Title: Life Serial limerick
Author: thenewbuzwuzz
Era/Season/Setting: s6
Rating: G
Notes: What would a “Fool for Love” anniversary be without any bloody awful poetry? :) To make sure we have at least a little of that, here’s a tiny little limerick (which is also the longest piece of fiction I’ve completed in the last three months, yay!).
She’s a fighter, commander, and doer.
She’s a creature of dark,
and this demon bar
will for sure be the right place to woo her.
ETA: this is, of course, halfway found poetry, so credit to David Fury or Jane Espenson or whoever wrote “You’re not a schoolgirl. You’re not a shop girl. You’re a creature of the darkness. Like me.” – Life Serial
Further note: this post continues in the comments.
Originally posted at https://seasonal-spuffy.livejournal.com/711475.html