Fic: “Every Now and Then (1/3)” by Quinara.

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Every Now and Then

Me again! Thanks so much for everyone’s comments so far – as you might be able to tell by the time stamp it’s been a bit touch and go getting this other fic ready under the deadline, which is why I haven’t replied yet. Hopefully you’ll like this one too. :)

Title: Every Now and Then
Author: Quinara
Rating: PG-13/R
Word Count: 13,935
Summary: When Spike goes missing Buffy is forced to remember things she’d rather have left forgotten.
Author’s Notes: This takes place quite a way in the future, in the same universe as another fic I wrote,What a Way to Make a Living (there may be a title-theme of early 80s cheese…). But to understand this fic, all you should need to know is that Buffy works in a school by day while Spike and Illyria fight crime, buddy-cop style, by night. There’s again a bit of comics influence, but really not very much. Insane levels of thanks to bogwitch for doing me a beta – it should now be pretty unrecognisable from when she first saw it. :P Yet more thanks for enigmaticblues, because I swear seasonal_spuffy brings out the best in me.

Warnings: None (I would say)

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Fic: “I Thrice Presented Him a Kingly Crown (1/2)” by Quinara.


It’s just past 1AM at the beginning of my day, but I’ve got another fic (hopefully) coming after this one that I won’t be able to post until the afternoon/evening, so I’m getting this out there now! I’m a little annoyed it won’t all fit in one entry…

Title: I Thrice Presented Him a Kingly Crown
Author: Quinara
Rating: PG-13/R
Word Count: 11,314
Summary: Spike and Buffy get stuck in ancient history.
Author’s Notes: This takes place post-series, with a few comics-influenced touches. I’d be wary of saying it works with comics canon, simply because I haven’t read them that closely and this goes beyond their ending. Massive thanks go to gillo for beta-ing this for me, and for inspiring me to find a Shakespearean title for the whole thing. Thanks also to enigmaticblues for organising everything again!

Warnings: Graphic violence, consent/agency issues

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Fic: ‘Echoes’ by Quinara (1/1)

I’m back! Did anyone notice me leaving? ;)

I suppose this concludes my exciting day of posting. Thanks to everyone in the community who’s kept (or will be keeping) me on a pleasant Spuffy high over the season, and especial thanks to enigmaticblues  for organising the whole shindig!

Title: Echoes
Author: Quinara
Rating: PG (for angst?)
Summary: Spike pays his respects to Illyria.
Author’s Notes: I have a bit of a goth streak that I can’t help letting out every now and then. My original conception for this was a great, dark poetic sweep of a fic, but it wouldn’t come out in a way that wasn’t gratuitous – but then I fortunately realised that I quite like it in miniature. I hope you do too.

Warnings: Death/grief

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Fic: ‘The Public Face’ by Quinara (1/1)


It’s my day today, although technically there’s only an hour left of it my end. I’m not quite sure how that happened…

Anyway, there’s a little something extra besides this, which will be coming over the next hour – I’m sure you’re on tenterhooks!

Title: The Public Face
Author: Quinara
Rating: PG-13 (for one vaguely real swear word?)
Summary: Xander gets a phone call in the middle of the night, which leads him to witnessing a reunion he’s not sure he wants to.
Author’s Notes: This is a sequel-in-spirit to Resolution, wherein I tried to deal with my Season 8 issues. This is is less blatantly ranty, and more my attempt to deal with the (inevitable, dammit) Buffy/Spike reunion from what’s hopefully a different angle. Hope you like it, and please feel free to point out any typos.

Warnings: None

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Fic: Brand New Day by Quinara

Something a bit more meaty for your perusal now, and that’s me done! (Wow, I am far more jittery than I should be.)

Title: Brand New Day
Author: Quinara
Rating: PG-13 (Be afraid! Or, you know, don’t be.)
Notes: Thank you to kcarolj65  for the beta! It was her first time beta-ing and she did a great job. :D
Summary: Solutions aren’t always answers.

Warnings: Death/grief, consent/agency issues (non-sexual)

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Fic (sort of): Wish You Were Here (7/7) by Quinara

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Wish You Were Here

Title: Wish You Were Here (7/7)
Author: Quinara
Rating: Reasonably high PG-13?
Summary: In Buffy’s apartment there is a spare and somewhat dusty room. In that room there is an old and somewhat dusty bureau, that no one remembers buying. In that bureau there is an ugly and somewhat dusty diary for 1997, that no one rememberes buying, which no one really thinks about because it isn’t all that important anyway. This diary doesn’t close properly.

