Always Wait For You – Prologue

This entry is part 1 of 15 in the series Always Wait For You

It’s my day! Am I the last in this round? *looks around furtively* Whoa! Anyway, without further wasteful babbling, here is my submission for this round. It’s quite a few chapters, so it’ll probably take me a good bit of the day to get it all up, but I promise (just for you, EB) that it is complete and I will have it all posted before the day is over. Behind the cut you will find –

Title: Always Wait For You
Author: Slaymesoftly
Rating: PG13
Medium: Fanfic

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Banner by Always__jbj

Title: Always Wait For You (completed11/3/07)
Author: Slaymesoftly
Rating: PG13 or mild R
Word Count: 44,2000 + or –
Beta: My wonderful, Always_jbj (who also is responsible for the lovely banner)
Disclaimer: Characters and world by Joss Whedon; no copyright infringement intended and no profit made by anyone.
Summary: Following the theme of “new beginnings”, we pick up ten years after the events of NFA with Buffy in a familiar setting – a graveyard. Things have changed a lot since Sunnydale, but some of them are about to become familiar again…

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Fic: I didn’t know it’d feel like this. PG-13.

Back in June I wrote a Spuffy fic with shanshued!Spike: A Picture is a Thousand Words…. This fic is like a FitB to that story, telling of what happened when Spike and Buffy’s twins were born. (Yes, it is baby!fic. But I think I’ve managed to convey a fairly accurate picture of what it feels like to become a parent – the good and the bad. Although there is a twist…)

Also I’m very pleased that I’m posting this on Spike’s birthday, because that makes me feel less bad about this story being so focussed on him. Couldn’t be helped I’m afraid. Oh and it fits in *perfectly* with the ‘new beginnings’ theme. :)

Title: I didn’t know it’d feel like this.
Pairing: Spike/Buffy (duh!)
Setting: It’s 2012. Spike shanshued post-NFA, and he and Buffy have been married for almost 5 years now.
Rating: Um… PG-13?
Word count: 2800 words approx.
Beta: kathyh. Don’t know how I’d cope without her!
Disclaimer: Nothing is mine. Which is tragic.
Feedback: Pretty please? This story really means a lot to me. You’ll see why.
Dedication: For caliente_uk! *hugs*

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Second Post

I know that this is not an All Human AU community, and that vamps aren’t supposed to be able to have kids. But I figure – Hey! If Angel and Darla could manage it, Buffy and Spike could, too. If you’re of the school that doesn’t buy into our favorite couple having kids, just enjoy how comfortable they look with each other, and pretend they’re babysitting!

Two versions, just for fun. I also have blank versions of these and am happy to personalize them for anyone who is interested – say, for a baby fic? :-)

Textures by awmp, Shady Medusa, Black Lagoon, Exchanged stock, Lunestas, Plumerri, Lee Textures, Vampkiss, Oxoniensis art and Resurgere.

48490_original   48907_original

Direct link to Unexpected Turns.

Direct link to Shades of Grey.

Originally posted at

The Good Fairy – Chapter 1

Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Timeline: Spike and Buffy are living together in Rome, Spike having ditched L.A. as soon as he emerged corporeal from the big, sparkly gew-gaw.
Summary: Big scary baby!fic, be warned.
Warnings: See summary.
A/N:Thanks to the incomparable beanbeans  for much appreciated encouragement and now betaing! I started a fic of the same title and have rather expanded on it. My apologies to folks who have seen bits and chunks of it before.

The Good Fairy – Chapter 1

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Fic: The Good Fairy – Prologue

Hi All!
I’ve been a bit of a slacker and I’m sorry. I have these two chappies to post now, hopefully another before the end of my day. Enjoy, I hope.

Rating: NC-17
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Timeline: Spike and Buffy are living together in Rome, Spike having ditched L.A. as soon as he emerged corporeal from the big, sparkly gew-gaw.
Summary: Big scary baby!fic, be warned.
Warnings: See summary.
A/N: Thanks to the incomparable beanbeans  for much appreciated encouragement and now betaing! I started a fic of the same title and have rather expanded on it. My apologies to folks who have seen bits and chunks of it before.

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The Good Fairy 1/2

Rating: R
Disclaimer: Not mine.
Timeline: About six months after my previous fic for Seasonal Spuffy
Characters: Spike/Buffy
Summary:What exactly was Buffy up to while Spike was off fighting Evil and Sobriety?
Warnings: Un-betaed, baby!fic run away!
A/N: This is my second attempt at fan fiction so… be brutal! Still no original ideas, except maybe… I incorporated a fairy tale character into the Buffyverse! Thanks again to itmustbetuesday

 The Good Fairy

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