Fic: DUST (7/?)

This entry is part 7 of 7 in the series Dust

As promised, I’m back with one more chapter to celebrate  seasonal_spuffy. If you want to continue following this fic, I’ll be updating it fairly regularly (couple of times a week at least) on my livejournal. Or you can find it at Elysian Fields or the Bloodshedverse).

Thanks so much to the mods for putting this together. It’s been a lot of fun, and I can’t wait for the next go round. :)

First there was Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 , Chapter 5 & Chapter 6

Title: DUST
Author: knifeedgefic
Era/Season: Season 4 (post “Harsh Light of Day” and “Fear, Itself” but before “Beer Bad”)
Rating: Mature/NC-17 (strong language, sexual situations, adult content)
Genre: other?
Betaed by: goblin_dae, yakimama, and subtilior

Summary: She’d kicked his butt, taken the Gem and sent it off to Angel. Buffy thought she’d seen the last of Spike. Clearly, she’d been too optimistic. That he was in her house, in her room, waking her out of a sound sleep and asking for (okay, demanding) her help meant that something had to be majorly wrong. They weren’t due for another apocalypse, but… why else would a vampire make a truce with the Slayer?

Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all recognizable characters, locations, and dialogue belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and the various writers. This is written purely for fun.

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Fic: DUST (6/?)

This entry is part 6 of 7 in the series Dust

And, last one for my posting day. See you all on free day.

First there was Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 , Chapter 4 & Chapter 5

Author: knifeedgefic
Era/Season: Season 4 (post “Harsh Light of Day” and “Fear, Itself” but before “Beer Bad”)
Rating: Mature/NC-17 (strong language, sexual situations, adult content)
Genre: other?
Betaed by: goblin_dae, yakimama, and subtilior

Summary: She’d kicked his butt, taken the Gem and sent it off to Angel. Buffy thought she’d seen the last of Spike. Clearly, she’d been too optimistic. That he was in her house, in her room, waking her out of a sound sleep and asking for (okay, demanding) her help meant that something had to be majorly wrong. They weren’t due for another apocalypse, but… why else would a vampire make a truce with the Slayer?

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Fic: DUST (5/?)

This entry is part 5 of 7 in the series Dust

So… I lied earlier. You’re getting two more chapters before my posting day is done… provided no one minds if I run over my day by an hour (my time). It’s still May 1st on the West Coast for a few more hours, I believe.

First there was Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 , Chapter 3 & Chapter 4

Author: knifeedgefic
Era/Season: Season 4 (post “Harsh Light of Day” and “Fear, Itself” but before “Beer Bad”)
Rating: Mature/NC-17 (strong language, sexual situations, adult content)
Genre: other?
Betaed by: goblin_dae, yakimama, and subtilior

Summary: She’d kicked his butt, taken the Gem and sent it off to Angel. Buffy thought she’d seen the last of Spike. Clearly, she’d been too optimistic. That he was in her house, in her room, waking her out of a sound sleep and asking for (okay, demanding) her help meant that something had to be majorly wrong. They weren’t due for another apocalypse, but… why else would a vampire make a truce with the Slayer?

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Fic: DUST (4/?)

This entry is part 4 of 7 in the series Dust

First there was Chapter 1 , Chapter 2 & Chapter 3

Author: knifeedgefic
Era/Season: Season 4 (post “Harsh Light of Day” and “Fear, Itself” but before “Beer Bad”)
Rating: Mature/NC-17 (strong language, sexual situations, adult content)
Genre: other?
Betaed by: goblin_dae, yakimama, and subtilior

Summary: She’d kicked his butt, taken the Gem and sent it off to Angel. Buffy thought she’d seen the last of Spike. Clearly, she’d been too optimistic. That he was in her house, in her room, waking her out of a sound sleep and asking for (okay, demanding) her help meant that something had to be majorly wrong. They weren’t due for another apocalypse, but… why else would a vampire make a truce with the Slayer?

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Fic: DUST (3/?)

This entry is part 3 of 7 in the series Dust

First there was Chapter 1 & Chapter 2

Author: knifeedgefic
Era/Season: Season 4 (post “Harsh Light of Day” and “Fear, Itself” but before “Beer Bad”)
Rating: Mature/NC-17 (strong language, sexual situations, adult content)
Genre: other?
Betaed by: goblin_dae, yakimama, and subtilior

Summary: She’d kicked his butt, taken the Gem and sent it off to Angel. Buffy thought she’d seen the last of Spike. Clearly, she’d been too optimistic. That he was in her house, in her room, waking her out of a sound sleep and asking for (okay, demanding) her help meant that something had to be majorly wrong. They weren’t due for another apocalypse, but… why else would a vampire make a truce with the Slayer?

