The Hero of the Piece, 2/2
era: post-series
Fic: The Hero of the Piece, 1/2
The Hero of the Piece
By Barb C
Disclaimers: The usual. All belongs to Joss and Mutant Enemy, and naught to me.
Rating: R
Pairing: Buffy/Spike
Synopsis: Where the hell was he? Come to that, who the hell was he?
Author’s notes: This story was written for the Fall 2009 round of seasonal_spuffy. The story takes place in the same universe as “Raising In the Sun,” “Necessary Evils,” and “A Parliament of Monsters.” It’s set in the year 2017 in the Barbverse timeline, and has spoilers for previous works in the series. Enormous thanks to betas rainkatt, shipperx, deborahc, brutti_ma_buoni, typographer, slaymesoftly, and kehf, without whose invaluable help this would be a far poorer story, and to jen_nsync_landl, green_maia, Gwyn, and ladyofthelog for last minute once-overs. Any remaining deficiencies are my own. As always, thanks to enigmaticblues for getting the band back together! Continue Reading
FIC: His Girls
Title: His Girls
Author: angearia
Summary: In the happier times, there are no stages to be worked through – there’s only Life.
Warnings: Extreme schmoop lies within. The baby’s only gotten cuter, so be forewarned.
Rating: PG
Timeline: Post-Not Fade Away. Sequel to “To Be Born Again”
Word Count: 500
Author’s Note: Why yes, the babyfic has run away with me! I’m sure it’s just a phase. There’s only so much schmoop I can take before I melt into a puddle of goo and fade away. Lovely banner is by the talented moscow_watcher
FIC: To Be Born Again
Title: To Be Born Again
Author: angearia
Summary: Buffy has been brought back from the dead twice already, but the third time’s the charm.
Timeline: Post-Not Fade Away.
Warnings: None.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 500
Author’s Note: First off, thank you to enigmaticblues for keeping this amazing community going! I have a confession – I was this close to not posting something today. This close! I have two other stories I’d worked on and then discarded in the past month. *shakes fist at WIPs* Then some scans of Sarah Michelle Gellar in People Magazine inspired me last night and voila! I hope you enjoy my humble offering (it truly is ever so humble in light of all the grand fic plans I’d had and hope to still write). This is unbeta’d so all mistakes are mine.
Fonder Distance, Oneshot
Hey all. I had planned on a longer, creepier story for this but I felt I needed more time. LOL. So instead I have this one little shot. Hope you all enjoy
Title: Fonder Distance
Author: maryperk
Rating: PG13
Time Frame: Post NFA
Beta: Tasha
Artwork: amyxaphinia
Summary: Distance makes us fonder.
Fic: The Distance Between Us (11/11)
Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R Continue Reading
Fic: The Distance Between Us (10/11)
Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R Continue Reading
Fic: The Distance Between Us (9/11)
Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R Continue Reading
Fic: The Distance Between Us (8/11)
Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R
Fic: The Distance Between Us (7/11)
Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R
Fic: The Distance Between Us (6/11)
Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R
Fic: The Distance Between Us (5/11)
Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R
Fic: The Distance Between Us (4/11)
Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R
Fic: The Distance Between Us (3/11)
Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R
Fic: The Distance Between Us (2/11)
Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R
Fic: The Distance Between Us (1/11)
Title: The Distance Between Us
Author: PrettyPoppy
Summary: Nineteen years after leaving Sunnydale, Spike encounters a startlingly familiar young woman fighting vampires in the alleyways of London – a young woman who holds the key to both his past and his future.
Rated: R
Author’s Notes: In this fic, Spike leaves Sunnydale sometime between “As You Were” and “Entropy,” so it doesn’t follow canon after the middle of Season 6. I’m loathe to label this baby fic, but I suppose it technically is, even though the baby in this case is 18-years-old. This is the first chaptered fanfic I’ve written in more than six years. (And I’m still a little bit in shock.) Many thanks to the wonderful enigmaticblues for all her hard work in putting this round together.
Disclaimer: Nope. I don’t own Spike or Buffy. Everything belongs to Joss, Mutant Enemy, and whoever else has a legal right to it.
Fic: “The Glory and the Dream”
Title: The Glory and the Dream
Author: Maia
Rating: PG
Words: 1224
Disclaimer: I own nothing
Thank you to enigmaticblues for hosting!
Notes: This story takes place in my Gifts-verse, where Spike was resurrected as a human after “Chosen” in 2003 and went back to the name William. In 2008 he and Buffy were reunited, in 2009 they married, in 2011 they had a daughter named Eleanor and in 2015 they had a son named Geoffrey.
The title and several quotes are from William Wordsworth’s Ode Intimations of Immortality from Recollections of Early Childhood.
There is also a quote from W.H. Auden’s September 1, 1939.
Warnings: I hesitate to post this story. It is very, very dark. I’m not even sure it’s “canon” for my Gifts-verse.
Whither is fled the visionary gleam?
Where is it now, the glory and the dream? Continue Reading
Fic: The Fall of the Year (1/1)
It looks like it’s my day, and I have some fic to share. I hope you enjoy it. Thank you, as always, to enigmaticblues.
Title: The Fall of the Year
Rating: R
Summary: We grow. Life happens. Things fall apart. Post-series, about ten years after Chosen. Continue Reading
Fic – The Great Divide
My entry for the prompt “distance.” Thanks to enigmaticblues for giving us this community, and for cindergal for once again being my wonderful beta.
Set after series, with some concession to the comic books. Reading them is not a prerequisite, but there are a few references.
PG, maybe PG13 if you squint. 3087 words.
Fic: This Side of Forever
Hi everyone! Just one offering for you this season, but I hope you enjoy – and now I get to relax and go appreciate everyone else’s contributions!
Title: This Side of Forever
Author: Brutti_ma_buoni
Rating: PG13
Summary: a pocket dimension with no one to fight. Surely not the perfect place for a Spuffy reunion?
A/N: The idea for this fic was originally sparked by a banner made by amyxaphania for the good__evil artathon, which I didn’t have time to tackle during the artathon itself. But she kindly allowed me to use it belatedly as inspiration for this fic. Discussions with rahirah about pocket dimensions planted a little of the mechanics of this in my brain, but this dimension has nothing to do with hers. The full banner is at the end of the fic, but here’s a little taster: