What’s a Happy Ending Anyway?

Title: What’s a Happy Ending Anyway?
Author: Avoidingnemo
Beta: A huge thanks to alfonsina_d for her help brainstorming and beta work on this. Without her, I would still be staring at a blank screen.
Summary: Set in early season 6. Spike’s the only that knows Buffy was in heaven. One night on patrol Buffy stops by his crypt. She doesn’t want to talk about her problems and he’s willing to play along.
Disclaimer: Buffy and characters are owned by Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. I’m just playing with them. No money was made from this.
A/N1: A huge thank you to enigmaticblues for all her hard work in hosting another great round.
A/N2: The poem used in this fic is Us Two by A. A. Milne from Now We are Six.
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It’s a Maybe

Author: Avoidingnemo
Rating: PG-13
Beta: Thanks again to the awesome brandywine421 for looking this over for me.
Setting: AU for The Gift
Word Count: 644

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything related to Buffy. The characters belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. I’m just playing with them for my own entertainment. No money is being made off of this and no copyright infringement is intended.

A/N 1: Again a special thanks to enigmaticblues for all her work on this community. This place is a lot of fun.

A/N 2: Some of the dialog from The Gift has been paraphrased or might even be close to word for word. I did it from memory. Those parts certainly belong to Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. I just needed to borrow them for a moment to set up the beginning of my fic. :)

A/N 3: I originally intended for this to be the beginning of a much longer fic, but real life has a nasty way of getting in the way and then if that wasn’t enough I got one of those calls that we all hope never comes. It has left me a little scatterbrained and my muse running and hiding. Anyway, hopefully I will continue with this one day. For now, this is a stand alone piece though.  Continue Reading

Turnabout is Fair Play

Its my posting day. Here is the first of two fics I have for you today. Enjoy!

Author: Avoidingnemo
Rating: R to be on the safe side
Wordcount: 1197
Beta: Thanks to the wonderful brandywine421 for looking this over for me.
Setting: No specific epi in mind, but sometime in season 6. AU

Disclaimer: I don’t own anything related to Buffy. Buffy the Vampire Slayer (the show and its characters) is property of Joss Whedon and Mutant Enemy. I’m not making any money from this and no copyright infringment is intended.

A/N 1: A huge thank you to enigmaticblues for all her hard work on this awesome community.

A/N 2: I only have a handful (if that) of Buffy fics under my belt so be gentle, please.  Continue Reading