Title: How Do I Love Thee? Let Me Count the Words
Author: Jen (the delinquent – one more week of classes and then finals, and then I get to all of the seasonal_spuffy reading/viewing reward goodness! *insert*chortle*)
Medium: The ficletiest of ficlets
Rating: G
Setting: post-NFA, on the occasion of an anniversary (because in my world, there would so be anniversaries!)
creator: jen_nsync_landl
Fic: All the Difference
Title: All the Difference
Author: Jen
Medium: Ficlet – 1900 words
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: They all belong to Joss, the others. I just play in their sandbox from time to time. It’s such a lovely sandbox, you know?
Summary: A few extra words here, an altered emphasis there, and it all could have gone so differently.
A/N: readerjane is so much my beta hero. Her comments and suggestions on this piece constitute beta-action above and beyond the course of duty. Neither missing words nor plot holes nor impossible deadlines keep my beta from the swift (and brilliant) completion of her appointed rounds, for which I am endlessly grateful – this fic is for you, Jane. Big thanks as well to the lovely enigmaticblues for keeping this community (and thus, the dream) alive and to the other participants for the daily dose of Spuffy goodness. Can’t wait to catch up here, and thank you for reading!
Fic: In the Living Season
Title: In the Living Season
Author: Jen
Medium: Fic
Rating: R
Disclaimer: They all belong to Joss. I just play here. I receive no payment; Spuffy is my reward. ;)
Summary: 100-word snapshots of love, longing, loss, and hope.
A/N: readerjane is a beta rock star. Seriously. Her comments and suggestions were absolutely invaluable, and all remaining mistakes are mine. Thank you *so much* for all of your help and encouragement! Big thanks as well to the lovely enigmaticblues for her hard work on this community and to the other participants for the daily dose of Spuffy goodness. Can’t wait to catch up here at last, and thank you for reading!
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Fic: Something Borrowed
Hi, I’m Jen, and I’ll be bringing you today’s entertainment. Hope you enjoy!
Title: Something Borrowed
Author: jen_nsync_landl
Summary: This tale takes place a couple of days after the conclusion of “Something Blue.” Let’s pretend that, occasionally, the weird and the wacky happen in Sunnydale on Thursday nights. ;) Someone new comes to town, spells are performed, hijinks ensue. Oh, yeah, and there’s the small matter of a Spuffy re-engagement…
Disclaimer: I am Dorothy, the small and meek. All hail the great and powerful Joss from whom all inspiration flows.
A/N: Without amybnnyc cheering me on, this fic would not have been nearly as fun to write as it was. Her comments and suggestions were invaluable, and all remaining mistakes are mine. Thanks for all of your help and encouragement, sweetheart! Big thanks as well to itmustbetuesday for putting this community together and to the other participants for the daily dose of Spuffy goodness.