Title: Fairy Tale or Not
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
Author: Apache Firecat
Characters: Spike/Buffy, Joyce, cameos put in by Xander/Dawn and a surprise Het pairing at the end, also references PAST Angel/Buffy, PAST Spike/Drusilla, and past Willow/Tara
Rating: PG/K+
Summary: Maybe some aspects of fairy tales do exist in this all too often terrible world, after all.
Word Count: 4,588
Written For: Seasonal Spuffy Spring 2023
Warnings: Future (Post-Series) Fic
Disclaimer: All characters within belong to their rightful owners, not the author, and are used without permission.
genre: baby/kid/parent fic
Fic: And Fear Finds Nothing Left to Mend, Part III (Conclusion)
And Fear Finds Nothing Left to Mend
By Barb C.
Rating: T
Setting: Post-Gift AU (Barbverse)
Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Synopsis: Knowing that the Slayer has hard decisions to make is one thing. Being the subject of one is quite another.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It is the first story in the arc which continues in “To Lie Down With Wolves,” “Every Silver Lining Has A Touch of Gray,”, “Let Your Hearts Be Light,”, “Mea Culpa,” and “A Professional Consultation,” and concludes in “The Indefinite Article.” It’s pretty damn angsty, folks. The story includes some elements of Dark Horse comics canon, but I do very different things with them. Thanks to my incredible betas, Bewildered, slaymesoftly, trepkos, typographer, cornerofmadness, SzmattyCat, and Maevepagan. Any remaining errors are entirely my own.
drabble: Spike and his son go on an adventure — an excerpt from an upcoming long fic
Title: Excerpt from upcoming longer fic tentatively named: Love Lives Here
Author: Passion4Spike
Era/season/setting: Several years post NFA.
Words: 3,500
Set up: Buffy and Spike have reconnected, married, mated, started a family. Spike has the Gem of Amara. They are living in L.A. where the new Council and Slayer Army is headquartered. They are still cleaning up the area around the Hyperion (called the Wasteland) where the Senior Partners opened a portal several years ago. Today is Spike’s turn to join some Slayers in patrolling the area. His son, Billy, age five and three-quarters, has wriggled his way into going with him for the first time.
Fic: We Will Drive Through the Fire
Title: We Will Drive Through the Fire
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13
Word count: 3450
Genre: Domestic holiday doings
Summary: It’s Thanksgiving, so Buffy and Spike pack up the kids and head to Grandpa’s.
A/N: Although it’s not necessary to read the previous stories, this is the next installment in the Ring On It ‘Verse series. It began with a small wardrobe change on the morning of the final battle of the Hellmouth, and led to an un-sought-for transformation, namely that Spike has a heartbeat. AU from Chosen. The whole series can be found here on AO3. Previous seasonal_spuffy posts are With This Ring, Under My Skin Prologue, Under My Skin, and Anniversaries Aren’t For Quitters.
More A/N: This is more unbeta’d than usual, so let me know if you notice anything weird. Might meander a bit. Also: based on this year’s California Fire Trauma.
Fic: Little Sister Part 11 (Conclusion), Buffy/Spike, T
Little Sister Part 11
By Barb C.
Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: A young Slayer has a job to do.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It takes place approximately ten years earlier than “Twilight of the Gods.” Many thanks to betas slaymesoftly, typographer, kehf, rainkatt, deborahc, brutti_ma_buoni, and torrilin, and special thanks for last minute beta-ing to dhw!
Fic: Little Sister, Part 10, Buffy/Spike, T
Little Sister, Part 10
By Barb C.
Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: PG-13
Distribution: Ask and you shall receive, I’d just like to know where it ends up.
Synopsis: A young Slayer has a job to do.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” Many thanks to betas typographer, kehf, rainkatt, deborahc, brutti_ma_buoni, and special thanks for last minute beta-ing above and beyond the call of duty to torrilin & slaymesoftly!
Please note that due to my excessive procrastinating, Part 10 has only been partially beta’d, so all errors should be considered my own. I will eventually replace this version with the final one.
