pretty damn angsty, folks. I’ll be posting the rest of it on my journal as I write it.

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[Fic] Just to Reach You [3/6]

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Just To Reach You
Title: Just To Reach You
Author: sunAlso
Rating: R (M on AO3)
Era: Post-Series
Warnings: Adult language, non-explicit sexual situations
Catnip: Established relationship
Summary: Now that the first rush of being together is over, Spike and Buffy find that they still have a lot to learn about each other.
A/N: For this fic I’m moving a few things around, so assume that AtS S5 and some of Buffy S8 occurred concurrently, except there wasn’t a Twilight arc because: no. No knowledge of the comics is needed to read this fic. The action will move from Cleveland to Spain to Gibraltar. Buffy does talk about Satsu and her sexuality, though there are no flashbacks, and hopefully I’ve altered that in a way that makes their relationship and Willow’s friendship with Buffy during that time far more believable and respectful than the comics did. Beta’d by Gort and Swifthorse.  Links are available at the end of this chapter to Elysian Fields, AO3, and FFN so you can follow updates for the rest of the story if you’d like.
Thank you to the mods and everyone who posted or commented for another great round!  Continue Reading

Fic: In For A Penny – Chapter 9c

This entry is part 14 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [9c/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~7,100 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.

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Fic: In For A Penny – Chapter 9b

This entry is part 13 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [9b/?]
Authors:  the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~7,100 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.

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Fic: In For A Penny – Chapter 9a

This entry is part 12 of 16 in the series In for a Penny

Title: In for a Penny [9a/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~7,100 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: Embarking on the first of our episodes re-writes in this timeline o/ Some dialogue taken from Fear Itself, for which we cannot take credit. Currently unbeta’d, but we will re-post when our poor beta has actually had a chance to look at it! Posted in twoTHREE parts (again) because LJ (again) — apologies for the teeny tiny posts *soft weeping*  Continue Reading