Feedback: Always welcome. Thanks!
Dreamless – Chapter 2
Dreamless – Chapter 2
Title: In for a Penny [5b/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~11,000 words this chapter (yes, yes we do have a problem)
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Title: In for a Penny [5a/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~11,000 words this chapter (yes, yes we do have a problem)
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: Moony would like it noted for the record that this chapter was, like, 75% Bewildered. At least. Three cheers for Bewildered! (For those interested, this is also the chapter that Bewildered was referring to in her end notes to True Blue *snicker snerk*) This is the last of our contributions to this round’s seasonal_spuffy — a big thank you to all of the mods for continuing to make it happen. If you would like to know about future updates to this fic, you can also find it on AO3, EF, or by friending/following this LJ account (there will be a little bit of a hiatus as we get back ahead of ourselves). Now, onwards to the spuffy!
Beautiful banner by javajunkie247
Title: You Must Remeber
Author: the_wiggins
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: Don’t own anything from Buffy the Vampire Slayer of Angel.
Summary: It’s a Casablanca inspired Buffy fic! Set in an alternate 2017. Things haven’t been going well in the Buffyverse. Spike and Buffy shared a wonderful summer a couple years ago, but he vanished suddenly just before Buffy recieved an terrible injury at the hands of the Scourge (the demon Nazis from Angel’s Hero). Now she’s running a nightclub and trying to forget about him. But, of course, things aren’t going to be so easy.
Word Count: 1409
Author’s Note: I’m a total fandom newb, and this is my first story for Seasonal Spuffy, hope I’m posting it right. Really it’s more of a vignette, or the begining of a story. I wanted to write more but have had crazy life stuff going on including moving and a (relatively minor) surgery! Despite it now being as finished as it could be, I’m fairly happy with some of what’s here, and I was determined to post something regardless. I do have more planned out though, and will try to continue it very soon. Please let me know what you think, any feedback (including constructive criticism) is much appreciated. Not beta’d, so I appologize for any mistakes.
Title: In for a Penny [4/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~9,300 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: Woohoo for figuring out how to make LJ and gdocs play nicely!
Beautiful banner by javajunkie247
Little Sister Part 11
By Barb C.
Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: PG-13
Synopsis: A young Slayer has a job to do.
Author’s notes: This story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It takes place approximately ten years earlier than “Twilight of the Gods.” Many thanks to betas slaymesoftly, typographer, kehf, rainkatt, deborahc, brutti_ma_buoni, and torrilin, and special thanks for last minute beta-ing to dhw!
Title: True Blue
Author: bewilde
Rating: NC-17
Length: ~3,000 words
Timeline: s4
Warnings: Smut.
Summary: Something Blue with a twist. Because we all know if Willow hadn’t Will-Be-Doned them into engagement, they were totally going to angry-kiss anyhow. Warnings for debatably-dubious consent and smut. Seriously, no nutritional content.
Thanks to the_moonmoth for her thorough and thoughtful beta! You can thank her for the very important Rope Continuity.
Also, thanks to teragramm for the sweet new icon (swiped from her post today)! Continue Reading
Title: In for a Penny [3c/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~9,200 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Title: In for a Penny [3b/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~9,200 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Title: In for a Penny [3a/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~9,200 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: See end of chapter for Translation Notes for the Americans ;) Apologies in advance for having to break the chapters up like this — gdocs and LJ are the NOTP of fandom platforms, apparently
Beautiful banner by javajunkie247
Title: In for a Penny [2b/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~5,600 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly. Continue Reading
Title: In for a Penny [2a/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~5,600 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Notes: see Chapter 1 for author’s notes, disclaimers, etc.
Translation notes for the Americans: Smarties are a different type of candy in the UK than in the US. They’re kind of like M&M’s and, more importantly, actually taste good. Traditionally, Smarties come in a cardboard tube with a little plastic cap, and their advertising tag line is “Only Smarties Have the Answer,” which is a little joke Moony is having with herself, because one of her pet theories is that Harmony is actually 100% right about everything she says about Spike.
Beautiful banner by javajunkie247
Title: In for a Penny [1/?]
Authors: the_moonmoth & bewildered/bewilde
Rating: NC-17 (eventually)
Length: ~1,000 words this chapter
Timeline: s4-5
Warnings: Sexual situations, bad language, violence, smut. Suicidal ideation. Temporary Spike/Other and Buffy/Other.
Summary: Spike travels back in time to change the future. It goes poorly.
Moony’s Notes: So a couple of months ago I texted bewildered with a plot bunny, hoping vaguely that she might write it for me. She said, no no, I should write it for her. But both of us were too busy and it was very sad. So then I said, let’s do it together! Sometimes, I have good ideas :) Honestly, the original bunny was for a one-shot smutlet, but I guess this one caught ficomatosis (get it? *snerk*) because, oh look, we’re closing in on 30k and only just getting started! This whole process has been so much fun, with much more to come :D Enjoy!
Bewildered’s Notes: Real Life has been keeping me from writing for a while, so when the_moonmoth texted me an idea for a collaborative fic, I was reluctant to take on the commitment… for about two seconds. Writing this fic has been so, so delicious — and it’s only getting better as we go along. You ain’t seen nothing yet, folks.
Standard disclaimer: Quotes, references and allusions are scattered liberally throughout this story. We own nothing but our naughty, naughty imaginations.
With many thanks and much appreciation to javajunkie247 for the beautiful banner.
Notes: This story is set after the last novel-length fic I wrote in fandom, and there are spoilers for that story throughout. There are also references to things that have happened in the eighty years since The Writing on the Wall ended that may or may not be explained. If you’re curious, I can fill in what happened in the comments, as I don’t plan on writing that story.
Thanks: To pfeifferpack for betaing.
Trigger Warnings: depression, suicide ideation. Continue Reading
Title: Between Hell and a Heartbeat (working title)
Author: Baphrosia
Rating: PG13 (for now)
Setting: S4 AU from “The Harsh Light of Day”
Word Count: 2600
Summary: Buffy finds Spike before he manages to acquire the Gem of Amara. Things don’t quite work out as either of them would’ve liked.
A/N: Real life continues to be ridiculously needy, which means that rather than only posting a fic after I’m done writing it (as is my personal habit), what I have for you today is the beginning of an unbeta’ed WIP. I hope you’ll enjoy anyway. Continue Reading
Title: Happily Ever After
Author: sunalso
Rating: PG
Word count: ~2.6K
Setting: The Summerlands
Summary: Buffy goes home.
A/N: Beta’d by Gort. (Sorry dear, thank you!) Continue Reading
Title: Buffy and the Bloodmobile
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13
Word count: 2115
Setting: During an alternate* S5, after the altercation with Glory in “Blood Ties”.
Summary: Property damage has consequences.
AN: Surprise sequel! No one was more surprised than the author, though. This is so very unbeta’d, so please let me know if you see any errors, or are wondering what the heck is going on. Part 2 will go up during the free-for-all weekend.
*Quickie overview of the Vamp-Next-Door-verse: Buffy did her first few slaying years in LA, with the full knowledge of her family, and moved to Sunnydale for college. Joyce and Dawn followed a year later. Riley left town at the end of S4. Spike’s been living on the Hellmouth for a few years, for Reasons. You can read all about it: On LJ / On AO3 / On BSV / On TSR / On EF
Art by eyesthatslay
Art by eyesthatslay