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Fic: DUST (2/?)

This entry is part 2 of 7 in the series Dust

First there was Chapter 1. And now… chapter 2.

Author: knifeedgefic
Era/Season: Season 4 (post “Harsh Light of Day” and “Fear, Itself” but before “Beer Bad”)
Rating: Mature/NC-17 (strong language, sexual situations, adult content)
Genre: other?
Betaed by: goblin_dae, yakimama, and subtilior

Summary: She’d kicked his butt, taken the Gem and sent it off to Angel. Buffy thought she’d seen the last of Spike. Clearly, she’d been too optimistic. That he was in her house, in her room, waking her out of a sound sleep and asking for (okay, demanding) her help meant that something had to be majorly wrong. They weren’t due for another apocalypse, but… why else would a vampire make a truce with the Slayer?

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Fic: DUST (1/?)

This entry is part 1 of 7 in the series Dust

My very first seasonal_spuffy.

I’m overwhelmed. Or possibly just tired. It is just after 3 am here. But I’ve stayed up late in order to post the first chapter of what is promising to be another epic length KnifeEdge fic. There’s something about writing Spuffy that makes me think epically huge. I’ll have a few more chapters for you throughout the day, today. At least four. Five if I get lucky.

Thanks to the mods for putting this all together, and to all of YOU for welcoming me with such open arms this past year. Super special thanks to my betas for all the time and effort and craziness from me that you’ve put up with.

So, now, without further ado, I give you “DUST”.

Author: knifeedgefic
Era/Season: Season 4 (post “Harsh Light of Day” and “Fear, Itself” but before “Beer Bad”)
Rating: Mature/NC-17 (strong language, sexual situations, adult content)
Genre: other?
Betaed by: goblin_dae, yakimama, and subtilior

Summary: She’d kicked his butt, taken the Gem and sent it off to Angel. Buffy thought she’d seen the last of Spike. Clearly, she’d been too optimistic. That he was in her house, in her room, waking her out of a sound sleep and asking for (okay, demanding) her help meant that something had to be majorly wrong. They weren’t due for another apocalypse, but… why else would a vampire make a truce with the Slayer?

Disclaimer: Buffy the Vampire Slayer and all recognizable characters, locations, and dialogue belong to Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, and the various writers. This is written purely for fun.

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Fic – Calm the Waters (Chapter 2)

Author: Abelina (Abby)
Title:  Calm the Waters
Summary:  It must be spring, because there’s an apocalypse brewing.  Spike and Buffy go on a mission to find the final artifact needed for the ritual to end the world, so they can destroy it before it’s too late, only things go a little bit awry.
Season Five, sometime after Intervention but before Tough Love, in a bit of an alternate reality.
Will be NC-17 (eventually).
Notes: This is the second chapter of the fic I started for the last round of Seasonal Spuffy.  Chapter One is here, and was posted so long ago it’s probably best to read it again even if you remember seeing it the first time around.  I didn’t think I’d even have anything for this round, so I’m pleased to be posting this with about 50 minutes left on my posting day.  Unbeta’d, so if you spy an error, please let me know so that I might fix it.

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Making it Work, Slaymesoftly

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series Making it Work

It’s my day! *bites nails* It’s a long story, and I have to leave for work in 45 min., so I’m not going to get it all up this morning. With luck, I’ll have most of it up before midnight, but can’t swear to it. I won’t be be home much at all today until well after 9:00 p.m. If I don’t get it all up (a distinct possibility since I haven’t finished the ending) I’ll link to it on my LJ/DW accounts. I’d do chapters at a time, but I don’t do short chapters and that might be a little too much for many readers.

Title: Making it Work (early season four)
Author: Slaymesoftly
Word count: 20,000 ++
Rating: Strong R or NC17?
Disclaimer: Joss’s characters, I just tweaked the season a little. (Okay, I tweaked it a lot. Don’t sue me!)
Summary: Continues from two Schmoop Bingo ficlets (I’ll provide links as soon as I have time) in which a drunk Spike comes to Buffy after Dru has kicked him out again. He thinks he wants to fight her, but ends up realizing that’s not what he wants at all… In this fic, they find that their situation may not be all that unique. The question is, can an unchipped, unsouled formerly evil vampire contain his demon well enough to suit the Chosen One? Can they make it work?

