Cuddling With the Darkness

Title: Cuddling With the Darkness
Author: Slaymesoftly
Era/season/setting: early season five
Rating: Strong R
Special thanks to all4spike, who, in spite of being physically unable to do her usual detail-oriented beta job, was kind enough to read through it to keep me from digging plot holes or leaving out anything important.

Summary/notes: Sparked by the below meme and a subsequent short discussion on EF’s FB page. What if Dracula turned Spike into a bat?

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The Moon Calls My Name (1/2)

Title: The Moon Calls My Name
Rating: PG-13
Summary: Desperate to find out if Fred is still out there in the universe, Spike makes an impulsive decision to send a mystical message in a bottle. Someone else gets his message. (Set in Angel the Series, Season Five in a semi-AU universe after Illyria took over Fred’s body.)
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss owns all.

Author’s notes: I did weird stuff with fonts on purpose as an experiment. Apologies if it’s overly cheesy and too on the nose. It’s fanfiction, and I hope you don’t mind me indulging in a bit of playing. This is unbetaed, so any errors are my own.

Also, I wrote the first two short parts and shared them with badwolfjedi a long while ago but stopped writing it. Then, the theme of Seasonal Spuffy came up and I knew I had to finish it. Thank you to the mods for hosting another round! Your efforts are so appreciated. *hugs*

Written with lots of support from sintonia! Thank you so much for your kind and thoughtful comments while I was plugging along on this little fic and annoying you with little tidbits and drafts.
This is dedicated to wonderful OffYourBird for her birthday. I promised her a birthday fic and then totally fell off from doing it. Happy super-duper belated birthday!

Beautiful banner by sintonia!

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Fic: Pieces by myrabeth

Title: Pieces

Author: myrabeth

Setting: AtS Ssn 5

Rating: PG-13

Words: 3,000

Summary: The third time, I came back in pieces. I’ve put together what I could in the months since, but I don’t think I’ll ever quite finish the puzzle. I only even made it this far because I was so driven to remember the guy who burned my hand.

A story told in drabbles, Buffy POV

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Fic: Those Were The Days Of Our Lives (1/?)

This entry is part 1 of 4 in the series Those Were The Days Of Our Lives

Title: Those Were The Days Of Our Lives
Author: flow
Era/season/setting: AtS5/BtVS4
Rating: NC-17
Summary: Spike is prepared to die in the battle behind the Hyperion Hotel. But someone else decides to send him back in time …
A/N: Thanks to everyone at, Elysian Fields and Seasonal Spuffy who inspired and encouraged me to start writing this story. A very special and heartfelt thanks to my fantastic betas Stoney and GoSpuffy. I couldn`t have done it without you. If there is anything good at all about this story it is owed to you. All remaining mistakes are mine.
Disclaimer: All belongs to JW and ME.

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Spreading the Light

Rating: R
Author: Sandy S.
Disclaimer: I own nothing. Joss owns all.
Summary: Buffy journeys to LA to help in the final battle at the end of “Not Fade Away.” Spike saves her life at a cost, and humans can’t be in denial about the existence of demons and vampires anymore. The world is turned upside down and scientific advancements skyrocket…literally. Far in the future, Buffy and Spike are facing another apocalypse.

(As an aside, this is sort of the story of how Spike and Buffy ended up where they did in Exquisite Consequences, a round robin of sorts on Elysian Fields, but you don’t have to read that to get this.)

Huge thank you to yellowb for betaing part one.

Written for the Sunnydale Fanfic Club July 2018 challenge, which involves stars and a football (say what?)!

A/N: Several parts for this fic are written but I have until the end of July to publish for the contest. I’ll be posting the rest then on Elysian Fields. And yeah, yeah, the title is from my own fic. I really agonized over it. (I have the hardest time with titles!)

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[LINK] comics fixit mood boards by Torrilin

A/N: is a predecessor ficlet
Title: comics fixit mood boards
Creator: Torrilin
Era: s5 AtS/s8 comics
Rating: G

Follow this link to view the artwork on tumblr, and be sure to show some love! I’m thinking LJ messages or maybe comments to this post, as her tumblr askbox is only open to tumblr users.
Update: Torrilin confirms that she can be reached on LJ and DW as usual, and she knows there might be (more) comments on this post. She posted on tumblr because of an issue with posting images.

Originally posted at

The People In Question

I am all about writing at the last minute. I’d hoped to finish (start?) this last night so I could post first thing, but mid-afternoon (EDT) seems to be the best I can manage. Hopefully everyone is still madly refreshing LJ to get a new seasonal_spuffy entry, because you are in luck. This is set mid The Girl In Question. And I hope the typography is properly tagged, otherwise it’s going to be a real pain in the ass to figure out. :D

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Karaoke, Kittens, and Christmas (Fanfic)

Title: Karaoke, Kittens, and Christmas
Author: EllieRose101
Season: Post Series BtVS / Angel Season 5
Rating: PG
Story Bio.: Spike has some crazy seasonal adventures
Author Note: Originally written as a Secret Santa present for Tumblr, last year, I have reworked this story to give it an extra-special Spuffy ending.
Really, I should be working on my NaNoWriMo novel, but I wanted to post a treat for the free-for-all day, in light of just winning a few categories over at the Sunnydale Memorial Fanfic awards. Enjoy!

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Winter Lights [6/6]

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Winter Lights

Title: Winter Lights [6/6]
Media: fanfiction & fanart
Creators: the_moonmoth, wolveswithhats, kylathelurker, bewildered
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Andrew, OFC
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Setting: Set shortly after ‘The Girl In Question’ and imagining it took place a little earlier than its air date.
Length: ~18,000 total (each chapter ~3,000)
Warnings: Attempted suicide and character death (both off-screen, but discussed)
Summary: Life, death, love, grief. Buffy takes a mission in the Arctic Circle with a slayer who never wanted to be and an enemy that barely compares to the one inside her own head.
Go here for notes, acknowledgements and chapter list.

