Part 3
“You’re gonna have to let me off the hook sometime, pet.” Spike was curled up around Buffy in the hotel room bed with its inviting pillow and comfy mattress, and she was already halfway to dreamland.
Part 3
“You’re gonna have to let me off the hook sometime, pet.” Spike was curled up around Buffy in the hotel room bed with its inviting pillow and comfy mattress, and she was already halfway to dreamland.
Part 2
Buffy startled awake, lifting her head from its awkward position against the window. “W-what?”
Title: The Couple that Road Trips Together
Rating: PG-13 for language and some violence
Summary: Buffy discovered that Spike was alive in L.A. and has been helping with the cleanup. They, of course, inevitably got back together, and now, they’re on their first road trip together. Third person POV. Set post-NFA.
A/N: Special thank you to badwolfjedi for brainstorming road trip fic ideas with me (couldn’t decide when and where to set it) and for reading over the story to make sure I didn’t do anything way off base. And this story is dedicated especially to dear swifthorse.
Title: Spike’s a Good Boi
Author: Passion4Spike
Era/Season/Setting: Season 3, Band Candy, AU
Rating: PG (language)
Banners by: Paganbaby and Holi117
Author Note: This is the first chapter of the ROAD TRIP in this story (chapter 5 of the story overall). You can read the preceding chapters here on EF . If you don’t want to do that, you don’t need to! I’ve included a short setup summary at the start.
Title: (k)Nickers Off Ready When I Come Home, Chapter 1
Author: stuffnonsense
Era: Post-Series
Rating: Mature
Title: (k)Nickers Off Ready When I Come Home, Prologue
Author: stuffnonsense
Era: Post-Series
Rating: Mature
Title: Ripples on a Hellmouth, Chapter 2
Author: stuffnonsense
Era: Season 1, Time Travel
Rating: Teen
Warnings: No Spike until Chapter 4; thank you for your patience
“I was going to tell a joke about time travel, but you didn’t think it was funny.” – Jesse to Xander, winter 1997
Apologies for what probably seems like a horrendous crossover with teragramm, but I really am posting everything after midnight my time!
I wanted to write something original for round 25 of seasonal_spuffy, but I’ve also just finished a brand new, never-been-published story. So I decided to post both. Time travel is a kind of road trip, right?
Title: Miracle BugAuthor: SpindleKittenEra/season/setting: Season 6, pre-OMWFRating: G
Summary: Spike might just have found something that can make Buffy smile.
A/N Thank you to my beta, darcygall.
Title: Route 666
Author: bewildered
Era/season/setting: Post-series (immediately post-NFA)
Rating: R for language, sexual situations
Summary: Lorne needs to get out of LA. Spike has a car and no reason to stay. Can this Odd Couple survive the road trip from hell? And will Buffy ever catch up?
Title: Route 666
Author: bewildered
Era/season/setting: Post-series (immediately post-NFA)
Rating: R for language, sexual situations
Summary: Lorne needs to get out of LA. Spike has a car and no reason to stay. Can this Odd Couple survive the road trip from hell? And will Buffy ever catch up?
Takes place after Not Fade Away, comics do not exist. Rated R for foul language and sexual situations.
It’s my day! And I have something!
Set in an AU future (perhaps following any one of my future long or short fics where Buffy and Spike are back together and living in the UK – pick one where Spike hasn’t shashued: Home is Where They Have to Let You In, Old Friends, Everytime You Say Goodbye, or any of the short reunion fics, etc.) in which our favorite pair are visiting in Los Angeles for some reason that I may or may not make up later. One evening they encounter Detective Decker and her unusual partner in crime solving. Crossover with Lucifer. Could be a road trip fic if you squint hard enough….
Somewhere Ages and Ages Hence
By Barb C
Pairing: Buffy/Spike, and Buffy and Spike
Rating: G
Summary: It’s not so much a dark mirror as a tie-in novel series that’s gone way off the rails.
Notes: This story takes place in the same universe as A Raising In The Sun et al. It’s a many-years-later followup to In A Yellow Wood and is set a month or so prior to To Lie Down With Wolves. It also contains spoilers for Season 12 of the BtVS comics.
Title: What Became
Author: Megan
Season: Alternate Season 4
Rating: PG
It’s been such a long time since I’ve been on LJ, let alone posting to Seasonal_Spuffy, so saying I’m nervous is an understatement. What I’m posting today is really just the beginning of a much bigger story that I’m still planning out. I apologise that there is not more to it at this point, but I have high hopes for it. It’s set in a world where Buffy didn’t send Angel into Acathla Hell. And that is all I can say…
Hope you like!
Title: “Black Friday”
author/creator: bewildered
era/season/setting: s4 post-Pangs
Summary: Let’s heat those leftovers up a bit, shall we?
Sequel to “Served Cold.” Basically just smut and silliness and more smut.
Title: “Black Friday”
author/creator: bewildered
era/season/setting: s4 post-Pangs
Summary: Let’s heat those leftovers up a bit, shall we?
Sequel to “Served Cold.” Basically just smut and silliness and more smut.
Title: “Black Friday”
author/creator: bewildered
era/season/setting: s4 post-Pangs
Summary: Let’s heat those leftovers up a bit, shall we?
Sequel to “Served Cold.” Basically just smut and silliness and more smut.
Author’s note: This fic is completely self-indulgent, just a smutty release valve for all the UST I’ve been writing and all the crappy life I’ve been living lately. I can’t say there’s no nutritional content, but it’s kind of like calling pumpkin pie a vegetable, or pretending Häagen-Dazs is a meaningful dairy serving. I hope you enjoy reading as much as I enjoyed writing it.
Thanks to the_moonmoth & Sigyn for betaing at various points, as well as fraggleshrew, trilliumjente, zabjade, and everyone else on Chatzy who read bits and offered words of support.
Title: Ka-bump!
Author Relurker
Setting: post series
Rating: G
Hi guys! This is my first time here as a writer, so I’m thrilled and a little anxious.
My very short entry is just a moment of Buffy & Spike’s continuing adventures, somewhen after series.
Hello Seasonal Spuffiers! I’m happy to kick off this round with a very short little fic for you. I hope you enjoy, and I’m looking forward to the rest of the round.
Title: S12 comics limerick and edited panel
Creator: Double Dutchess
Era: Season 12 comics
Because I have been traveling, I didn’t have the opportunity to make anything substantial for this free-for-all. But inspired by the very recent comics developments, and by ‘s wonderful limericks, I tried my hand at a limerick myself. I know it’s a pretty bad one, but it’s my first, and it was made in about 5 minutes :-) I also did a very quick and simple comics panel edit. (Thanks to for providing the comics page containing this panel.)
If you don’t want to be spoiled for the Season 12 comics, DON’T look under the cut!!
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