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The DeSoto (NC-17) by Dampersandspoons

Title: The DeSoto
Author:  dampersnspoons
Season/Setting:  Season 6/Somewhere between the episodes “Gone” and “Dead Things”
Rating:  NC-17 in the highest regard, for language and explicit sex.
Genre:  Porn without plot, angst, romance
Beta/Test-readers: The Wonderful aerintine  and the fabulous lostboy_lj   Thank you for your help! <3
Word Count:  3,240 / complete

Author’s Note:  This is my first time posting to seasonal_spuffy after three years in the Buffy fandom!  I’m excited, nervous, and thrilled to be a part of it.  I had to post as soon as the date changed, I am that anxious. Thank you to the moderators for maintaining this awesome community.  I hope you all enjoy my contributions!

First, I bring you pure erotica in a car (with feeling), and then I will be sharing some icons in a separate post.  I may have something else fic-wise to post on free-for-all day if I play my cards right.


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Fic: Her Forbidden Affair by okdeanna – 1/1 (NC-17)

Title: Her Forbidden Affair
Author: okdeanna
Rating: NC-17
Word Count: 875
Beta: dusty273
Written For: seasonal_spuffy Round 11
Theme: Love is a temporary madness
Timeline: Set sometime in Btvs S6
Genre: Romance, Angst
Warnings: adult language, sexual situations
Disclaimer: I do not own the Buffyverse. That gem belongs to Joss Whedon, Fox and others associated with the TV shows, comics and merchandising. I’m just a writer who loves the show and likes to write about its characters. :)

Summary: Buffy lets Spike take her to heaven, night after night, but loving him for it isn’t part of the deal… or is it?

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Fic: Goldilocks (1/1)

I have one offering for today. Please enjoy!


Title: Goldilocks

Author: PrettyPoppy

Summary: Three days before Halloween, Spike makes a rather interesting request. Season 6. Set between “Life Serial” and “All the Way.”

Rated: NC-17, just to be on the safe side

Author’s Notes: Although I usually try to write for the theme, this time around I was drawing a complete blank. So, in honor of Halloween, I thought I’d write a holiday fic instead. But, of course, somewhere along the way, I think my holiday fic started to reflect the theme, “love is a temporary madness,” so it all worked out in the end. Many thanks to ladyofthelog and snickfic for keeping this wonderful community going. This fic is dedicated, with much love and appreciation, to The Pimp, for giving me yet one more reason to love Halloween.

Disclaimer: Nope. I don’t own Spike or Buffy. Everything belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, and whoever else has a legal right to it.

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Sacrament – Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 3 in the series Sacrament


Author: Holly (
Rating: NC-17
Timeline: Sequel to Wicked in an AU Season 2-3.
Summary: Six months ago, Buffy turned into a vampire at the hands of her greatest enemy and disappeared. Her friends think they finally have found the solution to getting their slayer back…all they need is a witch, an orb, and a soul.
Warnings: language, blood-play, violence, graphic sexual content
Betas: megan_peta, just_sue, and dusty273. Thanks, ladies! You’re awesome!

Disclaimer: The characters herein are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. They are being used out of respect and affection, and not for the sake of profit. No copyright infringement is intended.

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Sacrament – Part 2

This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Sacrament

Author: Holly (
Rating: NC-17
Timeline: Sequel to Wicked in an AU Season 2-3.
Summary: Six months ago, Buffy turned into a vampire at the hands of her greatest enemy and disappeared. Her friends think they finally have found the solution to getting their slayer back…all they need is a witch, an orb, and a soul.
Warnings: language, blood-play, violence, graphic sexual content
Betas: megan_peta, just_sue, and dusty273. Thanks, ladies! You’re awesome!

Disclaimer: The characters herein are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. They are being used out of respect and affection, and not for the sake of profit. No copyright infringement is intended.

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Sacrament – Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 3 in the series Sacrament

Author: Holly (
Rating: NC-17
Timeline: Sequel to Wicked in an AU Season 2-3.
Summary: Six months ago, Buffy turned into a vampire at the hands of her greatest enemy and disappeared. Her friends think they finally have found the solution to getting their slayer back…all they need is a witch, an orb, and a soul.
Warnings: language, blood-play, violence, graphic sexual content
Betas: megan_peta, just_sue, and dusty273. Thanks, ladies! You’re awesome!
Disclaimer: The characters herein are the property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. They are being used out of respect and affection, and not for the sake of profit. No copyright infringement is intended.

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