FIC: Never annoy a Pharee

As we all know, Seasonal Spuffy ended yesterday, but because I missed my posting date (note to self: you really do need to wear your glasses while reading emails), the wonderful enigmaticblues, Queen of Seasonal Spuffy universe, has kindly suggested that I post today instead, for which much thanks (and still I only just made it). And for the community. Which remains wonderful.


Title: Never annoy a Pharee
Set: Season 5 – pre “Crush”
Rating: PG, but only because Spike will swear
Comments: Fluffy fluff of the fluffiest order I’m afraid. Life wouldn’t allow anything more challenging.
Apologies: for the unpolishedness. You all deserve better.

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FIC: I, robot. Part 5 – Emotional Recognition

This entry is part 5 of 5 in the series I, robot.

And the final part…

Thanks to itmustbetuesday  for bringing the community to life and holding it all together and keeping the Spuffy dream alive. And thanks to all who read and commented. Feedback makes me ridiculously happy – and if I could arrange a Christmas Spikebot for you all, I would.

And now to read all the other wonderful fic on the site that I’ve been too chicken to read before I posted!

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FIC: I, robot. Part 1 – Fuzzy Logic

This entry is part 1 of 5 in the series I, robot.

OK – here goes with the main fic-of-the-day. The angst didn’t get finished, so I have a little five-part bit of fluff for you that I’ve been playing with whenever I needed to cheer myself up.

Title: I, robot
Author: Cass
Setting: Season 5. Sort of.
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Rating: PG at most for language
Summary: What if things happened a little bit differently…
Author’s Notes: This is basically rooted in S5, but it does… erm… wander a bit. Purely written for the fun of it, so if you want the angst and drama, I’m letting you down this time – sorry!

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Drabble: Buffy Reads a Book.

Hi! I’m Cass and today is my day (OK – only just). I’ve got a little five part story for you, but it’s not quite there yet… So, while I go and brood about it sleep on it until the morning, a little something in the form of a drabble.

Title: Buffy reads a book.
Author: Cass
Setting: Sometime in the future…
Pairing: Spike/Buffy
Rating: Tame as tame can be.

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