Previously in “Little Sister:”
Thirty years after Buffy Summers freed the demon essence that powers all Slayers from the Shadow Men, Addie McElroy is a young Slayer out of the San Diego creche. Believing that their mixed human and demon nature means that Slayers, like souled vampires, are doomed to Hell, Addie conceives a daring plan to save her sisters’ souls. That plan involves kidnaping the granddaughter of the infamous Buffy Summers herself, and it doesn’t go well – Addie is captured by Buffy and Spike, who contact her Watcher and make arrangements to return her to the Council.
Addie’s faith in what she knows about Slayers, vampires, and rogues is shaken by her encounter with Buffy and Spike’s daughter Vicki, while Buffy fears she’s inadvertently damned the Slayer line. But it’s not until Addie’s fellow Slayer Alicia arrives to rescue her, and Buffy discovers Alicia’s true heritage, that things really hit the fan…
Catch up on the previous parts at my website or at AO3 or jump right into
Fic: Left for Yesterday [1/5]
Title: Left for Yesterday [1/5]
Author: the_moonmoth
Pairing(s): Buffy/Spike
Rating: PG-13 for language
Length: ~1,300 words
Timeline: S5, after Checkpoint but before Crush.
Warnings: Ranks a 10 on the fluffometer scale
Summary: “What,” the slayer said in tones of abject bewilderment, “is going on here?”
Notes: Thanks go to bewilde for the beta and for suggesting the set up. True to form, I have not completed my story /o but I have not-completed it early enough that there will certainly be more for the free-for-all days o/ Title from I Bet My Life by Imagine Dragons – my happy Spuffy anthem. Any suggestions, anecdotes or funny stories that I can work into future parts, you are more than welcome to share ;) With thanks to my husband, who is nowhere near as inept as Spike, but who provided much of the inspiration for this story nonetheless! Feedback makes my baby sleep longer ;)
Fic: The Soul Lies Down [11/?]
Title: The Soul Lies Down, Chapter 11
Author: The Moonmoth
Pairing(s): Buffy/Spike, (Anya/Xander, Willow/Tara)
Rating: NC-17 (this chapter: PG)
Length: ~52,100 (1,900 this chapter)
Timeline: AU S5, S6, S7 and post-series (this chapter: S6)
Warnings: character death, violence and gore
Summary: As a child, I used to dream of a man in black and white, spinning in the desert like a dervish, sword flashing in the moonlight as he danced with death. (A sequel to angearia‘s Fin Amour).
Notes: posting completely on a whim, since I hate to see one of my favourite comms empty on opening day. This is a new chapter from a longer fic, earlier parts of which can be found here: LJ | EF. Many, many thanks to rahirah and bewilde for fantabulous beta work. Quote lifted from Star Trek: The Wrath of Khan. Concrit is most welcome :)
Suburban Disturbance
Happy Tenth Anniversary to seasonal_spuffy!! And many thanks to the mods for keeping the comm going. Much appreciated.
It’s my posting day today, so here’s my entry. Whi-ich has not much to do with the theme of the round, and is nothing like anything I’ve written before. Hope you enjoy.
Setting: A nebulous time, some years post-NFA and post-the release of Frozen on DVD, in a nebulous place that could be suburban London, or suburban somewhere in the US where they have colder winters than California.
Rating: PG-13/R(ish) for the occasional swear word and sexual(ish) situations.
Pairing: Spike/Buffy, very brief mention of Spike/Drusilla and Buffy/Angel
Disclaimer: Not for profit, don’t sue etc
Author’s note: Just for the record, I do not hate Kennedy. Also, in case you’re not familiar with Frozen, without spoilering you, Elsa is the heroine (or one of them) and Hans is… well, let’s say a not so popular character.
5000 words
Fic: Anniversaries Aren’t For Quitters
Title: Anniversaries Aren’t For Quitters
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13
Word count: 2800
Genre: Semi-spicy domestic fluff. Contented Spike alert.
