Title: Sweet Surrender (gifs)
Creator: Double Dutchess
Form: other art
Era: S3, S5, S6, S7
Rating: possibly not quite safe for work
This is an entry I had planned but didn’t have time for during the last round of Seasonal Spuffy. It’s a gifset I made for my last buffyversebingo prompt, “Surrender”.
Contrasts between Lovers Walk and Potential
Fool for Love re-enactment in Intervention
Buffy stakes Spike mini-movie (a.k.a. Buffy on Top)
Spike loses his shirt mini-movie
Buffy on Top the Sequel
Credits: gifs made using clips from https://hdbuffy.tumblr.com/
Originally posted at https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/721698.html