Seems like it’s my day for Seasonal Spuffy today, so I thought I’d share a fanmix. Buffy and Spike through the seasons.
creator: liliaeth
Manips and icon
Art: Warriors
Fic: Collared ( Book 1: Buffy)
I was planning to post a fic, but unfortunately, it isn’t even remotely ready*grumble*, only have a third of it finished.
Thought I’d at least give you the banner I made for it.
But I was wondering, since I was writing it for seasonal spuffy, would I be allowed to post it on that open day thing if I get it ready by then, or do I have to have posted the finished bit first?
(Edited to add a bit of the fic)
Title: Collared
Author: Lore
Rating: R
Summary: AU, Spike’s chip stopped working in Smashed and Buffy has to find a way to keep him in check
Notes: AU s6 (from Smashed)
Fic: The Slayer and the vamp
Since I doubt I’ll get this finished today, consider this the first part of a series.
This being ep one.
Title:The Slayer and the Vamp.
Rating:PG13 (mostly)
Pairing:B/S (with hints of A/S)
Summary:AU, Angel didn’t abandon William after getting his soul
Frosty Spuffy
Since my fic still isn’t completely finished I thought I might post this first.
Still trying to get the fic finished before my day is over.
Manip: Puppets (not worksafe)
I was working on a few more things, but since work kinda got me distracted so much that I forgot the day, and since I’m already a day late, I hope it’s ok that I post at least this one still?