Title: Loving You
Creator: Double Dutchess
Setting: S10-11 (comics)
Rating: safe for work
My contribution for this round is a follow-up of my vid “As Time Goes By (Hello Stranger)“, that I made for last year’s Spring round of Seasonal Spuffy. Unlike that one, this one has no story; basically it’s just the Happy Ever After.
Health warning: this is super schmoopy. It is so sugary sweet it will make your teeth fall out. Watch at your own risk!
Direct link: https://youtu.be/wyF36MiAgnI
Credits for the comics artwork go to Rebekah Isaacs, Megan Levens, Georges Jeanty, Steve Morris and Phil Noto. The intro with the birds is from Walt Disney’s Bambi. And the song is Loving You by Minnie Riperton.
PS: I will catch up on reading/commenting on everybody else’s contributions for this round soon, I promise!
Originally posted at: https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/619435.html