Where’s the Doctor – Chapter 1

This entry is part 1 of 12 in the series Where's the Doctor

Thanks to enigmaticblues  for continuing this comm. I haven’t had a chance to dip into the stories and other posts yet, but I’ve been enjoying the push my deadline has given me to jump back into my fandom. I’m hoping to spend a lot of time here this winter.

Title: Where’s the Doctor?
Rating: PG at most
Pairing: Spike/Buffy

Summary: Some time ago, I wrote a short fic called Who’s the Doctor?. It was an AU version of “As You Were” that involved some characters from the recent seasons of Doctor Who. I’m having problems categorizing the current fic, because it’s a prequel from the Doctor’s point of view and a sequel from Buffy and Spike’s. As far as BTVS is concerned, it’s during or after an AU Season 6 where Spuffy is a happy reality and all the characters get along, more or less. In the Whoverse, it takes place during Tom Baker’s reign, when he was traveling with Leela.

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