Spuffy Icons (1/2)

First off, a giant thank you to enigmaticblues  for organizing this unruly puppy of an event…it’s not an easy thing to do and she’s done a fantastic job!

Second, loving the contributions so far!

And thirdly, without further ado, my first icon post of the day:

A preview:

63625_original  64851_original 65973_original

Now I tried to make at least one icon from every Spuffy-centric episode, so that’s how I’m categorizing them for your viewing pleasure (those not here will be a part of the second post):

Something Blue: 1.66088_original

Out of My Mind: 2.65973_original

Crush: 3.63625_original 4.63795_original 5.64623_original

Once More, With Feeling: 6.65738_original 7.67034_original

Tabula Rasa: 8.67116_original

Smashed: 9.66793_original 10.66429_original

Wrecked: 11.67450_original 12.67675_original

Gone: 13.64851_original

As You Were: 14.63075_original 15.63314_original

Sleeper: 16.64011_original 17.64472_original

Never Leave Me: 18.65149_original 19.65527_original

Touched: 20.60422_original

Chosen: 21.59677_original 22.59928_original

1. Please let me know what you take – and any other comments and/or suggestions are always welcome!
2. Please credit “blond_bear” in your user pic keywords.
3. Please don’t hotlink… and I thank you.
4. All images used in the making of the icons are from Screencap Paradise. For info about the brushes and textures, please check out my user profile.
5. And most importantly, enjoy the Spuffy goodness!

Originally posted at http://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/288443.html