Summary: Ten years after their rush job of a wedding, Buffy and Spike try to find time to celebrate. It’s harder than it sounds.
Caution Children At Play, (waddiwasiwitch) Chap 5/10
Title: Caution: Children at Play
Author: Waddiwasiwitch
Era: Season Five
Rating: PG13
Genre: Kid fic
This is the last one today. Sorry for spamming you with so many. The remaining five chapters will be posted here on dreamwidth or here on livejournal.
Continue Reading
Fic: Caution Children At Play, (waddiwasiwitch) Chap 4/10
Title: Caution: Children at Play
Author: Waddiwasiwitch
Era: Season Five
Rating: PG13
Genre: Kid fic
Chapter Four
Fic: Caution Children At Play, (waddiwasiwitch) Chap 3/10
Title: Caution: Children at Play
Author: Waddiwasiwitch
Era: Season Five
Rating: PG13
Genre: Kid fic
Chapter Three
Fic: Caution Children At Play, Chapter 2/10
Title: Caution: Children at Play
Author: Waddiwasiwitch
Era: Season Five
Rating: PG13
Genre: Kid fic
Chapter Two
Fic: Caution: Children At Play, Chapter 1/10
Title: Caution: Children at Play
Author: Waddiwasiwitch
Era: Season Five
Rating: PG13
Genre: Kid fic
Summary: Spike and Buffy have been turned into kid. The Scoobies have to figure out how to solve the mystery without them, while Buffy and Spike are stuck spending lots of time together much to her chagrin. This basically is a bit of fluff and hopefully will provide a few laughs. The story has ten chapters, but I will only be posting five today. If you like you can read the rest on mylivejournal because unfortunately I didn’t get around to finishing the whole thing on time.
AN: I would like to dedicate this to the wonderful Ginar369, who provided a beta, and the talented Ladyaisha, who was my sounding board and conspirator. Any mistakes are my own.
Disclaimer: How I wished I actually owned Buffy and Spike.
Fic: For Keeps – Chapter 1
Title: For Keeps
Author: gryfndor_godess / on LJ, gryfndor_godess
Setting: Post-series
Word-Count: 3,500
Rating: PG-13; probably a few chapters will be R down the road.
Summary: When unknown demons attack Spike in autumn 2019 and infect him with what seems to be a parasite, all Slayer and Watcher hands are on deck to try to get it out of him. But what if the “parasite” could be something more?
A/N 1: This is, as you may be able to tell from the summary, an mpreg fic. Spike gets pregnant. If the concept of male pregnancy freaks you out, this is probably not the fic for you.
A/N 2: This is a WIP. I expect it to be a good-sized novella when all is well and done. Sadly, I am quite far from being well and done, and all I have at the moment is Chapter 1 and maybe Chapter 2 later in the week, if I can get my act together. Writing (of any kind; not just this) has been like pulling teeth lately, but I am hopeful that this story at least will take off once I get past the introductory, what-the-hell-is-inside-of-Spike chapters. In any case, this is my first time posting a WIP (in BtVS fandom at least), and my apologies if updates take a while. Please feel free to friend me if mpreg is your cup of tea and you’d like to keep up with the fic.
A/N 3: So not only is this a WIP, this is a WIP that takes place far in the future in my post-NFA verse, which I not at all ironically call the HEA-verse. In this verse Anya and Cordelia were resurrected by the PTB after NFA, the Scoobies moved back to the newly rebuilt (but no longer a Hellmouth) Sunnydale in mid-2005, and they all had children a few years later. The pairings are Buffy/Spike, Xander/Anya, Willow/Oz, Cordelia/Angel, and Dawn/Gunn. A list of fics in this verse is on my fic masterlist if you’re interested, but below the cut is a brief description of original characters and other relevant information that will tell you all you need to know.
A/N 4: Thank you again to the mods for everything you do!
