FIC: Sad Song in His Heart

Title: Sad Song in His Heart – Chapter 1/3
Author: Angearia
Pairing/Characters: Spike/Buffy, Harmony, OC
Summary: What was Spike really thinking and feeling when he met up with Harmony in the bar at the end of Harm’s Way? And why is it about to get him in a serious amount of trouble?
Rating: PG-13
Warnings: This is a WIP. The other two chapters are being beta’d and I hope to have them posted later on today.
Spoilers: Spoilers for Harm’s Way and the Season 8 retcon of The Girl in Question
Disclaimer: I don’t own them. Just playing.
Word Count: 1974  Continue Reading

Ficlet: Uncomfortable Trading

Title: Uncomfortable Trading
Author: red_sunflower
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Spike and Buffy are property of Joss Whedon/Mutant Enemy. I’m just playing with them.
Summary: Some things are better to be left untouched (and un-discussed). This story contains spoilers of Angel After the Fall.
Timeline: Sometime in the future.
Author’s note: Thank you very much to my wonderful beta dusty273, who helped with the grammar and style. This is my first fanfic ever so don’t take me seriously.

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Big Girls

The Spuffy gods were trying to keep me away, right down to a smashed computer last night that ate most of my work for this round, but I have overcome! (Yay for saved drafts!) I present to you the first of two pieces for today!

But first,
OK, I have a list of thank-yous as long as my arm. First, standing ovation to enigmaticblues for putting up with my endless list of date conflicts, and shapinglight, who may or may not have know she was sharing a day with yours truly. And don’t blame them for any mistakes that might turn up in this one, but gillo and just_sue get about a zillion karmic points for putting up with a long string of frantic, half-coherent e-mails from me over the past 24 hours or so. You’ll see their good work in the next bit.

And now, without further adieu
Title: Big Girls
Timeline: Season 8, back at the ranch, er, castle, while Faith’s off chasing socialites
Rating: PG. That Spike’s got a foul mouth.

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Fic: ‘The Public Face’ by Quinara (1/1)


It’s my day today, although technically there’s only an hour left of it my end. I’m not quite sure how that happened…

Anyway, there’s a little something extra besides this, which will be coming over the next hour – I’m sure you’re on tenterhooks!

Title: The Public Face
Author: Quinara
Rating: PG-13 (for one vaguely real swear word?)
Summary: Xander gets a phone call in the middle of the night, which leads him to witnessing a reunion he’s not sure he wants to.
Author’s Notes: This is a sequel-in-spirit to Resolution, wherein I tried to deal with my Season 8 issues. This is is less blatantly ranty, and more my attempt to deal with the (inevitable, dammit) Buffy/Spike reunion from what’s hopefully a different angle. Hope you like it, and please feel free to point out any typos.

Warnings: None

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