Hello. Today is my posting day (changed from October 30th). I’ve never tried to write what you might call ‘pure’ Spuffy before so I hope I haven’t managed too badly. The story is complete and will be posted in 7 chapters.
Setting: Post-Chosen. The events of AtS season 5 are playing out but without Spike’s involvement, for reasons that will become clear pretty quickly. There are also very vague references to BtVS season 8, the comic. However, familiarity with it is not needed to understand the story.
Rating: R, I think.
Pairing: Spike/Buffy (of course), mention of Buffy/Angel
Beta: beta’ed by darkapple to whom many thanks. All remaining mistakes are, of course, mine.
Author’s note: This fic was inspired by one short line of dialogue from Hellbound in AtS season 5, quoted at the beginning of the story. At the time, I thought it massively unfair, though in Jossian terms it made perfect sense as well.
Disclaimer: The title of this story is borrowed from a shared world fantasy series from way back in the 1980s but the content of the story bears absolutely no relation to anything in that series, save the setting. Also, all Hail Joss, as always.