Title: Wet Ink
Author: thewiggins
Era/season/setting: 6ish
Rating: PG
Author’s note: I sort of wrote a sonnet, I guess? I was going to post a chapter of the fic that thenewbuzwuzz made the beautiful banner for, but I got too in my head about it. So I turned a fragment of a story in my fanfic drafts into a poem. Was that really easier? Probably not. But it’s what my brain was willing to do today.
This poem is at least an attempt at a Petrarchan sonnet. It’s from Spike’s POV, but that’s probably pretty obvious.
creator: the_wiggins
Icons: Eclipse
Title: Eclipse Icons
Creator: the_wiggins
Here are a couple icons I created just before the elemental set. They were going to be a part of it, but ultimately didn’t fit with the direction it went.
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Icons: Elemental Recolor
Title: Elemental Icons Recolored
Creator: the_wiggins
Alright, y’all, I’m back on the last day of Seasonal Spuffy with a set of recolors for my elemental icons.
Here’s a sample:
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Icons: 18 Elemental Icons
Title: Elemental Icons
Creator: the_wiggins
So, for this round of Seasonal Spuffy, I thought it would be fun to do a journey through Spuffy across the seasons, using the elements as a metaphor for the changing state of their relationship.
Here’s a preview:
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Fic: Faithful Will (Part 1 of 3)
Title: Faithful Will
Author: the_wiggins
Rating: PG
Era/Season/Setting: Once Upon A Time (or maybe Season 5)
Warnings: Some Buffy/Riley.
Author’s Note: OK, so here’s the fusion fic no one ever asked for: BtVS with the very obscure Grimm’s fairy tale (at least, I’d never heard of it) “Faithful John.”
This originated in an extended brainstorming session with thenewbuzwuzz, so I owe them a lot of credit for the inspiration. But of course, anything that is weird or doesn’t quite work is probably my fault. Buzwuzz is also responsible for the lovely banner and for the last-minute beta, so applause and confetti for them!
Fic(ish): How do you feel about Buffy now?
Title: How do you feel about Buffy now?
Creator: the_wiggins and Transformer
Season/Era: NA
Author’s Note: Inspired by double_dutchess‘s fic “It’s a great story, don’t“, I decided to make my own Talk to Transformer fic using a line from my Seasonal Spuffy entry “A Guy Can Dream“as a prompt. Only the bolded parts are written by me. The rest are the inventions of a text predicting AI.
Fic: A Guy Can Dream
Title: A Guy Can Dream
Era/season/setting: season 6
Rating: M
Author’s note: I’ve been working on an original (well, Norse-mythology inspired) novel. So I haven’t had much time for fanfic. This weird little story is what happens when I try to shift gears, I guess.
The story was a little rushed and is unbeta’d. Please let me know if you see anything that feels weird or OOC! I’m gonna edit it again before posting to other sites, so all kinds of feedback welcome. :) Oh, and the title’s the best I could think of at the moment, but I’m not really happy with it. So if anyone has any other suggestions, I’m happy to hear them!
Fic: I’m No Good At Writing Love Letters
Title: I’m No Good At Writing Love Letters
Author: the_wiggins
Era/season/setting: Season 4, just after “Something Blue”
Word count: 3,830
Rating: PG
Warnings: Some slight references to Buffy/Riley
Summary: Willow’s spell has ended, the engagement is off, and Buffy’s more than ready to get her life back to normal. But then she finds a letter that Spike wrote to her while under the influence of the spell.
Author’s Note: Thanks to Teragramm for the beautiful banner and to thenewbuzwuzz for her always insightful feedback as a beta. Any remaining errors are 100% my fault. Constructive criticism always welcomed.
Fic: Carnival Dream
Title: Carnival Dream (Anywhere But Here)
Author: the_wiggins
Era/season/setting: Season 2, canon divergent AU
Rating: M
Warnings: swearing, some violence, reference to the fact that Spike and Dru are still technically together, and I guess there is one minor reference to cannibalism too
Author’s Note: This can be read on it’s own, but is a continuation of Anywhere But Here, a story I originally wrote for the Seasonal Spuffy Spring Equinox event. It was meant to be a one-shot but is now going to be a longer fic. The revised version of that first chapter can be found on AO3 and EF.
Fic: Anywhere But Here
Title: Anywhere But Here
Author: the_wiggins
Season/Era: A Season 2 that veered sharply from canon around “Bewitched, Bothered, and Bewildered.” Set shortly after that episode.
Rating: Mature
Warnings: Spike/Dru (at least nominally), referenced physical and psychological torture (none of which actually happens during the course of the story), vamp!Buffy, suicidal ideation, and canon typical ableism
Word Count: 8,163
Summary: Buffy’s the reason Spike’s miserable, the reason he’s in the chair, the reason Angelus is soulless and sleeping with Spike’s girlfriend. But at the moment, she’s also the only person he can really talk to. Shared unhappiness is bringing them closer, but is there anything more to it than that?
Author’s Note: This was originally started for the Night and Day round of Seasonal Spuffy, but I wasn’t able to finish it at the time. Thanks so much to thenewbuzwuzz for her exemplary service as beta! Any remaining errors are, of course, my own and conscrit is always enthusiastically welcomed.
Also, just a heads up if my summary and warnings don’t make it clear, this fic definitely deals with dark themes. But this is a fic about people bonding in difficult circumstances and is ultimately more or less hopeful in its outlook. I hope to eventually continue this story, but for now this is meant to work reasonably well as a stand alone.
Poem – She Rides With Him
Title: She Rides With Him
Author: the_wiggins
Era/season/setting: In between seasons 5 and 6. Shortly after The Gift.
Rating: T
Warnings: Suicidal ideation/sorta attempt, car crash. (No depictions of character death.)
Author’s Note: My first fanfic poem. Would never have thought to do it if it weren’t for thenewbuzwuzz‘s influence and all of her wonderful work promoting BTVS poetry. And thank you so much Buzwuzz for agreeing to beta on such short notice! You are a treasure. <3
This was initially intended to be one of those “X number of times this thing didn’t actually happen and one time it did” kinda things. Except that one of the sections just kinda took over and next thing I knew it was the whole poem and way longer than I’d entended the combined 5 sections to be in the first place. Of course it was also the most angsty by far. But despite the angst, I don’t think it’s entirely grim. I hope you all like it!
Conscrit is always welcome.