Fic Before I Take That Walk pt 4 (final)

This entry is part 4 of 4 in the series Before I Take That Walk

Title: Before I Take That Walk, Pt.4(final)
Summary: Spike sobers up after Lovers Walk and wonders why he wants to go back to a cheating Dru anyway. Buffy, meanwhile, tries to get a handle on a future that won’t include Angel. Can two broken hearts find an island of comfort in each other’s arms and then just walk away?
Setting: S3 after Lovers Walk, a short PWP
Disclaimer: Joss Whedon, ME, WB, Fox are the sole owners of all involved with Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel. Thanks to Joss he allows us to play in his sandbox. I derive no compensation for these flights of fancy. The story concept is my “creation” as is all dialogue not in any original story script.

He nudged her thighs apart and draped his torso over one leg. His hands were moving up and down both of her thighs, thumbs tracing her folds as they reached the juncture of her thighs. She was wet and ready and still he took his time.

With his head positioned between her legs, Spike began to kiss her inner thighs, alternating from one leg to the other as he made his way up to her pleading pussy. No book could ever have prepared her for the sensations his mouth was causing as he kissed and licked her in that place previously known only to herself, Angel and her vibrator.

His tongue followed the outline of her outer folds, dipping into her wet channel with each pass. They were both moaning by now, she with the incredible feelings his talented tongue was creating and he from a taste he could never have imagined. “So beautiful, love. You look and taste like heaven. Should dust just from this, like something holy and pure. Too good for me.”

Buffy clutched his head, tangling her fingers in his curls and shuddered as her body began to quake and tense. “Good, yes, so good.” She only had registered that part of his impassioned speech.

“God, Spike, keep doing that!” Buffy could feel the build-up to a climax just from his mouth.

Spike moved away slightly and ignoring her groan of protest, thrust one, then two, fingers into her channel. He curved his long fingers until they reached the tight bundle of nerves that were the focus of her entire nervous system before sucking her engorged clit between his lips and drawing her over the edge into her first orgasm of the night.

Hearing Buffy scream his name as she spasmed around his fingers was the most beautiful music Spike had ever heard. He vowed to make that lovely note string into a symphony of ecstasy until she begged for rest.
Buffy had never imagined sex could be like this. Spike hadn’t even penetrated her except with his knowing fingers and tongue and she was already vibrating like a hot wire in water.

She began to pump his cock in a steady rhythm that managed to distract Spike from lapping up her juices to gasp and growl his need. “Buffy, sweetling, you’re drivin’ me mad here.”

“Can’t have that. This is a no-crazy-vamp zone,” There wasn’t room enough in this bed for Angel and Dru as far as Buffy was concerned. Spike was more than enough for her and she came to a new resolution that Spike wouldn’t even remember the dark-haired former love of his unlife by the time they left this motel.

Had someone told Buffy that by nightfall she would feel complete jealousy of the loony vampiress, she would have choked on her laughter. Now she wanted nothing more than to mark Spike as hers and hers alone.

Spike was completely oblivious to the reference to Dru since all thought of any other woman than Buffy had fled. By this time he realized his emotions were definitely engaged by the blonde Slayer. “Too late. Crazy ‘bout you, Buffy.” His mouth moved from the hollow of her pelvis upwards towards her mouth as Spike positioned his body between her welcoming legs.

“Need to feel you, Spike. Want you to fill me up.” Buffy moved his cock to the slick entrance of her pussy, her wet center eager for the joining.
He moved slowly, enjoying the feeling of her warm, satiny embrace as he pushed past the still tight muscles of her youth.

“Relax, sweetheart, I swear I won’t hurt you,” Spike promised.

“No, no hurting. Feels so good, so right.” Buffy meant that. As magical as it had seemed with Angel, a culmination of her teenage dreams, it didn’t come close to this. Spike fit her body perfectly. Not just his wonderfully shaped cock that filled her in every way, but his whole body fit just right, as if designed specifically for her.

Inch by slow inch, Spike claimed his place in the only home he could ever remember knowing. That was the feeling–like he had come home after an eternity of wanting. Fully sheathed at last, he stilled his movements to allow Buffy to adjust to his cock.

She had other ideas, however, feeling so comfortable no adjustment was wanted or needed. All she needed was Spike moving within her, touching her in places he clearly was intended to touch.

She instinctively began to move her hips in small circles as she clenched her inner muscles, caressing him internally.

The smooth glide of Spike’s cock as it pumped within her was accompanied by soft murmurs of endearments as if they both knew deep within that this was no mere lesson in sex but the beginnings of something more.

His pace was slow, letting Buffy discover just what speed and force gave her the most pleasure, just what spots brought forth gasps and moans.

Buffy took the time to experiment on Spike as well, finding out from his sounds and expressions just how to squeeze his cock, just how to caress him with her hands, just how to kiss him into real breathlessness.
Getting to know Spike and his body had become as important to Buffy as learning about her own desires and needs.

As Spike began a series of short, shallow thrusts that managed to hit Buffy on her sweet spot each time, Buffy lost track of pleasuring him as her orgasm took over all of her thought processes.

She could feel the buildup of an intensity she had never imagined followed by an explosion of color behind her eyes as her pussy throbbed and spasmed around his now still cock.