Warnings: Death/grief

Paris II

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Fic (sort of): Wish You Were Here (6/7) by Quinara

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Wish You Were Here

Title: Wish You Were Here (6/7)
Author: Quinara
Rating: Reasonably high PG-13?
Summary: In Buffy’s apartment there is a spare and somewhat dusty room. In that room there is an old and somewhat dusty bureau, that no one remembers buying. In that bureau there is an ugly and somewhat dusty diary for 1997, that no one rememberes buying, which no one really thinks about because it isn’t all that important anyway. This diary doesn’t close properly.

Warnings: Death/grief

Paris I

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Fic (sort of): Wish You Were Here (5/7) by Quinara

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Wish You Were Here

Title: Wish You Were Here (5/7)
Author: Quinara
Rating: Reasonably high PG-13?
Summary: In Buffy’s apartment there is a spare and somewhat dusty room. In that room there is an old and somewhat dusty bureau, that no one remembers buying. In that bureau there is an ugly and somewhat dusty diary for 1997, that no one rememberes buying, which no one really thinks about because it isn’t all that important anyway. This diary doesn’t close properly.

Warnings: Death/grief


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Fic (sort of): Wish You Were Here (4/7) by Quinara

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Wish You Were Here

Title: Wish You Were Here (4/7)
Author: Quinara
Rating: Reasonably high PG-13?
Summary: In Buffy’s apartment there is a spare and somewhat dusty room. In that room there is an old and somewhat dusty bureau, that no one remembers buying. In that bureau there is an ugly and somewhat dusty diary for 1997, that no one rememberes buying, which no one really thinks about because it isn’t all that important anyway. This diary doesn’t close properly.

Warnings: Death/grief

Seville III

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Fic (sort of): Wish You Were Here (3/7) by Quinara

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Wish You Were Here

OK, so I don’t know why I thought I had patience. Apologies for the spamming.

Title: Wish You Were Here (3/7)
Author: Quinara
Rating: Reasonably high PG-13?
Summary: In Buffy’s apartment there is a spare and somewhat dusty room. In that room there is an old and somewhat dusty bureau, that no one remembers buying. In that bureau there is an ugly and somewhat dusty diary for 1997, that no one remembers buying, which no one really thinks about because it isn’t all that important anyway. This diary doesn’t close properly.

Seville II

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Fic (sort of): Wish You Were Here (2/7) by Quinara

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Wish You Were Here

Yeah, I wanted to leave some sort of gap… but having gone out this evening I probably should get cracking.

Title: Wish You Were Here (2/7)
Author: Quinara
Rating: Reasonably high PG-13?
Summary: In Buffy’s apartment there is a spare and somewhat dusty room. In that room there is an old and somewhat dusty bureau, that no one remembers buying. In that bureau there is an ugly and somewhat dusty diary for 1997, that no one rememberes buying, which no one really thinks about because it isn’t all that important anyway. This diary doesn’t close properly.

Warnings: Death/grief

Seville I

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Fic (sort of): Wish You Were Here (1/7) by Quinara

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Wish You Were Here

Yep, this is my day! I’ve got a longer stand-alone coming later, but for now it’s the first part of something else, which was supposed to fit in with the whole ‘Around the World’ thing. Hope it works!

Title: Wish You Were Here (1/7)
Author: Quinara
Rating: Reasonably high PG-13?
Summary: In Buffy’s apartment there is a spare and somewhat dusty room. In that room there is an old and somewhat dusty bureau, that no one remembers buying. In that bureau there is an ugly and somewhat dusty diary for 1997, that no one rememberes buying, which no one really thinks about because it isn’t all that important anyway. This diary doesn’t close properly.

Warnings: Death/grief

The Rhineland 

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The River Sisters

Title: The River Sisters
Author: quinara
Illustrator: stultiloquentia
Rating: G
Timeframe: Early season six
Disclaimer: Following this exercise Spike and Buffy will be offered complimentary bathrobes and returned to Mutant Enemy. Letia, Lola and Beatrix, however, belong to us.
Notes: Quinara would like to thank Stultiloquentia for her sublime beta work – and alpha work. Stultiloquentia would like to thank Quinara for blind faith in her ability to locate the business end of a pencil, and suggesting the project in the first place.
Summary: Never trust a bint in a pond.

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Fic: “Near Misses” by Quinara

Hello! Yes, this is my day, and no, I’m not cutting it fine at all. That is absolutely not the reason why I’ve had to be my own beta.*


Right. This is my story “Near Misses”. I can’t say it’s the most happy thing I’ve ever written, but I personally wouldn’t call it angsty. OK, so there’s a bit of angst. I wish ‘angst’ wasn’t such a melodramatic word… All right, so it’s angsty. I need to work on my classification technique…

Anyway, it’s my own idiosyncratic (ie. slightly odd) spin on the old post-A5 Buffy comes to LA plot-line, and could never be rated any higher than PG-13.

(*On that note, if you do spot any typos, please point them out to me. I’ll be extremely grateful.)

Warnings: Mental health issues (briefly mentioned)

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