My posting day is here, and yay! despite all obstacles I have something to post. Infinite thanks to the fabulous edenfalling, who read this for me at the last possible minute. She gives the best feedback! A few of the best jokes are hers, too — I’ll let you try to figure out which ones.
Title: A Walk In the Woods
Author: Willowgreen
Rating: PG at worst
Length: 4400 words
Summary: Buffy needs new shoes, but Spike has dragged her out for a hike and a picnic instead. Can any possible good come of this?
Author’s note: This is a sequel to my 2007 Seasonal Spuffy story A Cup of Kindness, although there’s no need to read that one for this to make sense.
Disclaimer: These characters aren’t mine, although I love them almost as if they were.