creator: larabeckinsale
Another wallpaper + icons
I didn’t wanted to leave you all sad wtih the first wall so I made another one, this time something more romantic. Inspired by the song “I’m yours” by The Script.
Wallpaper 1200×800 px, and matching icons
Wallpaper and icons
My posting day!
Inspired by the sonnets of Francesco Petrarca to his beloved Laura, specifically in sonnet 292 from The Canzoniere (If you’ve never read any, you should, they are wonderful, so sad but so beautiful too. And they feel like Spuffy!)
I leave you a wallpaper: 1200×800 px, and matching icons
Wallpapers, banners and icons
It’s my posting day! yay! And I have spuffy wallpapers, banners and icons to share. Hope you guys enjoy them :) They are totally snaggable if you like (just download them to your computer, don’t hotlink). I’ve been doing icons for a while now, but banners?… well, I just made the one for my own journal, wallpapers are a first try for me, so it would be lovely to have some feedback.
Thanks to wonderful debris4spike , who told me about this community and to enigmaticblues , who squizzed me in on this round. Love you guys!
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