Spike held her close as she rode it out, whispering to her, “That’s it, love, come for me. Come again and again. Gonna love you right, my beautiful Buffy.”

She felt herself come again at his words. When her double orgasm finally coasted to a gentle stop, Buffy rolled both of them over until she was atop Spike.

Yes! This was a good position! She had control of the pace, Spike had his wonderful hands free to massage and tease her breasts and the angle of penetration was perfect to hit all the deepest spots. Buffy also had a perfect view of Spike’s expressive face as every emotion he was feeling flitted across it. Ecstasy was followed by a near reverent awe and passion underscored it all. Buffy caught sight of a tenderness that bespoke an emotion she didn’t want to deal with at this point, but she made a point to file away that notation for later.

If she were right about some of what she was feeling and what it appeared Spike was as well, the vampire was not going to be walking away any time soon.

There were lots of issues that they would need to deal with–his diet being the paramount one–but Buffy would not let anything this good just slip through her fingers over something that could be handled.

As she toyed with thoughts of this being more than a one-night stand, she smiled cryptically at Spike then leaned forward and kissed him senseless.
As she sucked his tongue as if it were his cock, her hip movements changed from making small circles and clenching his cock internally. She began to raise her slick pussy up and nearly off of him, hearing him groan as it felt like she were going to release him from her hot channel. Then she slammed back down, pelvis to pelvis, in one hard impaling.

Buffy pulled back from the kiss, the better to watch his handsome face as she worked him over. She began a cadence that nearly reduced him to whimpering in need.

Buffy slowly rose, inch by inch, squeezing his wet, slick cock as she moved upward to his swollen, sensitive head. Then with just his head still within her, she would plunge down again hard and deep.

Spike had nearly bitten through his bottom lip at the combination of the delicious feelings and the unbelievable sight of his glorious Slayer moving on him exquisitely. Never had he felt anything like this! The heat of this lovely human alone was new to him. The emphasis on pleasure instead of pain was also a wonderful change from Dru.

There was something else though. Something of the heart, the emotions. Spike couldn’t be sure but held as a treasure the idea that he saw a glimmer of feeling in Buffy’s eyes as she looked at him.

“Your turn now, Spike. I want to see you come, want to see you shudder with bliss, baby.” Buffy spoke aloud the thoughts she had without realizing she had verbalized. “Come for me. We’ll come together.”

“Oh, yeah, pet, together.” Spike was surprised he could speak and from the startled look on Buffy’s face, she was too.

Truthfully, Buffy was stunned that Spike was reading her thoughts. Maybe she hadn’t just thought it! She was amazed to realize that she wasn’t embarrassed by what she might have said aloud since they had started making love. Somehow she knew her thoughts were safe with this man.

Spike moved his hands from Buffy’s breasts with a mental promise to return there as soon as they began to make love again later. His hands came to rest on her hips as he took over the tempo, slamming up to meet her as she moved down on him.

She had begun to ride him hard, all previous experimentation gone. Now was raw, primitive mating, two beings driving each other to the edge of oblivion, together in every action, every need.

Buffy felt her orgasm build and began a chant of”yes, God, Spike, yes!” She looked down at his face, a mask of adoration she couldn’t dismiss. ‘God, he’s so beautiful!’ she thought and wondered at why she hadn’t noticed before.

Spike had never heard more beautiful words nor seen a sight of more beauty than his Slayer riding him for all she was worth, sweat beading on her glorious breasts, golden hair curtaining her lovely, enraptured face.

‘All for me!’ he thought in wonder. He felt his balls tighten as he headed for the most intense climax of his entire existence.

She felt him shudder all over as he grasped her tightly to him, pulling her down flush against him and into a kiss as he poured himself into her. She felt the spasms of her orgasm join his as he spurted his essence into her very center. “God, love you Buffy,” she thought she heard.

Spike’s entire body thrummed with the aftershocks of the most intense orgasm he had ever had as his heart resonated with emotions he felt Buffy must surely be feeling as well. He could dust a happy vamp now and face the fires of hell with a smile after tonight.

Spike buried his face in her neck and shuddered in raw sensation. His beloved “enemy” had only been with one other man and yet was so finely tuned to Spike’s body already that she had played it like a master on a familiar instrument.

And so they did make a symphony of joy, of pleasure, of passion. Melodies and rhythms played throughout the night, changing tempos and styles. There was laughter and tears, discoveries and sudden knowledge as though they had been lovers for untold centuries. Buffy had never been so free nor Spike so enslaved as they became that night.

All thoughts of past loves, past desires or future whims died on the altar of perfection as two halves of one perfect whole joined, rejoined and rejoiced in it all.

As dawn broke over the sleepy town, a vampire and his Slayer finally drifted off to blissful sleep, replete and sated. Words of love would come in good time, when battered hearts had mended enough to fully trust again. He would be her champion and she his lady fair. Together they could accomplish anything, be anything, do anything, survive anything, for together they had found completion.

As Spike had promised in the beginning, by the time Buffy left the next morning she did indeed know all the things she wanted and how to get them– and they were all wrapped up in a patched bedspread of a cheap motel in the form of one perfect vampire.

Originally posted at

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