The last chapter of the day. The Dr halved my Paxil, so let’s hope that heralds a return of the plot kitties.
Chapter 3
The last chapter of the day. The Dr halved my Paxil, so let’s hope that heralds a return of the plot kitties.
Chapter 3
The LJ cut is acting funky for me for some reason. Odd. Or maybe they changed and I didn’t read the announcement. Anyway, here’s chapter 2.
Chapter 2
… Are Less Human Than They Appear
Give it a chance, everybody!!!!
Happy Birthday to me!!!! hehe. Anyway, I have three chapters of a short story. There’s only a couple chapters left. Unfort. the plot kitties haven’t visited me since I went on the Paxil. So cross your fingers that I can find them soon.
Title: Persons in Mirror…
Summary: …Are Less Human Than They Appear
Pairings: Spuffy, Xander/Anya, Angel/Cordy, Willow/Oz
Rating: NC-17 for language mostly
Title: Until Then
Author: maryperk
Rating: PG-13 for language
Medium: Story
Beta: Tasha
Summary: Season 2. Spike, out for the evening, finds an unexpected surprise.
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I have just a one-shot today. I will probably expand on this story at a later time when I’m under less pressure (deadline, a gazillion WIPs). Anyone have a suggestion for a better summary?
Title: Kept Slayer
Author: Maryperk
Rating: NC-17 for language and violence.
Beta: Tasha
Summary: Spike makes an interesting find in a brothel. Time Frame: @ Season 7
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Spike calls, there’s a new slayer in town, and the Specter has a new power.
Chapter 11
(Starts season 3) Zombies at the art gallery. Poor Spike, stuck in Brazil with Dru and her sidekick.
Chapter 10
Angel goes to Hell, and pay attention to Whistler
NC-17 for some dry humping.
Chapter 9
Beth finds out the extent of Spike’s injuries and meets her mother’s new beau, Ted.
Chapter 7
What’s My Line? Part 2 Spike makes friends with a Scooby and the ceremony in the church has the same dire consequences.
Chapter 6
What’s My Line? Part 1 Spike saves Beth from the Order’s assassin.
NC-17 for language
A big thanks to kargrif for her help getting my banner to work right. LJ doesn’t like me. Wah.
Chapter 5
NOTES: I have 11 chapters of a WIP. I hope everybody enjoys it.
TITLE: The Secret Slayer
AUTHOR: maryperk73703
RATING: NC-17 for language at this point
BANNER: by kargrif
BETA: Tasha
SUMMARY: Something unexpected happens to Buffy on her first night in Sunnydale. Something that causes her to change her name and hide from the people that were to be her friends. What happens when a certain peroxide blond vampire rolls into town?