Title: Something Blue mood theme 1.0
Creator: thenewbuzwuzz
Notes: To get the ball rolling, I can share the Dreamwidth mood theme I’m suddenly working on. It’s at the stage where it’s only just functional. I hope to add, like, expansion packs later and maybe upgrade the whole thing to GIFs.
So, if someone wanted to set up the “Mood” option on their Dreamwidth journal/reading page so that it will add a (more or less) matching little “Something Blue” screencap to the post, I believe they could go here, enter a mood theme name such as Something Blue, and enter the below URLs (all sizes are 160 width, 90 height). And then save and use.
12/21/2019: the new and fuller version of the theme is in its own post. Links updated because I re-uploaded everything with better coloring.
angry: https://thenewbuzwuzz.dreamwidth.org/
awake: https://thenewbuzwuzz.dreamwidth.
confused: https://thenewbuzwuzz.
determined: https://thenewbuzwuzz.
devious: https://thenewbuzwuzz.
energetic: https://thenewbuzwuzz.
enthralled: https://thenewbuzwuzz.
happy: https://thenewbuzwuzz.dreamwidth.
indescribable: https://thenewbuzwuzz.
nerdy: https://thenewbuzwuzz.dreamwidth.
okay: https://thenewbuzwuzz.dreamwidth.
sad: https://thenewbuzwuzz.dreamwidth.
scared: https://thenewbuzwuzz.
thoughtful: https://thenewbuzwuzz.
working: https://thenewbuzwuzz.
These are the images that this mood theme shows when I select a related mood on a post (caps by me using the episode video from hdbuffy.tumblr.com).
okay: scared:
sad: thoughtful:
angry: awake:
confused: enthralled:
working/energetic: happy:
indescribable: nerdy:
determined: devious:
Originally posted at https://seasonal-spuffy.dreamwidth.org/908748.html