Fic: Full Circle Part 1

This entry is part 1 of 6 in the series Full Circle

Ack! It’s my day! I”m posting this in parts. Unfortunately, due to technical difficulties, this is the only part to be beta’d. The other parts will come later today. (I’m looking at maybe two more parts.)

Title: Full Circle
Rating: PG for now
Medium: Fanfic
Setting: Early Season 3 and then it goes wildly AU after that

Summary: What would have happened if Buffy met with Spike instead of Lilly in “Anne?” Where would it have taken them?
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Fic: Full Circle – Part 3

This entry is part 3 of 6 in the series Full Circle

Rating: PG
Same Disclaimers
A/N: Thank you everyone for commenting! I’m sad (I think) to announce that this is going much longer than I expected. I had hoped to be able to finish this tonight. Well… we’ll see… I have 3 more hours… right? o.O (Most likely, check my lj for the rest of the story.)

And onto Part 3…

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Full Circle: Part 8 & 9

This entry is part 5 of 6 in the series Full Circle

It’s my posting day! I’m finishing up “Full Circle.” Unfortunately, life happened and while I’m this close (imagine my fingers centimeters apart) to being finished, I’m not quite. *sigh* BUT… here’s a huge update for you, posted at my writing journal, writero. Enjoy!

Title: Full Circle
Rating: R
Medium: Fanfic
Setting: Early Season 3 and then it goes wildly AU after that

Author’s Note: This is most definitely an off cannon piece. I’m going to try to keep the characterization in cannon, but in the end I have to go where Buffy and Spike take me. Many thanks to ladypeyton! I couldn’t do this without you! I’ve reposted everything here – some has been tweaked – but mostly so you don’t have to go fishing for the story. Thanks to louise39 for some typo catches!

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Full Circle: Conclusion

This entry is part 6 of 6 in the series Full Circle

Happy July, everyone! Today’s the free posting day and as promised, the conclusion of “Full Circle” is posted. As always, I’m ever grateful to our fabulous mod enigmaticblues for her continued patience and gracious maintenance of the community. I don’t think I would have ever finished this without the forced deadlines. Thank you! Thank you!

(banner missing)

Title: Full Circle
Rating: NC-17
Medium: Fanfic
Final Wordcount: 49,980
Setting: Early Season 3 and then it goes wildly AU after that

Author’s Note: This is most definitely an off cannon piece. I’m going to try to keep the characterization in cannon, but in the end I have to go where Buffy and Spike take me. Many thanks to ! I couldn’t do this without you! I’ve re-posted everything at – some has been tweaked – but mostly so you don’t have to go fishing for the story. Thanks to for some typo catches! And a huge thank you to for the gorgeous banner. :D

Disclaimers: Spike, Buffy and the Buffyverse are not my creations. They are the glorious brain children of Joss Whedon. Any liberties I take with the characters and the ‘verse are ‘cause he’s indulgent towards his fans. Some of the diner dialogue is directly from the original episode, “Anne.” The general concept of Drusilla leaving Spike for a chaos demon isn’t mine either. That’s from “Fool for Love,” Season 5. I didn’t write or create either! Please don’t say I did.


Also, this is unbeta’d. If you catch some glaring errors (typos, grammatical errors, things like that), please PM me so I can fix them. Thanks!

Click here for the Conclusion