Wary daughter heeds
maternal admonition
against her judgment.
creator: mere_ubu
Crushed Spaiku, Part 7: Regression (8/12)
Slinks cryptward to find
someone wants him after all;
old habits die hard.
Useless to pretend
he’ll ever be anything
but death on two legs.
Originally posted at http://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/308967.html
Crushed Spaiku, Part 6: Fess Up (7/12)
Buffy bails, then halts,
arrested by chivalry.
Apprehension dawns.
Crushed Spaiku, Part 5: Keep Her Guessing (6/12)
DeSoto, Ramones,
a flask of bourbon and thou…
birds go for that, right?
Crushed Spaiku, Part 4: Interlude, with Stress (5/12)
Slayer equation:
crypt plus vampire equals bad.
Clue in, already!
Crushed Spaiku, Part 3: Impress the Lady’s Relations (4/12)
Bit leans in closer…
interview with a vampire.
Spike’s so freaking cool!
Crushed Spaiku, Part 2: Settle for Less (3/12)
Spurned, he sublimates—
finds cold, cashmere comfort in
Slayer-themed sex games.
Originally posted at http://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/307554.html
Crushed Spaiku, Part 1: Not a Success (2/12)
Scoobies are dancing,
Slayer all undefended…
time to make a move.
Crushed Spaiku, Prologue: Dress (1/12)
It’s my turn to cater the all-you-can eat Spuffy buffet (Spuffet?) that has been this wonderful round, and I brought word salad. Kudos to enigmaticblues for being such a gracious hostess and big thank yous as well to Mister Beta for haiku-wrangling and to philips for amoral support.
ETA: The last haiku in Part 8 must have fallen off when I first posted. It’s back now. Also, I now have a spiffy new banner courtesy of the awesome alwaysjbj. Thank you, ma’am!
Spaiku schmoop.
Spaiku: “Tabula Rasa”
Author: mere_ubu
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Spike and Buffy are not mine. *sob*
A/N: Four angsty haiku from the final scenes of “Tabula Rasa.” Technically, these are probably more, um, “Spuffku” than “Spaiku.”
Feedback is a wonderful thing.
“Something Blue” Spaiku, Part 4: Goodbye, Honey
two spaiku: goodbye, honey
“Something Blue” Spaiku, Part 3: Love Was Phony
four spaiku: love was phony
“Something Blue” Spaiku, Part 2: Matrimony
five spaiku: matrimony
“Something Blue” Spaiku, Part 1: Acrimony
It’s my day, and I brought word truffles! (I hope no one’s allergic.) Shout-outs to missmurchison for encouraging me to sign up and to enigmaticblues for organizing the whole fabulous shebang. Also, a big thank you to Mister Beta for egging me on and to philips for her unerring good judgment. And for coining the phrase “word truffles.” :D
Other parts will be posted shortly, and I’ll have a few from “Tabula Rasa” up a bit later in the day.
13 Spaiku from “Something Blue”
Author: mere_ubu
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Spike and Buffy are not mine. I’m just gonna borrow them for, like, five minutes, mmkay?
A/N: Here are thirteen Spuffycentric haiku snapshots from “Something Blue.” In four parts.
Feedback warms the cockles of my heart. (Heh. I said “cockles.”)