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Winter Lights [5/6]

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Winter Lights

Title: Winter Lights [5/6]
Media: fanfiction & fanart
Creators: the_moonmoth, wolveswithhats, kylathelurker, bewildered
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Andrew, OFC
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Setting: Set shortly after ‘The Girl In Question’ and imagining it took place a little earlier than its air date.
Length: ~18,000 total (each chapter ~3,000)
Warnings: Attempted suicide and character death (both off-screen, but discussed)
Summary: Life, death, love, grief. Buffy takes a mission in the Arctic Circle with a slayer who never wanted to be and an enemy that barely compares to the one inside her own head.
Go here for notes, acknowledgements and chapter list.

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Winter Lights [4/6]

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Winter Lights

Title: Winter Lights [4/6]
Media: fanfiction & fanart
Creators: the_moonmoth, wolveswithhats, kylathelurker, bewildered
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Andrew, OFC
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Setting: Set shortly after ‘The Girl In Question’ and imagining it took place a little earlier than its air date.
Length: ~18,000 total (each chapter ~3,000)
Warnings: Attempted suicide and character death (both off-screen, but discussed)
Summary: Life, death, love, grief. Buffy takes a mission in the Arctic Circle with a slayer who never wanted to be and an enemy that barely compares to the one inside her own head.
Go here for notes, acknowledgements and chapter list.

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Winter Lights [3/6]

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Winter Lights

Title: Winter Lights [3/6]
Media: fanfiction & fanart
Creators: the_moonmoth, wolveswithhats, kylathelurker, bewildered
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Andrew, OFC
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Setting: Set shortly after ‘The Girl In Question’ and imagining it took place a little earlier than its air date.
Length: ~18,000 total (each chapter ~3,000)
Warnings: Attempted suicide and character death (both off-screen, but discussed)
Summary: Life, death, love, grief. Buffy takes a mission in the Arctic Circle with a slayer who never wanted to be and an enemy that barely compares to the one inside her own head.
Go here for notes, acknowledgements and chapter list.

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Winter Lights [2/6]

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Winter Lights

Title: Winter Lights [2/6]
Media: fanfiction & fanart
Creators: the_moonmoth, wolveswithhats, kylathelurker, bewildered
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Andrew, OFC
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Setting: Set shortly after ‘The Girl In Question’ and imagining it took place a little earlier than its air date.
Length: ~18,000 total (each chapter ~3,000)
Warnings: Attempted suicide and character death (both off-screen, but discussed)
Summary: Life, death, love, grief. Buffy takes a mission in the Arctic Circle with a slayer who never wanted to be and an enemy that barely compares to the one inside her own head.
Go here for notes, acknowledgements and chapter list.

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Winter Lights [1/6]

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Winter Lights

Title: Winter Lights [1/6]
Media: fanfiction & fanart
Creators: the_moonmoth, wolveswithhats, kylathelurker, bewildered
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Andrew, OFC
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Setting: Set shortly after ‘The Girl In Question’ and imagining it took place a little earlier than its air date.
Length: ~18,000 total (each chapter ~3,000)
Warnings: Attempted suicide and character death (both off-screen, but discussed)
Summary: Life, death, love, grief. Buffy takes a mission in the Arctic Circle with a slayer who never wanted to be and an enemy that barely compares to the one inside her own head.
Go here for notes, acknowledgements and chapter list.

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Illustrated Fanfic: Winter Lights [Master Post]

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Winter Lights

Title: Winter Lights [0/6]
Media: fanfiction & fanart
Creators: the_moonmoth, wolveswithhats, kylathelurker, bewildered
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Buffy, Dawn, Giles, Andrew, OFC
Pairings: Buffy/Spike
Setting: Set shortly after ‘The Girl In Question’ and imagining it took place a little earlier than its air date.
Length: ~18,000 total (each chapter ~3,000)
Warnings: Attempted suicide and character death (both off-screen, but discussed)
Summary: Life, death, love, grief. Buffy takes a mission in the Arctic Circle with a slayer who never wanted to be and an enemy that barely compares to the one inside her own head.


    • Inspired heavily by the London Grammar song Sights.
    • This is a very personal story and a lot of people helped me out with it along the way. My very great thanks go to angearia for looking over an early version, torrilin for answering my questions about huskies, and yavannie82 and bewilde for excellent and comprehensive betaing, through which they have made this fic so tight it could float. Bottomless appreciation also to kylathelurker for a superlative alpha-read, cultural input and seemingly unending support and enthusiasm. They all helped me make this as good and as accurate as possible – any remaining mistakes are my own.
    • Further thanks to my lovely, generous and incredibly talented artistswolveswithhats, kylathelurker and bewilde who have produced some truly stunning illustrations for this story. Their art is indexed and credited below. Some pics are still on their way, however, so keep an eye out :) If you enjoy their work along with mine, I hope you will remember to let them know.
    • This story is now also available on AO3 and EF.
    • Constructive criticism is always welcome, and in fact encouraged. Enjoy!


Chapter 1 – “Whatever important place a hedgehog would have to go.”

Chapter 2 – “Here there be bloody dragons.” | Art by kylathelurker

Chapter 3 – “I don’t like you enough to put it into smaller words.” | Art by wolveswithhats | Art by kylathelurker

Chapter 4 – “I don’t know. I don’t know anymore.”

Chapter 5 – “Don’t die on a dark night.” | Art by kylathelurker | Art by bewilde

Chapter 6 – “That border at the edge of the campfire.”


Originally posted at