Title: The DeSoto
Author: dampersnspoons
Season/Setting: Season 6/Somewhere between the episodes “Gone” and “Dead Things”
Rating: NC-17 in the highest regard, for language and explicit sex.
Genre: Porn without plot, angst, romance
Beta/Test-readers: The Wonderful aerintine and the fabulous lostboy_lj Thank you for your help! <3
Word Count: 3,240 / complete
Author’s Note: This is my first time posting to seasonal_spuffy after three years in the Buffy fandom! I’m excited, nervous, and thrilled to be a part of it. I had to post as soon as the date changed, I am that anxious. Thank you to the moderators for maintaining this awesome community. I hope you all enjoy my contributions!
First, I bring you pure erotica in a car (with feeling), and then I will be sharing some icons in a separate post. I may have something else fic-wise to post on free-for-all day if I play my cards right.
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