Fic: One Glorious Summer ~ Chapter Two

Author:  dawnofme
Title:  One Glorious Summer
Medium:  Fiction
Rating:  NC-17 for sexual content later in the story.
Betas:  mabel_marsters, seapealsh, megan_peta & slaymesoftly
Banner:  by me, dawnofme

Summary:  Two years after NFA, Buffy is about to leave the country when she sees Spike on TV.  Thought to be dead, he’s anything but – except he has no memories of who or what he once was.  Buffy decides to return to California in hopes of seeing Spike again.  She finds herself falling in love with a man who calls himself John, who has found contentment in a career he loves and in a new lifestyle that would have been impossible for him to be a part of in the past.  It isn’t long, though, before their budding relationship is threatened when the secrets of their past come out.

Disclaimer:  This story is not for profit and no copyright infringement is intended.


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Fic: One Glorious Summer ~ Chapter One

Author:  dawnofme
Title:  One Glorious Summer
Medium:  Fiction
Rating: NC-17 for sexual content later in the story.
Betas: mabel_marsters, seapealsh, megan_peta & slaymesoftly
Banner: by me, dawnofme

Summary:  Two years after NFA, Buffy is about to leave the country when she sees Spike on TV.  Thought to be dead, he’s anything but – except he has no memories of who or what he once was.  Buffy decides to return to California in hopes of seeing Spike again.  She finds herself falling in love with a man who calls himself John, who has found contentment in a career he loves and in a new lifestyle that would have been impossible for him to be a part of in the past.  It isn’t long, though, before their budding relationship is threatened when the secrets of their past come out.


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Five Poems Spike Wrote about Buffy (and One that She Wrote about Him).

I posted some fic earlier today, and now I’m back with poetry! Slightly moody poetry…

Title: Five Poems Spike Wrote about Buffy (and One that She Wrote about Him)
Author: Quinara
Rating: PG-13? Sex references and swearing.
Summary: Two sonnets, two lumps of free verse and 17 lines of hendecasyllablics; one from S5, two from S7, one from AtS S5 and one post-NFA. Plus something Buffy wrote in some sort of domestic futureverse!
Author’s Notes: Any bloody awfulness is intentional. Because I say so. :P

Warnings: None in particular.

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Fic: “Positive Exposure (2/2)” by Quinara

On to Part 2!

Title: Positive Exposure
Author: Quinara
Rating: R/NC-17 for some briefly graphic sex and relatively high amounts of swearing.
Word Count: c. 13,600 in total.
Summary: Safe in the bosom of the A-List, Spike is set up on a date with Buffy: the world’s most hated tabloid trash. Wackiness refuses to ensue.
Author’s Notes: Please see Part 1 for notes and to begin reading!

Warnings: Pervasive misogyny, but otherwise none in particular.

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Fic: “Positive Exposure (1/2)” by Quinara

Hello! It’s so nice to be back at seasonal_spuffy again – thanks, enigmaticblues, for continuing to do such a great job! I’ve got some short bits of poetry to post later, but until then I have fic!

Title: Positive Exposure
Author: Quinara
Rating: R/NC-17 for some briefly graphic sex and relatively high amounts of swearing.
Word Count: c. 13,600 in total.
Summary: Safe in the bosom of the A-List, Spike is set up on a date with Buffy: the world’s most hated tabloid trash. Wackiness refuses to ensue.
Author’s Notes: Not AHAU! This instead takes place some time on from the end of the comics Angel: After the Fall #17 and BtVS 8×21 (Harmonic Divergence). It does not rely heavily on comics canon, apart from the idea that now Spike, Buffy, Angel and Harmony are famous! And people have been made aware of vampires, demons and slayers. It should still be accessible, hopefully, even if people haven’t read the comics. Massive thanks to bogwitch and spiralleds for their betas!

Warnings: Pervasive misogyny, but otherwise none in particular.

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Fic: Deja Voodoo

I just, um, happened to come up with an extra story. :shuffles feet: So here it is.