Lastly, this is for snickfic, who wields her great power of seducing people to mpreg with great responsibility. Thank you for the inspiration, Snick.
FIC: And Don’t Let Go
Title: And Don’t Let Go
Author: snickfic
Setting: post-NFA
Words / Rating: 2900 words / PG
Genres: shanshu!Spike, post-apocalyptic, babyfic
Warnings: mpreg
A/N: I’ve been sporadically posting to my LJ a series of vignettes in which the NFA battle went badly, Spike’s human now, and Buffy’s just trying to hold the world together and also deal with Spike having a baby. This one is the earliest in the chronology of any I’ve posted, so you don’t need to have read the others, although if you want to they are all here. I think there may be another one for Free-For-All day.
Thanks much to my betas, bobthemole and penny_lane_42, for helping me get this into shape.
Fic: Grauidus
Title: Grauidus
Author: Lirazel (penny_lane_42)
Medium: Fiction
Rating: PG-13 for Spike’s potty mouth
Timeperiod: post-“Not Fade Away”
Warning: Very non-explicit mpreg
Thanks to: quinara (as usual) for the title, and my betas: snickfic for (subtly! always subtly!) dropping “hints” that I needed to write her mpreg, for getting me to reign back on the internal dialogue, and (as usual) saying, “This really needs an actual arc” (someday I’ll learn how to do that without you telling me I need to!); and angearia for help with Willow-speak and (as usual) writing better dialogue than I can–a good fourth of the dialogue is from her pen. Y’all are so good to me. Thank you!
A/N: This is set in the same universe as Basiare and Infinitas Infinitio Infinitus. It’s not necessary that you read those two, but I think you’d like them! Also, I got started on this too late to give the idea as much of a story as it deserves. But I hope to eventually continue it, though it may be a while. So you can consider this a one-shot if you don’t read WIPs, or if you aren’t bothered by the idea, you can think of it as a prologue to a fic that may be continued at a future date. Cheers!
Summary: “You’re saying this is happening ‘cause I’m too butch and Spike’s a girly girl?”
Fic: Fin Amour (6/6)
Title: Fin Amour
Author: angearia
Summary: The monks’ spell to create the Key goes wonky.
Timeline: Season 5 AU
Rating: R for (highlight to view) language, graphic violence and character death.
Word Count: ~14,000
Author’s Note: The beginning dialogue in the prologue is lifted from the BtVS episode No Place Like Homeand one line borrowed from Spiral—all the rest is my own. The title is French for “courtly love” or, to be more accurate, a “fine love”. This story is my feminist spin on a chivalric epic. The concept for this story was inspired by discussion with flake_sake where the question was raised: how can a story express a great and abiding romantic love without the sexual expression of love? Fin Amour is my answer.
Thanks: To penny_lane_42 and ladyofthelog for the amazing beta work (banner also by ladyofthelog ). You ladies keep me sane and forever motivated—love, love, love. Thanks also to enigmaticblues for keeping this community alive. ♥
Chapter One – Chapter Two – Chapter Three – Chapter Four – Chapter Five
Fic: Fin Amour (5/6)
Author: angearia
Summary: The monks’ spell to create the Key goes wonky.
Timeline: Season 5 AU
Rating: R for (highlight to view) language, graphic violence and character death.
Word Count: ~14,000
Author’s Note: The beginning dialogue in the prologue is lifted from the BtVS episode No Place Like Homeand one line borrowed from Spiral—all the rest is my own. The title is French for “courtly love” or, to be more accurate, a “fine love”. This story is my feminist spin on a chivalric epic. The concept for this story was inspired by discussion with flake_sake where the question was raised: how can a story express a great and abiding romantic love without the sexual expression of love? Fin Amour is my answer.
Thanks: To penny_lane_42 and ladyofthelog for the amazing beta work (banner also by ladyofthelog ). You ladies keep me sane and forever motivated—love, love, love. Thanks also to enigmaticblues for keeping this community alive. ♥
Chapter One – Chapter Two – Chapter Three – Chapter Four