So, I was going to make this thing for this round of Seasonal Spuffy, and then I didn’t make it. I started preparations, but a couple of months ago all progress halted because of NO TIME. So, I’ll be aiming for the (hopefully) upcoming Spring round instead.
Anyway, I still wanted to make at least some contribution to the current round, and this is all I could come up with. At least it’s within the theme!
Title: School Hard – Falling Medium: vid Creator: Double Dutchess
In the nick of time, a quickly thrown together School Hard vidlet, inspired by my current Twin Peaks rewatch :-)
UPDATE: I’m editing my post to add a note that I didn’t have the energy for last night when I posted this, after my struggle to (more or less) meet the School Hard weekend deadline.
NOTE: The song is “Falling” by Julee Cruise from the Twin Peaks soundtrack. It sounds both romantic and ominous and creepy. I think those last properties make it very suitable for School Hard, where (let’s be honest) Spike is creepily stalking Buffy. “Are we falling in love?” the song asks. (Yes, it’s a question, not a statement. The “are we” bit is just not very well audible in the lyrics.) The answer as I see it is no, not then and there. Not yet. Certainly not Buffy, although she’s clearly fascinated and intrigued by Spike. Spike, on the other hand, is definitely falling for her, but at this stage it’s lust and obsession he’s falling into, not love. And probably he would have vehemently denied this if he’d been asked at the time. Still, this is where it all starts — the Spuffy seed is being planted.
Ttle: 20 years School Hard icons, banner and wallpaper Creator: Double Dutchess
I haven’t had time to make anything brand new, so I’ve shamelessly reused one of my old Noel of Spike icons from a couple of years ago. Here are three new(ish) icons, plus a banner:
Vid: As Time Goes By (Hello Stranger) Creator: Double Dutchess Setting: Comic seasons 8-11 Rating: other (a couple of sexy images, but nothing explicit) Comics art: Georges Jeanty, Cliff Richards, Megan Levens, Rebekah Isaacs
So, my offering for this round is a vid. Not a regular one, but a comics based one. Technically, it is a slide show, but I tried to turn it into something more than that. And for those of you who haven’t kept up with the comics: yes, when Spike shows up in S8 he has a space ship…
If you’re in one of the 4 countries where the video is blocked, you can also watch it on Vimeo (hopefully it isn’t blocked there).
Happy Seasonal Spuffy everyone! Sorry for my lack of comments so far; I’ve been needing the litle fannish time I’ve had to finish my own contribution. Unsurprisingly, it’s icons: a set showing various Spuffy interactions “under the influence”. (I could think of a few more, but these are all I had time for.) Also, apologies for not posting before twelve in my time zone. But if I’d done that, my contribution would have been about half as small…
Good to see Seasonal Spuffy in full swing! For my posting day, unsurprisingly, I bring icons. This round’s theme made me think of the Aquarius song from Hair (This is the dawning of the age of Aquarius), so I decided to make icons for each zodiac sign.
Each icon comes in two versions: one with, and one without the zodiac symbol. I suspect most people will prefer the latter, as they’re more multi-purpose (and to be honest, some of the symbols don’t have much added value). There are also a few extras.
Creator: Double Dutchess Based on:Twelve Spuffy Icons by monanotlisa Note: This being the third posting day, I took my inspiration from the third day of the first round, 10 years ago. Credits: I used some textures from burnedbreads and colorfilter.
Creator: double_dutchess Form: icons Era: comics season 10
Thanks to all who have made this Seasonal Spuffy such a great event with their wonderful contributions! Here is mine: a set of S10 comics icons. If anyone’s interested in any of them, snag away. (Don’t forget to check out the comic icons made by teragramm as well!)
Original artists: Steve Morris (6/7), Megan Levens (2/16), Rebekah Isaacs (all the rest).