Title: We Will Drive Through the Fire
Author: Rebcake
Rating: PG13
Word count: 3450
Genre: Domestic holiday doings
Summary: It’s Thanksgiving, so Buffy and Spike pack up the kids and head to Grandpa’s.
A/N: Although it’s not necessary to read the previous stories, this is the next installment in the Ring On It ‘Verse series. It began with a small wardrobe change on the morning of the final battle of the Hellmouth, and led to an un-sought-for transformation, namely that Spike has a heartbeat. AU from Chosen. The whole series can be found here on AO3. Previous seasonal_spuffy posts are With This Ring, Under My Skin Prologue, Under My Skin, and Anniversaries Aren’t For Quitters.
More A/N: This is more unbeta’d than usual, so let me know if you notice anything weird. Might meander a bit. Also: based on this year’s California Fire Trauma.