Deja Voodoo
By Barb C

Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: PG
Pairing: B/S
Distribution: Ask and you shall receive, I’d just like to know where it ends up.
Synopsis: Buffy’s pretty sure the vampire’s who’s captured her is crazy. Because if he’s not, she is.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It’s set about a year after “Zombie Barbie Says You’re It.”

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In My Life, 1/1

This is my second story for the day. Thanks as always to enigmaticblues for organizing this, and now I’m off to read all the stories I’ve missed! :D

In My Life
Barb C
Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: NC-17-ish
Pairing: B/S
Synopsis: “You and Angel used to make out beneath the bleachers, yeh?” “Not so much,” Buffy assures him, but she doesn’t argue when he tugs her after him.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It’s set in 2024, approximately six years before the story “Zombie Barbie Says You’re It,” and contains minor spoilers for POM. Thanks to rainkatt, kehf and slaymesoftly for betaing!

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Fic: Ars Poetica (6/6)

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Ars Poetica

I juuust finished this, so my apologies for any typos I might have missed, though I don’t think there should be many. I hope you enjoyed my offering!

Title: Ars Poetica
Medium: Fiction
Author: Lirazel (penny_lane_42)
Timeline: “Becoming Part II” – post-“Not Fade Away.” Canon all through BtVS; ignores the comics and “The Girl in Question.”
Rating: R
Installment: Part six of six.
Disclaimer: The world and characters of the Buffyverse do not belong to me. Neither do any of the poems.
Poetry: The poems featured in this chapter are “Elegy XX: To His Mistress Going to Bed” by John Donne (my favorite poet), a few lines of “may i feel said he” by e.e. cummings (you should look up the rest of it; it’s pretty fun), and “Fate slew Him but He did not drop” by Emily Dickinson.
A/N: This first section is the closest I’ve ever really come to writing a sex scene. It’s still not terribly explicit, but I pushed myself further than I’ve gone before. I’m kind of nervous, so let me know what you think.
Summary: The story of her life with Spike, Buffy realizes, is written in poetry, not prose.

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Fic: Ars Poetica (5/6)

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Ars Poetica

Title: Ars Poetica
Medium: Fiction
Author: Lirazel (penny_lane_42)
Timeline: “Becoming Part II” – post-“Not Fade Away.” Canon all through BtVS; ignores the comics and “The Girl in Question.”
Rating: PG-13 here, R overall
Installment: Part five of six.
Disclaimer: The world and characters of the Buffyverse do not belong to me. Neither do any of the poems.
Poetry: The poems featured in this chapter are Sonnet III from A Few Figs from Thistles by Edna St. Vincent Millay and “Fletcher McGee” by Edgar Lee Masters.
A/N:  Thanks so much to the brilliant and talented mere_ubu  for finding “Fletcher McGee” for me.  You’re right–it’s just too perfect not to use.
Summary: The story of her life with Spike, Buffy realizes, is written in poetry, not prose.

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Fic: Ars Poetica (4/6)

This entry is part 4 of 6 in the series Ars Poetica

Title: Ars Poetica
Medium: Fiction
Author: Lirazel (penny_lane_42)
Timeline: “Becoming Part II” – post-“Not Fade Away.” Canon all through BtVS; ignores the comics and “The Girl in Question.”
Rating: PG-13 here, R overall
Installment: Part four of six.
Disclaimer: The world and characters of the Buffyverse do not belong to me. Neither do any of the poems.
Poetry: The poems featured in this chapter are “The Kill” by Carl Phillips and Sonnet XXXIX by Elizabeth Barrett Browning.
A/N:  The poetry book I mention in the first section is Helen Vendler’s Poems Poets Poetry.  Most books about poetry either suck all of the joy and beauty out of the whole experience or don’t actually tell you anything useful.  This is by far the best book of its kind I’ve ever seen, and I heartily recommend it for anyone who wants to further their own poetic education.  Vendler, a Harvard professor, released the book in 1997, so I don’t feel like it’s a stretch that Buffy might have used it in her poetry class in college; it’s one of the most revered text for such classes.
Summary: The story of her life with Spike, Buffy realizes, is written in poetry, not prose.

