Okay, here’s the deal…
I started this piece a long time ago, long before Learning To Fly took over my life and all my time… when itmustbetuesday announced the fairytale challenge for the comm, I thought about posting it, but never did, because of fear, down and dirty fear… but fear is the mind-killer, the little death that brings total obliteration… (geek here–that’s from Dune)… so I’m posting this on free-for-all day, incomplete with the rest to be posted on my journal–I hope that you enjoy it…. as much as I’ve enjoyed all the wonderful fics, artwork, and icons that have been posted here…
Title: Buffy and the Beast
Pairing: Spike/Buffy, eventually
Rating: PG at the moment; will eventually be NC-17
Disclaimer: The usual–I don’t own them, Joss does, blah-de-blah blah blah…
Author’s note: In this ‘verse, Spike was never paralyzed by Buffy, although they did fight in the church. Drusilla was cured, Angelus did emerge, but Acathla was not found… however, Giles was kidnapped, for reasons yet to be revealed. Continue Reading