Fic: Buffy vs. the TeeVee (1/3)

Hello, all. Looks like it’s my day. I have a bit of fic to share, and I blame swsa  for the inspiration. This is the first part, and the second should be up later tonight.

Rating: PG-13 for naughty language

This takes place in some post-NFA future, with Spike and Buffy together (and Angel visiting to help with the usual apocalypse, lalala).

Thank you to enigmaticblues  for the playground!  Continue Reading

FIC: A Sort of Homecoming (1/1)

Title: A Sort of Homecoming
Author: Cindy
Rating: PG13
Timeframe: post-NFA
Characters/Pairing: Spike/Buffy, Dawn
Disclaimer: The character aren’t mine, but Joss said I could play with them
Written for: seasonal_spuffy‘s Spring 2008 round
A/N: Special thanks to enigmaticblues for once again organizing this great community. Title stolen from U2.
Summary: Teenagers are very unpredictable.
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Forget and Smile – Chapter Eleven

This entry is part 11 of 16 in the series Forget and Smile

Additional disclaimer on this fic: I wanted this story to end a certain way. My habit is to write the ending first, so I knew what had to happen. As I wrote, I realized it felt a bit of a cheat. But I still wanted that ending. So I went back to put in some foreshadowing for a sequel. As I’m editing, I realize the foreshadowing got a bit strong, which makes sense because I’ve already written some of the damn sequel. So there will be a conclusion by the end of tonight, but it’s going to be clear the story isn’t over. This is always fine with me, because that’s the way life is, but I felt I should add a warning that it will be a fairly open ending.  Continue Reading

Forget and Smile – Chapter Eight

This entry is part 8 of 16 in the series Forget and Smile

Title: Forget and Smile

Rating: R, eventually

Disclaimer: All characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. Only the lame plots and dialogue herein are mine.

Notes: This is a sequel to Sweet Lethe, a short story I wrote just after Chosen aired. At the time, I called it my Silly!Sappy!Amnesiac!Shanshued!Spike tale, and that still strikes me as a pretty good summary. I started writing the follow-up then, but never finished, although I kept adding bits from time to time. I suppose the delay makes sense, because the story picks up years later, when Buffy goes to visit Willow and Spike. She hasn’t seen him since the events in Sweet Lethe, and he still has no memory of his past and no idea he was once a vampire.

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Forget and Smile – Chapter Seven

This entry is part 7 of 16 in the series Forget and Smile

Title: Forget and Smile

Rating: R, eventually

Disclaimer: All characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. Only the lame plots and dialogue herein are mine.

Notes: This is a sequel to Sweet Lethe, a short story I wrote just after Chosen aired. At the time, I called it my Silly!Sappy!Amnesiac!Shanshued!Spike tale, and that still strikes me as a pretty good summary. I started writing the follow-up then, but never finished, although I kept adding bits from time to time. I suppose the delay makes sense, because the story picks up years later, when Buffy goes to visit Willow and Spike. She hasn’t seen him since the events in Sweet Lethe, and he still has no memory of his past and no idea he was once a vampire.

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Forget and Smile – Chapter Six

This entry is part 6 of 16 in the series Forget and Smile

Title: Forget and Smile

Rating: R, eventually

Disclaimer: All characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. Only the lame plots and dialogue herein are mine.

Notes: This is a sequel to Sweet Lethe, a short story I wrote just after Chosen aired. At the time, I called it my Silly!Sappy!Amnesiac!Shanshued!Spike tale, and that still strikes me as a pretty good summary. I started writing the follow-up then, but never finished, although I kept adding bits from time to time. I suppose the delay makes sense, because the story picks up years later, when Buffy goes to visit Willow and Spike. She hasn’t seen him since the events in Sweet Lethe, and he still has no memory of his past and no idea he was once a vampire.

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Forget and Smile – Chapter Five

This entry is part 5 of 16 in the series Forget and Smile

Title: Forget and Smile

Rating: R, eventually

Disclaimer: All characters are the property of Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, etc. Only the lame plots and dialogue herein are mine.

Notes: This is a sequel to Sweet Lethe, a short story I wrote just after Chosen aired. At the time, I called it my Silly!Sappy!Amnesiac!Shanshued!Spike tale, and that still strikes me as a pretty good summary. I started writing the follow-up then, but never finished, although I kept adding bits from time to time. I suppose the delay makes sense, because the story picks up years later, when Buffy goes to visit Willow and Spike. She hasn’t seen him since the events in Sweet Lethe, and he still has no memory of his past and no idea he was once a vampire.

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