FIC: Amor Fati

Sorry, I’m a bit late with my offering (as usual), but anyone who’s seen the news about the Finnish election results should understand why I turned off my computer and went to bed early last night :)

I was also hoping to write something a bit more cheery for my day, but unfortunately I didn’t have the time.

Title: Amor Fati
Word count: 2200
Rating: Mature/R
Warning: While there shouldn’t be anything actually triggery here, the fic is still pretty dark (think of “Dead Things” dark, “Seeing Red” dark).
Summary: “This is your life, William Pratt, and it’s ending one minute at a time.”

Amor Fati

Grossy Inappropriate for a Church Wedding

Title: Grossly Inappropriate for a Church Wedding.
Creator: Anviloverheaven
Setting: Post AtS, in a world without comics.
Rating: PG.
A/N: It’s my posting day, and I’m so nervous :) Already read some amazing fic, and looked at some beautiful artwork in this round. Big thankyou to the wonderful people who keep this community going.

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FIC: And Don’t Let Go

Title: And Don’t Let Go
Author: snickfic
Setting: post-NFA
Words / Rating: 2900 words / PG
Genres: shanshu!Spike, post-apocalyptic, babyfic
Warnings: mpreg

A/N: I’ve been sporadically posting to my LJ a series of vignettes in which the NFA battle went badly, Spike’s human now, and Buffy’s just trying to hold the world together and also deal with Spike having a baby. This one is the earliest in the chronology of any I’ve posted, so you don’t need to have read the others, although if you want to they are all here. I think there may be another one for Free-For-All day.

Thanks much to my betas, bobthemole and penny_lane_42, for helping me get this into shape.

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“After the Deluge” Chapter Six

This entry is part 4 of 11 in the series After the Deluge

That’s all for tonight, but if you like it you can find more in a few days at my own LJ. Thanks again to our lovely mods – and thank you for reading, if you have been!

Just one further chapter, as our pair inch inexorably towards each other.

Chapter One is here.
Chapter Two is here
Chapter Three is here.
Chapter Four is here.
Chapter Five is here.


Chapter Six: Clear Skies Over Europe

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Where Pies Go When They Die 10/9

This entry is part 10 of 10 in the series Where Pies Go When They Die

Where Pies Go When They Die 10/9 (because I DO WHAT I WANT)
Epilogue: She’s Filled with Secrets
Author: ghostyouknow27
Rating: R. Warnings for cartoon violence, bloody violence and naughty words.
Summary: Hell, as it turns out, serves a great cherry pie.
Words: ~ 17,500 for the story
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and Eric Kripke. Sadly, I can’t blame the “plot” on “anyone” “else.”
A/N: Thanks (I think) to diamondtook862  and ever_neutral  for helping me through a bajillion drafts of the end of this pie monster. This part is only half-beta’d, because I always finish things waaaay before deadline. **pets betas**

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Where Pies Go When They Die 9/9

This entry is part 9 of 10 in the series Where Pies Go When They Die

Where Pies Go When They Die 9/9

Chapter Nine: These Kind of Fires Are Very Difficult to Put Out
Author: ghostyouknow27
Rating: R. Warnings for cartoon violence, bloody violence and naughty words.
Summary: Hell, as it turns out, serves a great cherry pie.
Words: ~ 17,500 for the story
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and Eric Kripke. Sadly, I can’t blame the “plot” on “anyone” “else.”
A/N: Thanks (I think) to diamondtook862  and ever_neutral  for helping me through a bajillion drafts of the end of this pie monster.

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Where Pies Go When They Die 8/9

This entry is part 8 of 10 in the series Where Pies Go When They Die

Where Pies Go When They Die 8/9

Chapter Eight: Fire Walk with Me
Author: ghostyouknow27
Rating: R. Warnings for cartoon violence, bloody violence and naughty words.
Summary: Hell, as it turns out, serves a great cherry pie.
Words: ~ 17,500 for the story
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and Eric Kripke. Sadly, I can’t blame the “plot” on “anyone” “else.”
A/N: Thanks (I think) to diamondtook862  and ever_neutral  for helping me through a bajillion drafts of the end of this pie monster.

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Fic: To Bring Her Back – 1/1 (R, for violence)

Back with my second offering of the day–there will be five in total, four of them fics. This is a bit of a darker tale, though I’d like to think it ends on a bright note.