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Fic: Ars Poetica (3/6)

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Ars Poetica

Title: Ars Poetica
Medium: Fiction
Author: Lirazel (penny_lane_42)
Timeline: “Becoming Part II” – post-“Not Fade Away.”  Canon all through BtVS; ignores the comics and “The Girl in Question.”
Rating: PG-13 here, R overall
Installment: Part three of six.  More to come this afternoon/evening.
Disclaimer: The world and characters of the Buffyverse do not belong to me.  Neither do any of the poems.
Poetry: The poems featured in this chapter are “Resume” by Dorothy Parker, “Up” by Margaret Atwood, and “i like my body when it is with your” by e.e. cummings.
Summary: The story of her life with Spike, Buffy realizes, is written in poetry, not prose.

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Fic: Ars Poetica (2/6)

This entry is part 2 of 6 in the series Ars Poetica

Title: Ars Poetica
Medium: Fiction
Author: Lirazel (penny_lane_42)
Timeline: “Becoming Part II” – post-“Not Fade Away.” Canon all through BtVS; ignores the comics and “The Girl in Question.”
Rating: PG-13 here, R overall
Installment: Part two of six.
Disclaimer: The world and characters of the Buffyverse do not belong to me. Neither do any of the poems.
Poetry: The poems featured in this chapter are Portia’s speech from The Merchant of Venice by William Shakespeare and “Death is a dialogue between” by Emily Dickinson.
Summary: The story of her life with Spike, Buffy realizes, is written in poetry, not prose.

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Fic: Ars Poetica (1/6)

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Ars Poetica

I’m extremely excited to be participating in this community for the first time.  I’ll add my thanks to enigmaticblues  for organizing it!

Title: Ars Poetica
Medium: Fiction
Author: Lirazel (penny_lane_42)

Timeline: “Becoming Part II” – post-“Not Fade Away.”  Canon all through BtVS; ignores the comics and “The Girl in Question.”
Rating: PG-13 here, R overall
Installment: Part one of six.
Warning: Little bit of completely necessary Buffy/Angel this chapter, but it won’t happen again.
Disclaimer:  The world and characters of the Buffyverse do not belong to me.  Neither do any of the poems.
Poetry: The poems featured in this chapter are “Fire and Ice” by Robert Frost and “The Truth of a Woman” by Sir Walter Scott.
Summary: The story of her life with Spike, Buffy realizes, is written in poetry, not prose.


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Fic: Three Nights Spent in Bed (1/1)

For my fic today, I was inspired to go back to something I did for Seasonal Spuffy a few cycles ago. This fic is based on my story Ouroboros. It’s not necessary to read that one first – suffice it to say that Buffy and Spike – still Slayer and Vampire – are together in a post-series future, and they are expecting a baby. I wanted to do a further series of vignettes dealing with Buffy’s pregnancy. All three are collected here.

Title: Three Nights Spent in Bed
Author: st_salieri
Rating: R
Setting: Post-series, in the same setting as Ouroboros.

Thank you, enigmaticblues! I’m so grateful to be able to participate. I hope you all enjoy it.  Continue Reading

Walk Like an Egyptian

Hello, all! enigmaticblues  is a rockstar: this we all know. See e.g. this, the best community ever. Even better, even though I blonded out and forgot to sign up this year, she graciously offered to let me share her day. So of course I manage to botch it by setting up my browser-blocking software wrong (it’s finals time in Kaytville), preventing myself from reaching the internets until 2:30 a.m. rather than p.m. :( So here is my story for this season, late, and with apologies.

Title: Walk Like an Egyptian (1/1)
Timeline: Post-Chosen, sort of Season 8 compliant – set several years post-S8
Rating: PG, for a bit of language.
Summary: Three glowing maybe-gods are not so much a one-woman fight. Happily, Buffy has some unexpected backup in vampire form. So what if she hasn’t seen the vampire in question for three years?
Author’s note: This definitely owes a little to frenchani  for inspiration…

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