Chapter 3
creator: pfeifferpack
Thousand Kisses Deep 2/6
Chapter 2
Thousand Kisses Deep 1/6
Well, today is my day for posting and I have one short story to tell. My thanks to the fabulous and efficient at all times enigmaticblues for keeping this tradition going. Truly the site is a treasure-house of new fic and visuals about our favorite pair.
I have the first 5 chapters ready to go but there will be a slight delay in posting the final chapter because I didn’t get it to my wonderful Beta until late last night. I expect to post it tonight in my time zone so it will be late in parts of the world but still on my day here. So without further ado:
Title: Thousand Kisses Deep
Author: Pfeifferpack
Medium: Fiction
Rating: R
Summary: Dawn’s wish to Halfrek is quite different from canon and may wind up being the best gift Buffy receives for her birthday, even if it is late in the receiving.
Setting: S6 and begins to go AU at “Older and Far Away” (written by Drew Z. Greenberg). I am using a tiny bit of dialogue from that episode in the beginning of the story before it goes a very different direction. Hints of events in episodes through “Normal Again” and then completely AU. Very tiny bit of dialogue from “Hell’s Bells” by Rebecca Rand Kirshner and “Normal Again” by Diego Gutierrez appear in this story for episode set-up purposes.
Songs From The Cellar 3/3 (and epilogue)
Chapter 3
Songs From The Cellar 2/3
Chapter 2
Songs From The Cellar 1/3
Title: Songs From The Cellar
Author: Pfeifferpack
Medium: Fiction
Rating: G
Summary: Spike has more than a bit of time on his hands there in Buffy’s basement and more poetry in his newly restored soul than poor William ever imagined. Idle minds lead to musings and idle hands can lead to bad poetry.
Setting: S7 Begins between Storyteller and Lies my Parents Told Me
A/N: The conclusions drawn by Spike in this short tale belong solely to him and his tortured soul and are not necessarily shared in whole with the author.
Sonnets are Italian rhyming scheme (ABBA ABBA CDE CDE) a la Barrett-Browning(with far less talent).
Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not belong to me and are being used for amusement purposes only. All rights remain with Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the original writers of the episodes, books and other licensed products connected to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel particularly Twentieth Century Fox, WB, CW, and UPN, all rights reserved. Bits of dialogue from “Potential” by Rebecca Rand Kirsher Continue Reading
A Window On William
Title: A Window On William (the Bloody Awful Poet)
Author: Pfeifferpack
Medium: Poetry
Rating: G
Summary: Poems in varying styles in the voice of souled Spike for seasonal_spuffy spring 2009
A/N: Cinquain poems follow the following rules:
Line 1 – One word (a noun) naming the subject of the verse.
Line 2 – Two words (adjectives) describing the subject.
Line 3 – Three words (verbs) describing the subject’s actions.
Line 4 – Four words giving the writer’s opinion of the subject.
Line 5 – One word (noun) giving another name for the subject.
Tanka is a Japanese poetry type of five lines, the first and third composed of five syllables and the rest of seven. Tanka is the oldest type of poetry in Japan.
Shakespearean sonnet: 14 lines, The usual rhyme scheme is end-rhymed a-b-a-b, c-d-c-d, e-f-e-f, g-g.
Septet, 7 line stanza ABABCCC
Acceptable Substitute
Title: Acceptable Substitute
Author: Pfeifferpack
Medium: fanfic
Rating: PG (keeping it PG with fade to blacks)
Setting: S4 during “Something Blue.”
Summary: What if there were a residual attraction after Willow’s spell? What if that attraction were real? What would a witch do to make it right? Once more, someone else decides what is best for the Slayer.
Law of Diminishing Returns
Title: Law of Diminishing Returns
Author: Pfeifferpack
Medium: fanfic
Rating: PG
Setting: S7 the night before the final battle in “Chosen”
Summary: A bit of angst. Just why might Spike have doubted Buffy’s declaration of love in the cave? Why might he have had reason to be afraid to hunt her down after his return? Just what DID happen that last night? Here be angst.
Title: Primal
Author: Pfeifferpack
Medium: fanfic
Rating: PG
Setting: Post NFA
Summary: Yup, it’s a reunion fic. All the Scoobies have an idea of how it’s going to go, but who really knows Buffy well enough to be certain?
Disclaimer: The characters in this story do not belong to me and are being used for amusement purposes only. All rights remain with Joss Whedon, Mutant Enemy, the original writers of the episodes, books and other licensed products connected to Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Angel, particularly Twentieth Century Fox, WB, CW and UPN, all rights reserved.
Does It Have To Mean Anything?
Title: Does It Have to Mean Anything?
Author: Pfeifferpack
Medium: fanfic
Rating: PG
Setting: S7
Summary: Just before the battle against the First Evil, Buffy decides not to let anything wait too long where her two vampires are concerned. How it could have gone if Buffy had managed to face her biggest danger: her own emotions.
Passo Doble
Well… today is my day and even though it is bloody early I want to post these before sleep and work make it very late on the 13th for everyone to read. I am starting with a simple drabble and have four other short fic’s this time.
First I would like to thank enigmatic_blue for hosting this community, this great resource for those of us never willing to give up on this pair of star crossed lovers. Also thanks to the amazingly creative alwaysjbj for the lovely artwork this season. I can’t wait to read the stories already posted (I always wait till my date is done) and enjoy the art and games as well. Thank you all.
Title: Passo Doble (A drabble set at end of “Fool For Love”)
Medium: Fic
Author: Pfeifferpack
Rating: G
Summary: The Passo Doble is a dance inspired by bullfighting… very intricate and stylized. Bullfights rarely end well for the bull.
Disclaimer: All rights belong to Joss Whedon and ME and their corporate overlords. I derive no compensation from this work as all rights are reserved by them.
Hero’s Reward 12/12
See A/N in Chapter 11 for notes on dialogue from series
Poem at end is Love Sonnet LXXIX by Pablo Neruda (I’d pay to hear JM read his sonnets!)
Chapter 12, Called to Life
Hero’s Reward 11/12
A/N: Although the plot has taken a turn far from canon, I have sought in these last two chapters to touch on the last episodes of Season 6 with an occasional bit of dialogue or “moment”. Those episodes are “Seeing Red” by Steven De Knight, “Villains” by Marti Noxon, “Two to Go” by Douglas Petrie and “Grave” by David Fury
Chapter 11, Setting Red Right
Hero’s Reward 10/12
Chapter 10, Out of Chaos
Hero’s Reward 9/12
A/N: From this point the story veers very off canon. A bit of dialogue comes from “Angel” (BtVS S1) by David Greenwalt
Chapter 9, Nothing Normal
Hero’s Reward 8/12
A/N: Keeping this one PG-13 or R at the highest rating. Only hinting at NC-17 material. Some dialogue from “Hells Bells” by Rebecca Rand Kirshner
Chapter 8, Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed…
Hero’s Reward 7/12
A/N: Some dialogue from “As you Were” by Douglas Petrie. Yes, I did change the location for the confrontation with the Suvolte from a dam to a waste treatment facility.
Chapter 7, As It Could Be
Hero’s Reward 6/12
A/N: Some dialogue from “Older and Far Away” by Drew Z. Greenberg
Chapter 6, Older and Coming Closer
Hero’s Reward 5/12
A/N: Some portions of dialogue from “Dead Things” by Steven S. DeKnight
Chapter 5, Live With Pieces Missing