32 Spuffy Icons + 1 Banner – Round 14!

Hi! There you are!

My day to share arrived quicker than I thought! maybe more for the end of this round. I really want to thank you for all your time, everything you do, you are amazing people. And I love your fanwork every day of my life, I’m so grateful, you gave me everything I needed along the way, you are “home” guys and whatever you need you only have to write about it (in a fanfic) I’m joking, whatever it is, just say it, you know that tomorrow’s gonna be too late.

32 icons + 1 Banner “It was a long road about love”

[01-08] Btvs 6×15 “As You Were”, 6×11 “Gone”
[09-16] Btvs 6×10 “Wrecked”
[17-30] Btvs 4×03 “The Harsh Light of Day”
[31-32] Btvs 2×07 “Lie to me”

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I will use my LJ because I still have nothing in DW and it feels so -alone, you know, it feels devastating. I’m anne!Buffy there, god, this is very scary. So I apologize to everyone, really, comments where you feel better. Enjoy!

Originally posted at http://seasonal-spuffy.dreamwidth.org/798198.html

Icons + 1 banner “Friends Only”

Hello friends! I’m stnia & sintonia (LJ)
This is my day and I hope you have a good time here. Everything you need, everything you want to say I’d love to know.

+ 30 Icons, Btvs S6 and S7.
– 6 icons 6×04, Flooded.
– 12 icons 6×13, Dead Things.
– 12 icons 7×08, Sleeper.

+ 1 banner “Friends Only” + 3 Icons, 6×04 Flooded.

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Kiss for you, awesome people and thanks so much for this round.

Originally posted at https://seasonal-spuffy.dreamwidth.org/320541.html

Icons from “Once More with Feeling”

Hi fandom, wow! still you are the better thing inside, how you make this! I’m so glad, nobody loves how you do, you have the heart so strong to go where no one else can, you’re in fire all the time, strange and wonderful vibrant people, you are the best example for this theme. And it’s the best time ever, I can take one episode like that and laugh so loudly when I walk in drama at the same time. Do you enjoy better now? with the passage of time?

This’s my first post in this community and thanks you guys for all, thanks for raising so many bridges between us. I’ve got some icons from “Once More with Feeling” to share, so I can tell you, sing with me your truth –glowing bitch.

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