“Like Mice in a Cornfield” by Denny
Chapter 4
It’s my Seasonal_Spuffy Day!
Story Name: Like Mice in a Cornfield
Author: denny_dc
Rating: R (mostly for language and blood-play)
Disclaimer: Not mine
Summary: Very AU – A futuristic, post-apocolyptic fic in which Spike isn’t quite sure whether or not to believe his eyes or his dreams.
“Like Mice in a Cornfield” by Denny Continue Reading
Title: Re-Offender
Author: Anne (ladyanne04)
Rating: PG-13 (this chapter)
Disclaimer: Not mine at all, just playing in Joss’s sandbox.
Spoilers: Post Buffy S7 and Angel S5. Vague in the extreme spoilers for the Buffy S8 comics (as in I’ve read them and suspect a few details have influenced some things in the story but no huge plot points for the comics are given away).
Notes: I’m figuratively gnashing my teeth at myself for starting another WIP, but real life didn’t let me get this one completed before the deadline. Remaining chapters will be posted at my LJ and website, and some Spuffy archives.
Summary: There’s a void of power in LA after the final confrontation with Wolfram & Hart. Who’s going to fill it?
Thumbing Your Way to Vegas
By spicklething
Rating: PG, no big whoop
A/N1: In trying to keep with the spirit of the Fairy Tale Challenge, no dragons, fairies or ewoks were hurt in the making of this story. Bent the rules a little bit and broadened the definition of Fairy Tale. Any resemblance to a work by George Lucas or a Galaxy Far, Far Away is purely intentional.
Hello! Yes, this is my day, and no, I’m not cutting it fine at all. That is absolutely not the reason why I’ve had to be my own beta.*
Right. This is my story “Near Misses”. I can’t say it’s the most happy thing I’ve ever written, but I personally wouldn’t call it angsty. OK, so there’s a bit of angst. I wish ‘angst’ wasn’t such a melodramatic word… All right, so it’s angsty. I need to work on my classification technique…
Anyway, it’s my own idiosyncratic (ie. slightly odd) spin on the old post-A5 Buffy comes to LA plot-line, and could never be rated any higher than PG-13.
(*On that note, if you do spot any typos, please point them out to me. I’ll be extremely grateful.)
Warnings: Mental health issues (briefly mentioned)