Title: To Bring Her Back
Author: okdeanna
Rating: R, for violence
Word Count: 0840
Beta: dusty273
Written For: seasonal_spuffy Round 11
Theme: Love is a temporary madness
Warnings: violence, torture, dark angst, implied future romance, also there is an appearance of Angel in this fic.
Timeline: Post Chosen, Buffy S7; Post Not Fade Away, Angel S5; Btvs S8 comics (sort of)
Spoilers: Btvs S8 comics, though only in the top surface since as I’ve not actually read them, just heard things here and there. I’ll put my own twist on everything that happens, as I have no actual idea of what is really going on in the comics. I’m just using something I read as a basis for a new Spuffy story. ;-)

Summary: Spike cannot accept the person Buffy has become, but to find the strong woman he knew before, he must dig deep within himself and turn his back on the man, the Sire, who fought beside him these last few months. He will not give up on Buffy without a fight, or the relationship they might find once the spell-enhanced fog clears from her head. Buffy belongs with him; she just doesn’t know it yet. Continue Reading

Love is a Truth Come Home Again

Today is my posting today! I’ll have several things to post throughout the afternoon and evening, starting with this small first person POV drabble.

Title: Love is a Truth Come Home Again
Author: okdeanna
Rating: pg
Word Count: 380
Beta: dusty273
Written For: seasonal_spuffy Round 11
Theme: Love is a temporary madness
Timeline: Post Chosen, Buffy S7; Post Not Fade Away, Angel S5
Genre: Romance, Fluff
Warnings: none
Disclaimer: I do not own the Buffyverse. That gem belongs to Joss Whedon, Fox and others associated with the TV shows, comics and merchandising. I’m just a writer who loves the show and likes to write about its characters. :)
Summary: Love is a temporary madness. It erupts like an earthquake and then subsides. What is left, after the earth stops shaking, is the truth a heart can no longer hide. This is what Buffy learns in one brief, solitary glance into the eyes of a man, a vampire, from her past. Continue Reading

Fic: Remembrance Day

My posting day was Remembrance Day, and I made it with 15 minutes to spare (in my timezone!)

Remembrance Day

By  spicklething

Setting: Future Fic set in 2013

Notes: I neither follow nor give a toss about the comics, so they didn’t happen. And Spike was never a Pratt. He has a different surname in my ‘verse. That’s my story and I’m sticking to it.

Summary: O valiant hearts who to your glory came
Through dust of conflict and through battle flame.

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Holidays in the Sun One-Shot

I humbly offer up my contribution. Unfortunately, I didn’t have as much time as I wanted to work on this, so it came out a lot more rushed than I had intended. I might revise it at a later time.

Title: Holidays in the Sun
Author: dramapoette1
Rating: G
Summary: Post-Chosen. After that school bus comes to a stop, Buffy just wants to keep going. It’s funny how a road trip and a Sex Pistols album can help in the healing process.

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Where Pies Go When They Die 7/9

This entry is part 7 of 10 in the series Where Pies Go When They Die

Where Pies Go When They Die 7/9
Chapter Seven: This is the Waiting Room
Author: ghostyouknow27
Rating: R. Warnings for cartoon violence, bloody violence and naughty words.
Summary: Hell, as it turns out, serves a great cherry pie.
Words: ~ 17,500 for the story
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and Eric Kripke. Sadly, I can’t blame the “plot” on “anyone” “else.”
A/N: This is crack. Pure crack. Crack with pie. Please, please don’t think about it too hard. YOU WILL HURT YOURSELF. Thanks (I think) to diamondtook862 and ever_neutral for all of their help and encouragement. This was written faster than I’ve written anything ever. Any remaining mistakes are from my post-beta panicked fiddling.
A/N#2: I may have lied about getting it all up tonight, since I am doing a little reworking on the last chapter. I will do my best!

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Where Pies Go When They Die 6/9

This entry is part 6 of 10 in the series Where Pies Go When They Die

Where Pies Go When They Die 6/9

Chapter Six: I Am the Arm

Author: ghostyouknow27
Rating: R. Warnings for cartoon violence, bloody violence and naughty words.
Summary: Hell, as it turns out, serves a great cherry pie.
Words: ~ 17,500 for the story
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and Eric Kripke. Sadly, I can’t blame the “plot” on “anyone” “else.”
A/N: This is crack. Pure crack. Crack with pie. Please, please don’t think about it too hard. YOU WILL HURT YOURSELF. Thanks (I think) to diamondtook862 and ever_neutral for all of their help and encouragement. This was written faster than I’ve written anything ever. Any remaining mistakes are from my post-beta panicked fiddling.
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Where Pies Go When They Die 5/9

This entry is part 5 of 10 in the series Where Pies Go When They Die

Where Pies Go When They Die 5/9

Chapter Five: Damn Good Food!

Author: ghostyouknow27
Rating: R. Warnings for cartoon violence, bloody violence and naughty words.
Summary: Hell, as it turns out, serves a great cherry pie.
Words: ~ 17,500 for the story
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and Eric Kripke. Sadly, I can’t blame the “plot” on “anyone” “else.”
A/N: This is crack. Pure crack. Crack with pie. Please, please don’t think about it too hard. YOU WILL HURT YOURSELF. Thanks (I think) to diamondtook862  and ever_neutral  for all of their help and encouragement. This was written faster than I’ve written anything ever. Any remaining mistakes are from my post-beta panicked fiddling.

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Where Pies Go When They Die 4/9

This entry is part 4 of 10 in the series Where Pies Go When They Die

Where Pies Go When They Die 4/9

Chapter Four: The Man From Another Place

Author: ghostyouknow27
Rating: R. Warnings for cartoon violence, bloody violence and naughty words.
Summary: Hell, as it turns out, serves a great cherry pie.
Words: ~ 17,500 for the story
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and Eric Kripke. Sadly, I can’t blame the “plot” on “anyone” “else.”
A/N: This is crack. Pure crack. Crack with pie. Please, please don’t think about it too hard. YOU WILL HURT YOURSELF. Thanks (I think) to diamondtook862 and ever_neutral for all of their help and encouragement. This was written faster than I’ve written anything ever. Any remaining mistakes are from my post-beta panicked fiddling.

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Where Pies Go When They Die 3/9

This entry is part 3 of 10 in the series Where Pies Go When They Die

Where Pies Go When They Die 3/9

Chapter Three: My Stomach is Filled with a Team of Bumblebees

Author: ghostyouknow27
Rating: R. Warnings for cartoon violence, bloody violence and naughty words.
Summary: Hell, as it turns out, serves a great cherry pie.
Words: ~ 17,500 for the story
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and Eric Kripke. Sadly, I can’t blame the “plot” on “anyone” “else.”
A/N: This is crack. Pure crack. Crack with pie. Please, please don’t think about it too hard. YOU WILL HURT YOURSELF. Thanks (I think) to diamondtook862 and ever_neutral for all of their help and encouragement. This was written faster than I’ve written anything ever. Any remaining mistakes are from my post-beta panicked fiddling.

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Where Pies Go When They Die 2/9

This entry is part 2 of 10 in the series Where Pies Go When They Die

Where Pies Go When They Die 2/9

Chapter Two: Damn Fine Coffee, and Hot!

Author: ghostyouknow27
Rating: R. Warnings for cartoon violence, bloody violence and naughty words.
Summary: Hell, as it turns out, serves a great cherry pie.
Words: ~ 17,500 for the story
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and Eric Kripke. Sadly, I can’t blame the “plot” on “anyone” “else.”
A/N: This is crack. Pure crack. Crack with pie. Please, please don’t think about it too hard. YOU WILL HURT YOURSELF. Thanks (I think) to diamondtook862  and ever_neutral  for all of their help and encouragement. This was written faster than I’ve written anything ever. Any remaining mistakes are from my post-beta panicked fiddling.

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Where Pies Go When They Die 1/9

This entry is part 1 of 10 in the series Where Pies Go When They Die

Where Pies Go When They Die 1/9

Chapter: 1: This Cherry Pie Is a Miracle

Author: ghostyouknow27
Rating: R. Warnings for cartoon violence, bloody violence and naughty words.
Summary: Hell, as it turns out, serves a great cherry pie.
Words: ~ 17,500 for the story
Disclaimer: Characters belong to Joss Whedon and Eric Kripke. Sadly, I can’t blame the “plot” on “anyone” “else.”
A/N: This is crack. Pure crack. Crack with pie. Please, please don’t think about it too hard. YOU WILL HURT YOURSELF. Thanks (I think) to diamondtook862  and ever_neutral  for all of their help and encouragement. This was written faster than I’ve written anything ever. Any remaining mistakes are from my post-beta panicked fiddling.

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Drabble – “Happy Meals with Legs”

I was planning to post chapter 2 of The Heat Death of the Universe, but that didn’t work out. I apologize.

Instead, I have a drabble.

Author: Maia
Title: Happy Meals With Legs
Genre: Humor
Rating: G
Words: 100
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Characters: Buffy, Spike
Setting: Somewhere in the world in the year 2010
Note: This does NOT take place in my Gifts-verse; Spike is very much still a vampire in this!

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